The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 430: Fake daughter retired from the circle to farm (12)

   What's more, based on her years of experience in online shopping, new stores are often opened with cheap prices.

  So, Lu You decided to place an order to try.

  She took a copy of each product: half a catty of dried bamboo shoots, half a catty of dried bamboo shoots, and 50 grams of wild bamboo fungus, totaling 128 yuan.

  However, five days have passed since the payment and now, and the seller has still not delivered the goods, so I can't help but wonder.

   "Do you want to cancel the order? Or ask the store first?"

  After thinking about it, she logged into Taomaimai and sent a reminder to the store to urge delivery.

  Xu Yin didn't know yet, she took her parents home, helped her father to lie down on the bed, and when she went to the egg incubator to turn over the eggs, her mother muttered casually:

   "Why are the dried bamboo shoots and dried bamboo shoots here? The mouth of the bag is still sealed... Yinyin, did you seal it?"

  Xu Yin then remembered the online shop that was opened a few days ago.

   "Mom, I'm going to sell it online, so it's vacuum-sealed. I put what I eat at home in the kitchen cupboard."

"Someone buys this too? If you say that someone bought the chicken, I still believe it. After you go home, people come to your father's ward every day, saying they want to order bamboo forest chicken. It's very lively. Here, I put their phone numbers Write it down, you put it away. Contact them when the chickens are out of the cage."

  As soon as this matter was mentioned, Feng Cuiqin was overjoyed and asked eagerly:

   "Yinyin, if there are more people buying chickens, can we raise more chickens? Our family has two hills, and it is estimated that we can raise hundreds or even thousands of chickens."

Xu Yin twitched her mouth: "Mom, you're not called Zhulin Chicken anymore, you're called Zhulin Chicken Farm. Once the number of chickens increases, the bugs and grass seeds in the forest will not be enough for them to eat. Do you have to feed them? In this way, the chickens will grow up. The taste is not so good. People bought it back and tasted it, and thought the taste was not so good, so they would not buy it again. Also, if there are too many chickens, the air environment will also deteriorate. I don’t want the bamboo forest behind our house When the wind blows, what you smell is not the fragrance of bamboo leaves, but the smell of chicken excrement."

Feng Cuiqin was amused by her wrinkled nose and distasteful face: "All right, it's because mom doesn't understand, thinking that if there are more people buying, raising more will not be enough to sell. Since you have thought it all over, then mom won't buy it." Don't worry about it, I'm more relaxed!"

"That's the reason!" Grandpa Xu sat under the eaves and weaved the second high-quality bamboo vessel, which was an exquisite vertical bamboo vase. , Isn’t it very well organized? Go up to the mountain to have a look when you have time, you can hardly recognize the top of our mountain, it’s so beautiful!”

   "Really?" Feng Cuiqin was aroused, "Then I'll go and have a look after washing the clothes."

   "I'm going too!" Xu Weiguo, who was lying on the bed, heard the conversation of the family members outside the house. He couldn't lie still, sat up carefully, and moved to the outside: "Cuiqin, I'll go with you!"

  Feng Cuiqin immediately objected: "You just got out of the hospital, where are you going! Can you climb mountains? Can you walk long distances? I still listen to the doctor and rest at home! If you can't lie down, just walk a few steps inside and outside the house."

   "I can walk!" Xu Weiguo retorted, "On that little mountain road, I didn't know how many times I had to go back and forth in a day. What kind of exercise is it! Walking slowly like this, I won't get tired at all."

   Seeing that his wife couldn't make sense of life and death here, Xu Weiguo turned his head and looked at his daughter desperately:

   "Yinyin, you heard what the doctor said before leaving the hospital. He said that proper activities are needed, and you can't lie down all the time, right? For your father and me, going up the mountain is like taking a walk. I really don't get tired!"

  Xu Yin met her father's longing eyes, thought for a while and said, "Okay, when the sun gets lighter in the evening, I will accompany you up the mountain."

  Xu Weiguo looked at his wife with a small look of embarrassment: "Look! It's still my daughter who understands me."

  Feng Cuiqin rolled her eyes: "I advise you to cherish the life you have now."


   "When you recover from illness, I will settle accounts with you every penny!"


  Watching the interaction between the couple, Xu Yin pursed her lips and smiled, flipped through the eggs to make sure there were no bad guys, and ticked off the record book.

   It will be twenty-one days in two days, and the chicks will be able to hatch.

   Then go back to your room and turn on the computer.

   "Ding Dong."

   "Ding Dong."

   "Ding Dong."


  As soon as I boarded Taomaimai, I heard a series of prompts.

  Clicked to open it, only to find that a buyer took pictures of more than one product in his store, and was urging her to ship it.

  Xu Yin replied: [Sorry, I forgot to log in, I will send it today! ]

  She found a small cardboard box and packed the dried bamboo shoots, dried bamboo shoots, and bamboo fungus that the buyer wanted. Because she was the first customer, and after so many days of delay, she gave the buyer a small package of dried wild chicken fir mushrooms.

  Because of her husband's illness this year, Feng Cuiqin has neither the time nor the mood to go to the mountains to collect chicken fir mushrooms, so she doesn't stock up much, and Xu Yin didn't take photos to upload.

   "Grandpa, our online store is here for business." Before going out, Xu Yin shared the good news with the old man, "I'll go to town and send it out today."

   "Okay, okay!" Grandpa Xu was so happy, "It's good if someone wants it. You ride slowly on the road, don't look like your **** is on fire, fast cars are prone to accidents..."


  Xu Yin rode her beloved small motorcycle, went to the courier station in the town, and sent out the mountain goods. By the way, she asked the courier station if there was a door-to-door pick-up service. If you know that there are more than 20 pieces, you will come to pick them up.

  But with the current order, it will take a long time to save 20 pieces, so the buyer can't wait. She can only work **** herself, and she can deliver the sporadic pieces by herself.

  In order to facilitate loading, Xu Yin passed by a car repair shop and asked the car repairer to install a set of anti-rust metal baskets on her small motorcycle, which were hung on both sides of the back seat and could hold a lot of things.

  If the locomotive had a soul, it would probably cry at this moment: Did I really treat Lao Tzu as a two-wheeled truck?

  After the installation was completed and the payment was made, Xu Yin stepped on the motorcycle, started it, and went home.

  As soon as she entered the door, she heard her father ask, "Yinyin, when will you go up the mountain? I don't think the sun is getting bright anymore."

After lunch at noon, the child's mother dried her clothes and went up the mountain, and then came back and told him that the road up the mountain was paved with non-slip slabs of one color, leading from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain; After the stone pavilion is built, it may be as beautiful as a tourist attraction; he also said that the valley was also beautifully groomed by his daughter, with sprouting grass, gurgling streams, and chicken coops made of bamboo... Hearing that, he wanted to go up and have a look on the spot.

  When I take a nap, I dream of wandering in the bamboo forest.

  No, take a nap together, can't wait to go up the mountain.

  At the beginning when I contracted the two hundred acres of bamboo forest, it can be said that I invested all my family's wealth in it, so I still asked my nephew to borrow the money for this illness and hospitalization.

"I heard from your grandfather that you taught him to weave the fancy bamboo ware and sell it in an online store? Can it really be sold? Then dad will start weaving with you tomorrow, and weave more, and put them up for sale. I hope next year It's time to pay off your cousin's money."

   On the way up the mountain, Xu Weiguo squinted his eyes comfortably against the cool mountain wind, and said to his daughter.

   "Dad, I actually have some money on hand, I can pay my cousin first..."

"That's not necessary, your cousin is not in a hurry." Xu Weiguo waved his hand, "Did you spend a lot of money for the family during this time? Even if your grandpa didn't tell me, your mother and I would have seen it... It’s hard for you, child! We recognized you, but we couldn’t give you anything. Instead, we let you continue to support the family..."

  Xu Yin supported Dad Xu, and comforted him as he walked: "Family, what are you doing so clearly? And I am very happy to be able to help the family."

   Dad Xu’s emotional ups and downs may affect his postoperative recovery, Xu Yin raised her finger and pointed at the bamboo forest: "Look, Dad, the chickens I raised are almost turning into birds!"

   Dad Xu: "..."

  The sad mood suddenly disappeared.

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