The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 436: The Fake Daughter Retires to Farm (18)

"Xiao Ding." He picked up his mobile phone and transferred a sum of money to his assistant, "Ask the person who gave you the tea, where to buy it, and bring it back by weighing a few catties. No matter how expensive it is, buy it. If you don't have enough money, you should put it first. Pay the bill."

  Ding Tao looked at the 100,000 yuan that had just arrived, his eyes were straight...

  Damn it! Isn't it just tea? Why is tea so expensive? Bullying him for his innocence?

  Taking back to Tucao, he still honestly sent a message to the boss of "Zhuxiang Renjia":

  [Boss Boss! I am coming again! This time I want six bottles of chicken fir oil, and I will place an order soon, and I ask the boss to deliver it as soon as possible! ]

  [One more thing, boss, which shop did you buy the tea you gave me to try last time? Can you tell me the link? Grateful! If there is no link, can the boss help me buy it? The price is negotiable! ]

  Xu Yin came back down the mountain, took a shower, and sat down in front of the computer refreshed.

  As soon as I logged in to Taomaimai, I heard a long series of "ding dong".

  She goes backstage to check.

   This is fun to watch, they are all old customers!

  First, it was the buyer from Yanjing, who seemed to be the colleague introduced by the young lady who sent her voice to urge her to deliver the goods last time. They ordered ten bottles of chicken fir oil together.

   There was another order from Qingshi. I ordered six bottles of chicken fir oil in one go, and asked her for the link of wild camellia.

   This is not for sale!

  Because my sister fried it herself.

  She replied.

   Ding Tao was standing guard before Taomaimai. After receiving the message, he replied in seconds:

  [Boss, it’s more convenient if you fry it yourself! I ask you if you can buy it! The price is up to you! It doesn't matter how expensive it is! ]

   After a while, probably because Xu Yin didn't respond for a long time, he sent another message:

  [To tell you the truth, I’m just a little assistant who runs errands. My boss accidentally drank the sample bottle you gave me. I am willing to share this money with you, boss, and I just ask the boss to sell me a piece of tea you roasted yourself... I beg you! ! Beg! ! Beg! ! Woo hoo! ! ]

  Xu Yin finished typing the mailing form, went back to the chat window, and saw this, she burst into laughter.

  One hundred thousand? Looks like a big customer!

[OK! I give you half a catty! However, tea is not our local specialty. I fried it when I was traveling in the tea village. I don’t have a lot of stock. At most, I can only share half a catty with you. You can transfer five thousand to me. ]

  Xu Yin did not open her mouth like a lion.

   This wild camellia is the most in her stock.

   Of course the taste is also very good, otherwise she would not give it away.

   But compared with Gongcha, it is still a bit worse.

   Now, it's worth ten thousand yuan a catty.

  As soon as Ding Tao received the tea, he gave it to the boss in a delirious manner.

   "Brother Fu, the tea you asked for has arrived! The boss said that the tea was roasted while traveling in the tea country, and you can't buy it outside. He only gave me half a catty of it, and it's here."

   "Yes." Fu Hanjin put down the script she was holding in her hand, and took the whole bag of tea.

   "Brother Fu, I will transfer the extra money back to you."

   "No, give me your tea pot."

   "Huh?" Ding Tao pretended to be stupid, "Which tea pot?"

  Fu Hanjin raised his eyes and glanced at him: "Didn't the owner of this store give you a tea pot? Use it for me to pack tea."

   Ding Tao: "..."

  The boss is really sharp-eyed!

When he was unpacking the package just now, he saw that the boss had given him a tea pot. On the front was engraved a poem in praise of tea - "Under the shadow of the cold stone and bamboo in the secluded path, can there be no night in the red robe?" On the back was carved a clump of green bamboo, which was exquisite and beautiful. .

   Before I appreciated it enough, it was ruthlessly confiscated by the boss, huh...

   Then I thought again: A tea pot was exchanged for 95,000 yuan, it seems that I earned it myself?

   Immediately revived with full blood.

   "Brother Fu, do you want tea now? I'll make it for you."


   "Brother Fu, what clothes do you need to bring when you join the group this time, I will pack them for you."


   "Brother Fu,..."

  Fu Hanjin took the tea from the over-enthusiastic little assistant, and took a look at him:

   "You can step down now." Too noisy.


  In that room, Xu Yin felt a little funny. She obviously sold bamboo derivatives, but ended up selling half a catty of tea by mistake.

   But no matter what, Ding Tao, like Lu You, is her big customer, so he gave Ding Tao a tea caddy, after all, asked her to buy half a catty of tea.

  As for Lu You, he didn't think about what to give at first.

   When sorting out the order, I found that Lu You not only placed the order by herself, but also sent a copy to her parents in her hometown.

   Not only the chicken fir oil was taken, but also dried bamboo shoots, dried bamboo shoots, and bamboo fungus.

   It can be said that she also ordered a copy of all the souvenirs that were sold in the shop.

   Seeing her parents' mailing address, Xu Yin was a little surprised—it's next door to Wenpu County, a fellow villager! That must be a discount!

  She wiped the zero and gave Lu You a discount, the total price was 88 yuan cheaper.

  Lu You was overjoyed, and pulled his colleagues to place a wave of advertisements for "Zhuxiang Renjia Souvenir Shop" in various groups.

   Regardless of whether it is useful or not, Xu Yin is very grateful for their help. When sending them goods, each package put a homemade bamboo pen holder in it.

   Didn't realize it, because of this pen holder, she fell off the horse...

[boss! boss! Just say that this store is also opened by your family? ]

   A few days later, Lu You crazily cue Xu Yin.

  After she received the pen holder, she felt that the original bamboo pen holder was generous, beautiful and practical, especially the half-carved and half-painted pattern on the surface of the pen holder, which was very suitable for the occasion.

  Thinking that after the summer vacation, the twins of her cousin’s family will go to elementary school, and I just can’t think of what to give them, so let’s just give each of them a pen holder, and wish them good study and make progress every day...

  So she clicked on the scanning function that comes with Taomaimai, and scanned the pen holder.

   As a result, among the pictures of bamboo pen holders that popped up, there was only one family that was exactly the same—"Country Green Bamboo".

  Lu You clicked in to browse, and found that the decoration style of this store, as well as the background picture and theme picture are so familiar.

   Think about it carefully, hey! Isn't this the page of "Zhuxiang Renjia Souvenir Store"? It is nothing more than the difference between the store name and the uploaded product.

  Even the released products have some kind of connection—bamboo, bamboo shoots, bamboo fungus... Isn’t this really the same company?


  She seems to have seen through some great secret!

   When I was excited, I shouted to Xu Yin.

  Xu Yin didn't know that she had lost her vest.

   Taking advantage of the good weather these few days, she went up the mountain with Xu Ma to paint the bamboo house with an environmentally friendly paint.

   Waiting for the bamboo house to ventilate and dry, the tea tasting platform is also built and painted.

   "It's really good!" Seeing the finished product, Feng Cuiqin boasted sincerely, "Your grandfather must like it after seeing it. Maybe in the future, this will become his base camp for weaving bamboo strips."

   "That's not bad." Xu Yin said with a smile, "It's quiet here, and you can hear the sound of birdsong. Working in such an environment can't be more comfortable."

   "Isn't it? The bamboo house you built is so beautiful! With such a platform, people want to move their home up the mountain."

   "In winter, you can come here for a few days and soak in the hot springs."

   "Thinking about it this way, I am looking forward to the arrival of winter soon..."

  Feng Cuiqin was chatting with her daughter, and for some reason, her eyes suddenly became hot.

"Yinyin, have you ever blamed me and your dad? As parents, we didn't fulfill our responsibilities as parents. On the contrary, we made you work so hard. Since you came home, this family is getting better every day, but you are too It's been hard work, running around, busy with this and that, I haven't been free all day, my heart hurts when I see it..."

   Speaking of the latter, Feng Cuiqin couldn't help covering her face and began to cry.

  Xu Yin put down the tools in her hands, wiped her hands, poured her a cup of herbal tea, and comforted her:

"Mom, I don't feel bitter. On the contrary, I like it very much. I like our house and the bamboo forest behind the house. I didn't have a chance to have a piece of my own hill before. Besides, if I feel bitter, I can do it." Don’t do these things, just because you like it!”

  Cultivating the fields freely, can survive the fate of cannon fodder, what reason does she not like?

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