The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 445: The Fake Daughter Retires to Farm (27)

  Xu Yin saw that her mother often got up early in the morning and took a fish basket to go out. She didn't eat the fish and shrimps she caught, but kept them in the water tank, saying that she would save them and entertain the tenants when the time came.

  Can't help but help the forehead: "Mom, I don't know whether people like to eat fish and shrimp, whether they can eat it, or whether they will be allergic to it, so you are ready?"

   "Huh? Are you allergic to fish and shrimp?" Feng Cuiqin was taken aback, "Then what should I do?"

   "Cold salad! Let's eat it by ourselves! You can cook it tonight."

  Mother Xu: "..."

  Honestly speaking, are you hungry and want to eat?

  Feng Cuiqin looked at her daughter suspiciously several times.

  Xu Yin: "Hey, celebrities have a lot of taboos. It is possible that the only vegetables he can eat are the vegetables grown in our backyard."


  Mother Xu said to herself: Why do I not believe it so much!

   "Of course, I was also a star before, wouldn't I know?"

   "Are you really a star?"


  Co-authored her mother never believed it?

   Forget it, that's not the point.

  The key point is: "Mom, don't be so busy. If he can eat and likes to eat, he will have time to catch it after he comes. I have fish and shrimp's favorite bait. Keep it safe and catch one."

  Feng Cuiqin didn't get up again and went to the lower reaches of the creek to release the baskets.

  On this day, a pure black nanny car drove slowly to Qingzhu Village.

  When I reached the intersection mentioned by Ding Tao, I couldn’t get in.

  Lu Chao got out of the car and walked around to the trunk, took out a large suitcase, and asked again worriedly: "Old Fu, do you really need me to stay with you for a few days?"

"No need." Fu Hanjin reached out to take the suitcase, and walked along the rose fence that the little assistant had repeatedly praised to the foot of the green bamboo mountain, "Go back. People in the company can't see you, so they won't guess that I'm not in the city ?”

  Lu Chao sighed: "Then wait until I check in with you before leaving."

   "Don't, the car parked here is too conspicuous, someone should come over in a while."


  This is not good for a small place. If you come to a slightly more luxurious private car, it will easily attract crowds.

   Afraid of attracting the attention of the villagers and causing unnecessary trouble, Lu Chao had no choice but to get in the car and leave.

  Watching Fu Hanjin push the suitcase alone, walking on the lonely mountain path, the thin figure looked a little pitiful.


   Lu Chao sighed in his heart: I hope this time he can really come out... If it doesn't work, he can only be escorted to see a psychiatrist.

   "Wow woof—"

  When approaching the gate of Xu's house, Fu Hanjin saw a little yellow soil dog, with its front legs pawing at the somewhat high threshold of the courtyard gate of Xu's house, with its upper body upright, barking inward.

  About hearing the sound of the wheels of the suitcase, the little guy pricked up his ears and looked at him keenly, his dog eyes were wet.


   "Here, come, don't rush, Xiao Huang."

  Xu Yin went to the town to send a courier today, and bought some meat and vegetables by the way.

  The little yellow dog of the village chief’s house saw a big stick bone hanging from the handle of her motorcycle, and followed her all the way to her house, smelling the smell of meat, and refused to leave no matter what.

  Simply wait for the big bone soup to boil, then cool down a bowl of big bone soup and mix it with a bowl of rice, then take half of the big bone and put it on the rice.

   "Here, go home after eating!"

  Xu Yin put down the dog bowl and saw Fu Hanjin when she got up.

  He stood against the light outside the gate of her house.

  White shirt, black trousers, simple attire, but has the aura of walking on the red carpet.

   And behind him, is the sunset broken by the clouds...

  Xu Yin was in a trance for a moment, as if seeing him in the past few small worlds.

  Fu Hanjin took off her sunglasses and raised her eyebrows at Xu Yin: "Boss Xu?"

   "Ah? I am! Mr. Fu? Please come in!"

  Xu Yin came back to her senses, hurriedly welcomed him in, and gently kicked the dog bowl to the side: "Xiao Huang, can I order some food next to me? Get out of the way."

  Xiao Huang whined twice, the dog's face was buried in the basin, and he didn't even lift it, and followed the dog basin a few steps.

  Looking at this scene, for some reason, Fu Hanjin wanted to laugh inexplicably.

  The threshold at the gate of her house was a bit high, so Xu Yin stepped forward to take the suitcase, and helped carry it in. She didn't put it down when she entered the yard, and carried it directly to the eaves.

  Fu Hanjin raised his eyebrows. His suitcase was not only packed with change and laundry, but also stuffed with several large books, a stack of script materials and a laptop computer, which was quite heavy.

  Grandpa Xu and Dad Xu are not at home today.

On the first anniversary of the death of an elder from the same clan in the next town, Dad Xu went with Grandpa Xu when he was running Xiaoxiang. Normally, he should come back after lunch. Maybe it was because he was kept by the enthusiastic old relatives and had to have dinner. return.

  The mother and daughter were left at home, and Feng Cuiqin was cooking dinner in the kitchen.

   "Mom! The guests from the bamboo house are here!"

  As soon as the "60,000 yuan" guest came, Feng Cuiqin greeted her with a spatula:

   "Guests coming? Ouch!"

   It's really an actor she knows!

  Who has acted in which drama?

  Feng Cuiqin couldn't remember for a while, but it didn't prevent her from greeting warmly:

   "It's Mr. Fu, isn't it? Sit down, the house is small, please don't dislike it. Yinyin, bring Mr. Fu a basin of washing water, I'm still stewing vegetables in the pot, and I can cook in a while..."

  Mother Xu was thinking about the dishes in the pot, and hurriedly returned to the kitchen after greeting her.

  Xu Yin waited for her mother to leave, and brought Fu Hanjin to the well in the backyard: "I'll press the water for you, and you wash your face?"


  Fu Hanjin squatted down by the well, and looked at this farmhouse at the foot of Zhushan.

  The area of ​​the backyard is neither big nor small, about half an acre, surrounded by a bamboo fence as tall as a person.

  The fence is not wasted, and vegetables that need climbing vines such as lentils, gourds, and loofahs are planted.

  Autumn lentils are still in flowering period, very beautiful.

   There is a cobblestone walkway leading to the back mountain in the middle, and a well-planned vegetable field on each side.

  After autumn, more and more vegetables and fruits are ripening, and the dishes are dazzling.

  Hearing the sound of water being pressed, Fu Hanjin looked away and landed on Xu Yin's hand.

  The white bare hands did not leave traces of labor.

  But whether it’s feeding the dog rice, helping him carry his luggage, or pressing the water at this moment, it’s not like the first time he’s doing rough work, so it’s obvious that he’s not someone who just sits and waits to eat.

  Can't help but wonder: How did she adapt to the transformation of her identity from a big star from a rich lady to a peasant girl in a remote mountain village?

  After applying the cool well water to his face, Fu Hanjin felt that the meridians all over his body were washed by the clear spring water, and the fatigue after a long day's journey was swept away, and he felt much more comfortable.

   After receiving the brand-new face towel handed over by Xu Yin, Fu Hanjin thanked her, and then said, "The quality of your well water is good."

   "Of course!" Xu Yin waited for him to wash his face, and then led him back to the house, "The groundwater dug here is of the same origin as the mountain spring water. Can the water quality be poor?"

   "That's true." He chuckled in a low voice.

   "Hey, here, I won't call you Fu Yingdi! Don't worry, no one knows your identity except my parents and grandpa. My family is tight-lipped and won't tell anyone."

  In order not to lose the 60,000 yuan they got, the Xu family’s mouth must be harder than a clam shell.

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