The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 473: Fake daughter retired from the circle to farm (55)

I go! The excitement was so great that she was still in a daze.

  Guo Xiaochen returned from being stunned, and did not forget to secretly take a photo of Zhang Xu Yin bowing her head and signing the contract, and sent it to the fans of Actor Fu to show off:

  [You can never imagine where I am! I'm at Mrs. Han's house! Mrs. Han is actually my father's business partner! I didn't know until today! My dad asked her to buy a batch of golden clematis before and made a lot of money. This time, he came to sign a long-term supply contract with her! Ahhh! I'm so excited! My dad's clients, do they count as my clients? ]

   There is a row of envious and jealous emojis at the bottom.

  Guo Xiaochen is satisfied.

  After Xu Yin signed the contract with Boss Guo, she cautiously walked up to Xu Yin's side, and softly called out, "Sister Han."

  Xu Yin was shocked: "You..."

   "Hey, I'm a fan of Brother Han."


   Could it be that his fans are all over the country? Can you even find one in such a small mountain village?

   "Sister-in-law Han, is there the bamboo mountain that my dad said is interplanted with medicinal materials? Can I go up and have a look?"


  Xu Yin led her up the mountain from the stone path behind the house, strolled around the hot spring bamboo house on the mountainside, and went to the valley to see the few remaining bamboo chickens, and caught two as a gift for her to taste at home.

  Guo Xiaochen took a stroll and took several selfies when he saw the hot air on the hot spring pool, which looked like a misty fairyland.

   Then head to the summit.

   "Are you tired? Do you want to take a break?"

"Not tired!"

   In fact, I was too tired.

   But in order to make a good impression in front of his idol girlfriend, Guo Xiaochen gritted his teeth and persisted, climbing the entire distance.

   Coming out of Qingzhu Village, Guo Xiaochen lay on the back seat, groaning with exhaustion: "Climbing the mountain is so tiring! I even climbed two..."

   Boss Guo looked at her useless look, hating iron for being weak: "Look at Boss Xu, who is not much older than you, and already has his own business. You still feel tired after climbing a mountain."

  Guo Xiaochen curled her lips, too lazy to argue with her father.

   But having said that, Mrs. Han's family is still rich, not as poor as the Internet says.

I heard from Comrade Guo that Sister-in-law Han planted three kinds of medicinal materials on the bamboo mountain. Except for golden clematis, the profits of the other two are also very high, and sister-in-law Han seems to be very good at growing medicinal materials. Clematis is just as good, so she will earn several million gross profits just for this bamboo forest.

"Last time I came, Boss Xu's grandfather was weaving a set of bamboo screens for the Four Gentlemen of Plum, Orchid, Bamboo and Chrysanthemum. I reckon that this whole set will sell for 50,000 to 60,000 yuan." Boss Guo told his daughter about the Xu family's men Bamboo weaving skills, "Boss Xu's father is also a master of bamboo weaving. He can easily earn 30,000 to 50,000 yuan a month for a bamboo weaving painting. So people still have to have a good craft."

   "So, Xu...the boss's house is not bad?" Guo Xiaochen was thoughtful.

Boss Guo: "It's not bad. Wait two years and you'll see, it's even richer than ours. And what I admire the most about Boss Xu is not that she can do business, but that she can drive people around her to become rich together. Qingzhu Village used to be richer than ours. Poor, a poor village on the Wenpu list. Now it is said that I have opened an online store with Mr. Xu. This year’s Chinese New Year, the money distributed to each family is several times higher than before. You, don’t patronize star chasing For those things that don't make sense, come to Boss Xu to learn how she does things when you have time..."

  Guo Xiaochen stuck out her tongue at her father, and said to her heart: I am nowhere to be seen, not even knowing where my idol’s girlfriend lives and what she does for a living, and you asked me to learn from her!

  Anyway, after that, Guo Xiaochen saw someone popping up in the group complaining that Xu Zhiyin was not good enough for Brother Han, didn't have her own career, etc., so she rushed up to him.

   After coming and going, Fu Hanjin's fans all know that Xu Zhiyin's biological parents' family is not poor, they sell bamboo weaving, mountain products, bamboo forest chicken...the business is good.

   What's more, bamboo weaving technology is still an intangible cultural heritage, and Xu Zhiyin also led the whole village to become rich together, which is enough to shut up the black fans.

  Xu Zhiyin didn’t grow old after retiring from the industry. She has her own business, and the quality of the medicinal materials she grows is better than 99.99% of the local similar medicinal materials.

   It's true that she quit the entertainment industry, but there is a legend about her in the local medicine circle.

  Xu Yin didn't care about such and such rumors on the Internet. Anyway, she quit the circle and didn't rely on heat to eat, and heat couldn't feed her.

  She relies on the bamboo mountain behind her house, and that is the country she needs to take care of.

  There are also those bamboo mountains contracted by Fu Hanjin. Since she has the full power to take care of them, she will not be polite.

   Xu's father and Xu mother insisted on refusing to take the last payment of clematis, so Xu Yin simply took it out and used it to buy various medicinal seeds suitable for interplanting in bamboo forests.

  She has the soil of Taoyuan Star and the spring water of Lingxuzong Mountain, so she is not afraid that the seeds will not survive.

  In addition to the original three, this year added a batch of Dendrobium officinale seeds, intending to interplant Dendrobium officinale in the bamboo forest imitating the wild environment.

  The growth cycle of Dendrobium officinale is longer than that of Polygonatum and Clover. It takes at least three years from sowing to harvesting.

  Xu Yin was not in a hurry, she took her cousin to plant slowly.

  After Fu Hanjin's new drama was finished, he didn't receive any other announcements for the time being, leaving his agent and assistants to stay at his residence, posing occasionally to attract the paparazzi, and drove to Wenpu County by himself.

   This time he was smart and bought a Phaeton with a conservative and low-key appearance.

  The villagers have never seen it before, and they recognize the brand of Dazhong, which is often seen in Qingshan Town, so they don’t come to watch it curiously.

  Fu Hanjin parked the car in the open space in front of the village committee, pushed the suitcase, and came to his girlfriend's house.

  Compared with the first time, the mood this time is completely different, full of joy and joy.

  Xu Yin was happy to see him.

   This guy said on the phone yesterday that it would be a few more days. He co-authored it to surprise her?

   "Aren't you afraid that I'm not at home if I have something to do?"

   "That's okay, isn't the bamboo house reserved for me?"

   It is true.

  Xu Yin helped to take the suitcase.

  He dragged three suitcases this time, but there was still only one that belonged to him.

  The other two were gifts for the Xu family.

   "This is all for you." He handed the milky white suitcase to Xu Yin, "Leave it in your room."

  In another black suitcase, there are smoking pipes and purple sand pots for Grandpa Xu, for Dad Xu, and a can of premium tea per person, and bird’s nest, silk scarves, and skin care products for Mama Xu.

  Xu Yin glanced at him with a smile: "Did you come to meet the parents?"


  He felt it was time.

  He came prepared, but the Xu family was taken aback except for Xu Yin.

What? Is Yinyin in a relationship?

  The target is Mr. Fu who spent 60,000 yuan in the hot spring bamboo house last year?

  When did these two get together? Not at all.

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