The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 479: The cannon fodder cousin of the hero of the imperial examination (1)

   "Girl, Master Biao has sent someone to pick you up."

  The eldest maid Ziyao opened the door curtain and came in with a smile on her face to announce.

  Xu Yin lazily turned over on the mahogany soft couch, turned her back to Ziyao and said "uh": "Why didn't my cousin come by himself?"

   "Master Biao... Maybe he was delayed by something."

Xu Yin yawned: "Let the person who comes to pick you up go back. I want to mourn for my parents for three years, so I won't go to my aunt's house. In these three years, whoever picks me up, I won't go to Fengcheng .”

   Zi Yao was taken aback for a moment: "Girl, this..."

   Surprised in my heart.

  Before going back to sleep, that's not what he said.

  The girl woke up earlier than any other day in the past. She packed her clothes by herself. After she was done, she ordered a group of maids to check whether the luggage was packed properly, and she was waiting for someone from the Sun family in Fengcheng to pick it up. Now why...

   "I'm tired, so you just do as I tell you." Xu Yin turned her head and glanced at the servant girl condensedly, "Or is it that I can't command you anymore?"

   "Damn the maidservant!" Zi Yao's heart trembled, she no longer hesitated, and went out to dismiss the person sent by the Sun family to pick up the young lady.

   Having said that, the Sun family really treats themselves as a dish.

   He said it nicely, worried that after the master and wife left, the girl would be alone and helpless, and wanted to pick her up to live with her aunt's house, so she sent someone to send several letters of persuasion.

  But the girl really agreed, and she didn't come to pick her up in person. Isn't that a slap in the face of the girl? No wonder the girl is unhappy, she is playing with her temper and doesn't want to leave.

   Ziyao muttered all the way, came to the front yard, and went to the old housekeeper to convey the girl's meaning.

The old butler is an old man from the Xu residence. He used to be an errand boy next to the old man. Seeing that he was smart and thoughtful, the old man promoted him to be the manager of the courtyard. After a few years, he was promoted to be the butler. Is loyal.

  The old housekeeper didn't want the girl to leave home to join Aunt Lao Shizi.

   Talk about being a real aunt, but the master was married at the beginning. If he hadn't helped the old man find the lost poodle, so he fell in love with the old man, the old man would not have recruited him as his grandson-in-law.

  Don't look at it as a son-in-law, there are so many down-and-out young people in the entire city of Los Angeles who are willing to go to Xu's house.

  After the master and wife passed away in a dangerous situation, the only daughter, the girl, also became a favorite in the eyes of these people. God knows if the Sun family in Fengcheng also has this idea.

  If Xu Yin knew the mental activity of the old housekeeper, she would definitely applaud him.

   Guessed so right!

  Fengcheng Sun's family, Yuanshen's aunt's husband's family, isn't planning for the Wanguan family wealth inherited by Yuanshen.

  In the original text, Yuanshen followed the person sent by her cousin Sun Zhiqian to pick her up, and went to Sun's house in Fengcheng.

  The Sun family is not a big family, so they live a little better than the poor people who plan food in the fields, but if they want to support a scholar's scientific examination, they seem to be more or less struggling.

  Yuan himself took out money to supplement his aunt's family.

  Mother-in-law would always say a few polite words to her: "Auntie remembers, when your cousin wins the exam and life is easier, I will pay you back."

   Or give her some sweetness in words: "When your cousin is in high school, he must let him carry a big sedan chair to welcome you through the door."

   In this way, Yuanshen took out money from time to time to supplement his aunt and cousin.

  If it’s just the cost of exams, paper, pen and ink, it’s okay. The key is that Sun Zhiqian has a lot of friends, and he has to go out to socialize every few days.

  A handsome man of seven feet, how can he not bring some money when he goes out to socialize?

  The aunt waved a feather duster and chased her son to scold him for being a prodigal. Seeing his cousin being hit by the feather duster a few times, Yuanshen felt very distressed.

  After the aunt returned to the room, she quietly went to visit him in her cousin's room, slipped a few bank notes to him by the way, and asked him not to tell the aunt.

  Sun Zhiqian was so touched that he couldn't be more moved. He held Yuanshen's hand and vowed that he would definitely come back with the number one in the exam, and then he would marry her with eight palanquins.

  Yuan was so sweet in his heart, looking forward to the arrival of this day.

   Secretly stuffing silver bills to my cousin, once, there will be a second, third time...

   During the three years of Sun Zhiqian's scientific examination, she gave away thousands of taels back and forth, and prepared gifts for her uncle, aunt and cousin during the holidays.

  She touched the embroidered shoes made by her aunt, and the rouge and hairpins that her cousin bought for her in a frugal way. The gifts back to them must be of great value.

  Three years later, she was finally looking forward to the good news of her cousin's high school champion, and she was overjoyed. However, what followed was an imperial decree that her cousin was bestowed a marriage by the emperor, honoring the princess and becoming a son-in-law.

  The Sun family was beaming.

   Also, from a relatively well-to-do small family, stepping into the ranks of the official family reborn, anyone will be beaming.

  The original body was deeply hit, devastated, and fell ill.

  My aunt thought she was unlucky, and on such a happy day, there was such a sick child, so she sent her mother-in-law to send her to the new Zhuangzi of the Sun family to recuperate.

   Yuanshen was even more depressed, went out to relax and heard Zhuangzi mention her when chatting with others:

"Her? I heard from the mother-in-law in the mansion that she is the niece of the mistress. Her parents passed away in an accident three years ago. The mistress took pity on her and took her to take care of her. Such a good aunt is rare, so we can see The mistress is a great kind person."

   "That's right! If it wasn't for the master and son winning three yuan, the master's family would be under a lot of pressure."

   "Who says it's not! It takes a lot of money to raise a child, let alone a big girl waiting to be married, no matter how much you marry in the future, you have to prepare a dowry..."

  After listening to these words, Yuanchen felt as if he had been struck by lightning.

  She obviously came with money and bills.

  In the past three years, I have subsidized a lot of money to my aunt and cousin in various ways. How did I fall into the eyes of outsiders and become a freelancer?

  The sky did not know when it was raining, and she walked in a daze, getting wet all over.

  There was no resident doctor in Zhuangzi, and he was not able to seek medical treatment in time, which caused him to contract a cold, stayed in bed for a month, and died of illness.

  At that time, the Sun family was decorating with lanterns and festoons, and there were a lot of guests.

  Grandmother received a message from Zhuangzi's steward. She was worried that the funeral would collide with the happy event, which would be unlucky, so she ordered the steward to preside over the funeral, without even telling her son.

   On the contrary, the property left by the original body, including the Xu family's Qijin mansion in Los Angeles, was quite positive.

  Sun Zhiqian didn't learn of his cousin's death until half a month after his wedding, so he went to ask his mother why she didn't tell him, so he couldn't even send his cousin for a ride.

Grandmother wiped her tears and cried: "Don't I want you to send Yinyin off? She is my niece, don't you feel sorry for me? But you were having a wedding with the princess at that time, how dare I tell you. In case you are impulsive, leave the princess and the guests, and run to see Yinyin off, thus angering the princess, and if the emperor finds out, how can we beheaded our whole family!"

  Sun Zhiqian calmed down and thought about it carefully. This is indeed the truth.

   But he is also affectionate towards his cousin.

  Originally planned to win over the princess after marriage, and after appeasing her, he proposed to take the cousin as a concubine. Apart from not being able to give his cousin the title of wife, he will try his best to satisfy her in other respects.

  The Kosians have gone...

  Sun Zhiqian sat alone in the study and sighed for a while, recalling all the kindness his cousin had treated him, and wrote a poem in honor of his cousin with tears in his eyes.

  Afterwards, he started his path of being a hero who argued wisely with his courtiers, helped the emperor regain power, and finally made his way to the top...

  After receiving the plot, Xu Yin wiped her face deeply.

   Needless to say, she turned into a cannon fodder again!

   This time, what I’m wearing is still a scientific (pretend) (forced) article from the male protagonist’s perspective.

  The original body was the hero's money bag in the early days, but it only existed in the hero's memory later.

  A memorial poem, a few sighs, and a few worthless tears, in exchange for the Wanguan family fortune left by her Xu family.

  Xu Yin: Go to his cousin's house! Wouldn't it be nice to have this million-dollar family wealth, buy farms and hills, hire a group of thugs and bodyguards, and be a carefree farmer?

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