The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 484: The cannon fodder cousin of the hero of the imperial examination (6) (fourth watch,

  Chapter 484 The Cannon Fodder Cousin of the Hero of the Imperial Examination (6)

  Xu Yinruo knew what grandma was thinking at the moment, so she would definitely give her three words: I want to fart.

  She arrived at the ethnic mountain outside the city smoothly all the way.

When we reached the foot of the mountain, the sun was slanting to the west, and the tea mountain had to climb two mountains to reach it. It would be too late to prepare dinner after arriving, so Xu Kui came to ask the girl for advice. The long family stays overnight.

  Xu Yin had no objection, and asked casually: "Is this village also called Xujia Village?"

"Yes girl." Xu Kui said, "Some of the residents in this village have ancestors who have a little relationship with the Xu family, and some have received the favor of the old man and are willing to help the Xu family guard the sacrifice fields and family mountains. The old man paid for the repair. The ancestral hall and the roads for carriages and horses were expanded, and they were grateful to the old man, so they named the village Xujia Village."

   "I see." Xu Yin said clearly.

   Xu from Xujia Village is Xu from the old man.

  Xu Kui went for a while and then came back.

   Along with him was the village head of Xujia Village.

   "Meet the girl!"

  The village head is considered to be a member of the Xu family, but he is separated by several rooms.

  Before, when the original parents were buried, besides the old housekeeper and his son, he contributed the most.

  It's just that since the original body received the bad news, he has been immersed in the pain of the death of his parents, and he didn't pay attention to the sacrifices made by these people.

   Instead, the Sun family in Fengcheng wrote a letter to her, written by Sun Zhiqian, who comforted her with eloquence, and was moved to tears, feeling that her aunt was a good person, and wholeheartedly leaned towards the Sun family.

Xu Yin let out a sigh in her heart, and solemnly thanked the village chief: "The day my parents were buried, I was thanks to the village chief and all the uncles for their help. From now on, if you encounter any difficulties, please come to me. I will definitely help you." help."

  The village head replied with a simple and honest smile: "Miss, you are serious! When the master and wife were alive, they treated us well. Not to mention that the old master still has kindness to us. It is just a effort, and the girl does not need to take it to heart."

  Xu Yin thought to herself: The village chief is a good person. If there is any work in the future, he can announce it.

   To clean up the chai mountain and plant spices, a lot of helpers are needed.

  Thinking about this, on the way to the village head's house to stay overnight, Xu Yin simply informed the village head in advance.

   "You mean, you want to grow spices yourself? Can we grow spices here too?" The village chief was amazed.

  He knew that the Xu family had always been in the spice business, but the spices sold by the Xu family were said to have been shipped from far away, and some were said to have been floating on the sea for several months.

   Now listening to the girl, you can grow it yourself, is it true? Then why didn't the previous heads of the Xu family grow their own?

Xu Yin heard the suspicion in his tone, and smiled lightly: "I seldom handled the family business before, but I was somewhat interested in spice planting. When my parents were still alive, I mentioned it to them, and they promised to wait for Xiangcheng to come back. , I will accompany me to live in Chashan for a while, and plan the spice planting area, but I didn’t expect..."

  The village head heard the words and sighed: "Unfortunate things happen!"

  Since this is the case, he should fully support the girl's proposal.

"Girl, don't worry, just order what you need us to do. Our village doesn't have much land, and the main task is to guard the sacrificial fields and clan mountains. It's slack season recently, and everyone has nothing to do. If you need help, girl, just ask. "

   "I really need manpower." Xu Yin was not polite to the village chief, "I want to clear out the chai mountain near Chashan to grow spices, please help me hire some people, and the wages are comparable to the day laborers in the city."

Seeing the village chief waving his hand to refuse, Xu Yin continued: "Listen to me, from now on I need to hire people all the time, not just for a day or two. I am grateful that everyone is willing to help me, The wages must be paid, otherwise I will let Xu Kui go to the city to hire part-time labor."

  Xu Yin's move has been used in every small world, and it can be called invincible.

  No, the village head responded with a smile: "Then I thank you **** behalf of everyone."

Xu Yin said again: "How many people to hire and who to hire is up to you to decide. My request is to clean up the Chaishan, but it is best for everyone to gather together and clean up by piece. First clear out one piece, and I can clean it up." Start trial planting, so as not to delay the planting time."

  The village chief responded repeatedly.

  Stayed overnight at the village chief's house, and had nothing to say all night.

  The next day, Xu Kui fostered the horses at the village chief's house, and was going to call someone to find the spare sedan chair left in the village and carry the girl over the mountain.

  Xu Yin waved her hands when she heard this: "There is no need to use a sedan chair. I will change into a pair of light shoes and go by myself."

  Thinking about the life when she was fleeing famine, she pushed the scooter and walked for ten days and half a month. It was just two mountains, how rare was it to live with her?

   What's more, she also has [Xiaoyao insoles], no matter how far she walks, her feet will not hurt.

  The main reason is that she wants to inspect the mountains here to see what kind of spices are suitable for growing.

The existing plan in Xu Yin's heart is to plant a circle of woody spices along the foot of the mountain, such as sandalwood, osmanthus, and clove; the mountain is divided into several areas, and they are respectively planted with rosemary, lavender, rose, Jasmine, bergamot, vetiver, etc.

  She has all kinds of flowers, and it depends on whether she can grow them successfully.

   And set aside a boutique cultivation area on the top of the mountain, she plans to try a few unknown flowers with strong fragrance and special fragrance collected from the hundred gardens in Xiuzhen Small World.

  As for the indispensable agarwood and musk in the ancient spice market, in addition to sending people to various places to buy them, there are quite a few in her system warehouse, most of which come from Taoyuan Star.

  Thinking about it now, Taoyuan Xing is really a good place to make a fortune—the soil like loam, the countless medicinal materials in the insect forest, and the seafood that no one cares about...

  Including agarwood and musk, they are all obtained from Taoyuanxing.

   With such a calculation, it is not very difficult for her to take over the spice industry of the Xu family, at least there is no need to worry too much about the supply of goods.

  She has all the heavy spices.

   At worst, the suppliers and sellers will come by herself.

  The spices in the left pocket, poured into the right pocket, and then pour money out of the right pocket?

   Cough, is this not so good? It made her a disgrace.

   "Girl? Girl?"

   "Huh?" Xu Yin recovered.

  Zi Yuan called her softly: "Miss, are you tired? Do you want to take a break?"

   There is a stone pavilion halfway up the mountain. Like the mountain path paved with bluestone steps, it was built by the old man at that time, including the fruit trees on this mountain, which were also planted by the old man in Xujia Village.

  Xu Yin sat down in Shiting to rest her feet.

  By the condescending view of the pavilion, you can overlook the fruit trees planted below.

   "Are they all peach trees?"

"The other half grows pears." The village chief who accompanied him explained, "The old man said that only peach blossoms and pear blossoms are the most beautiful when they are in full bloom, so we planted these two kinds of fruit trees. The girl should have tasted the peaches and pears produced here. .”

  They send them to Xu Mansion every year, and they always pick the biggest and best-looking ones.

  The rest will be distributed to each family according to the old man's instructions, and the rest will be sold in the market. The money from the sale will be used to repair the ancestral hall and expand the school.

  Xu Yin has heard a lot about the old man's deeds, and feels that the old man is the one who really understands life.

  (end of this chapter)

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