The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 510: The cannon fodder cousin of the hero of the imperial examination (32)

  Chapter 510 The Cannon Fodder Cousin of the Hero of the Imperial Examination (32)

   With such a capable and diligent person like Xu Kui helping her do things, Xu Yin really felt a lot easier.

  If it weren't for the government's monthly salary increase, she would have wanted to raise it to one hundred taels directly, and one person could be used as three people, why not give him three times the salary?

  Later, Xu Yin thought about it, and it didn't matter if he could only raise twice the monthly money at most at a time, and the rest would be his shareholding.

  She intends to make Xu's Fragrance Industry into a group company. Apart from her, Xu Kui is the first executive to buy shares.

  Take the time to sort out the projects currently operated by Xu, and found that in addition to the Qizhen Pavilion in the capital and the ordinary spice business, in just two years, the group business has expanded to three more, namely fragrance, wine, and greenhouse vegetables.

  …emmm, the last item feels a bit messy.

   It has nothing to do with the system tasks she wants to complete.

  But I have to deny: how happy it is to eat fresh and tender green vegetables in the winter when root vegetables such as Chinese cabbage, potatoes, and radishes are mainly stored in the cellar!

  Although at present, with the planting volume of No. 1 and No. 2 greenhouse bases, plus Lin Fu, it is estimated that it can barely supply the powerful class in Los Angeles.

  However, as greenhouse technology becomes more and more skilled, businessmen see business opportunities and invest more and more in greenhouse planting. Sooner or later, green vegetables will be served on the dinner table of ordinary people in winter.

  As she expected, this winter, there were a few fresh greens on the dinner tables of the rich and powerful in Los Angeles.

If these dignitaries only put seven or eight dishes of fresh green vegetables on important festivals such as Laba, on ordinary days, they can usually eat two or three dishes of green fresh vegetables at noon, and it is only on the dining table of serious masters. It would be nice to have one for those concubines, concubines or concubines who are not favored.

  It is really snow-covered winter, and the fresh vegetable market is too popular.

  You can't buy goods with money.

  The Lin Mansion, which was also planted with Xu Yin, has been arrogant this winter: even breakfast can see green and refreshing long melons.

   "I really admire the idea of ​​niece Xian!"

  Since the beginning of winter, Master Lin has eaten the green vegetables provided by his own village, and praised Xu Yin every day.

   I don't know whether Xu Yin sneezed or not, but Mrs. Lin's ears were almost callused.

  She smiled and said: "It's still a master, even the magistrate praised her! If it weren't for the filial piety period, the magistrate's wife would have wanted to invite her to the wedding banquet on her birthday."

   "The days go by so fast, will you be filial piety in three months?" Master Lin calculated the time and sighed, "Before you know it, Xu Ningxiang and his wife have been gone for almost three years. Things really are impermanent!"

Mrs. Lin thought of another thing: "After filial piety, the Xu family may not be quiet anymore. Yinyin's age is just right to talk about marriage, and all the young men of the right age in Los Angeles probably want to marry her. "

   Marrying her is equivalent to marrying the huge family property of the Xu family!

  Don’t mention Xiao Empress, even in the past two years, when she attended some tea parties and flower viewing parties, she could hear a few voices inquiring about Xu Fu and Xian’s niece.

   "Unfortunately, our son has a family, otherwise even I would be tempted." Mrs. Lin smiled self-deprecatingly.

   "The situation of my niece..." Mr. Lin analyzed slowly, stroking his beard, "The most suitable thing is to recruit a son-in-law."

"Same as her mother?" Mrs. Lin shook her head, "The idea of ​​being a concubine is different from that of the master. Those who are willing to marry are often from poor families, and they are forced to live in the bride's house. Who is willing to marry if the family is good? But how many people from poor families have great prospects? Don’t talk about others, just talk about Yinyin’s father. He is a good person, kind and responsible, neither greedy nor lazy, but what about others? After studying with the old man for many years, he still lacks Didn't Xu Ningxiang take care of the business? I think Yinyin should find a young and promising husband with a similar family background. After getting married, she can still take care of the family business and have more children in the future Let a child named Xu inherit the Xu family business, like my natal cousin, she is also an only child, she has three sons and a daughter, and the second son takes her surname."

"Ma'am, what you said is wrong." Master Lin shook his head, "If you marry into an in-law's family with a similar family background, and you have to deal with various affairs of the in-law's family after marriage, how can you still have time to take care of your natal family's business? As for children, it is even more unpredictable. If, like the Xu family did before, there is only one generation and one inheritance, will the in-laws allow the only grandson to be surnamed Xu?"

Master Lin hit the nail on the head: "The old man dares to judge: Knowing the situation of the niece Xian, he is still eager to marry him but is unwilling to marry him. Obviously he is rushing to the family property behind the niece Xian. How could they agree that the grandson's surname is Xu? The surname is Xu, Cheng Without the Xu family, what does everything about the Xu family have to do with them?"

   Mrs. Lin was stunned by the master, and then quickly figured it out, and stood up anxiously: "Then I have to mention Yinyin a few words."

   "Hey! Ma'am, you are too anxious again, and you haven't done your filial piety yet!"


  Xu Yin didn't know that someone was worrying about her life's event right now.

  She was comfortably roasting the fire, eating cucumbers grown in her own greenhouse, and was looking through the account books sent by shopkeepers including Xu Kui.

  As the end of the new year approaches, each store begins to take inventory of this year's income, and after the inventory is completed, send it to Xu Yin for review.

  This year, the Xu family's business has hit a new high. Whether it is traditional spices or newly launched fragrances, they are selling well.

  The profitability of wineries and greenhouse vegetables is still hard to say.

  The former is just purchased, and mainly supplies vodka alcohol stock solution for flavoring, and occasionally brews some ordinary wine.

  Besides, what is sold out this year is the old wine left in the winery.

   How else can I say that Xu Kui got lucky. For only five hundred taels of silver, not only did he acquire a winery with complete brewing facilities, but he also picked up several large altars of aged wine for nothing.

  After the makeover, he gave it an auspicious name of "Zhuangyuanhong", absorbed scholars as long-term customers, and played a wave of advertisements for Xu's Distillery.

  There is such an effect in the early stage, as long as it is stable in the later stage, the wine brewed by the master, old man, and old equipment is as good as ever.

  Let’s talk about vegetables in greenhouses, although the rich and powerful are rushing to buy them, the initial investment is really not small.

  Base No. 1 in Xujia Village used the original rafters and columns of the nunnery. The scale is relatively small, and the cost is mainly labor.

  But the Zhuangzi in Nanlu Mountain was built from scratch, and the whole Zhuangzi was rebuilt into a greenhouse. How big is it? The foundation, the rafters, the roof...they have to be extremely strong if they want to survive the winter snow.

  Excluding this big expense, and then subtracting various labor and trivial costs, it is not possible to lose money, but the profit is really not much.

  However, a good start is half the battle. This year’s investment is the main focus, so you can’t lose money. Can you wait for the dividend next year?

  Xu Yin finished looking through the account books, distributed a red envelope to the shopkeepers of each shop, got up and stretched, walked out of the other courtyard, and enjoyed the sunset that was so close.

  Everything is going in a good direction, which is great!

  (end of this chapter)

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