The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 512: The cannon fodder cousin of the hero of the imperial examination (34)

"After the Chinese New Year, when the ice and snow melt, you have to work hard and go to Wanhuazhuang." Xu Yin said to the nurse, "Tell Zhuangtou, wait until spring, when the rice seedlings are planted, fish and shrimp from the river Come up and sort it out. It’s time for filial piety. The big ones will be sent to the mansion, and the village will keep some to eat; the smallest ones will be returned to the river to continue to be raised; the fish fry that are one finger wide will be picked out and raised in the rice fields .”

   "Huh? Fish can still be raised in rice fields?" Nursing courtyard was stunned.

   Others also looked confused.

"Of course!" Xu Yin explained, "Didn't the old man say that the rice fields were irrigated with the water raised by fish and shrimp, and the crops grew well. Why is this? Because the feces excreted by fish and shrimp moistened the rice fields, and the fields were full of fertilizers. Don’t the crops grow well? If so, wouldn’t it be more convenient to raise the fish directly in the rice fields?”


  The maids, mothers-in-law, and nurses present all suddenly realized that they felt that they had opened up new ideas.

  Of course, rice flower fish is not so easy to raise.

   After the new year, Xu Yin wrote down all the experience she had accumulated in breeding rice flower fish before, and asked the nurse to pass it on to the head of Wanhuazhuang.

   In order to prevent Zhuangtou from being illiterate, she deliberately used the form of multi-frame comics.

  A picture with a few words is vivid and interesting. You can understand the meaning of the picture by looking at the picture without looking at the words.

After reading these simple diagrams in order about how to raise fish in rice fields, how to prevent fish diseases, and how to make fish grow faster, Zhuangtou suddenly realized: "It turns out that fish can still be raised in rice fields! Look at the method. Disaster!"

   Then what are you waiting for!

  Therefore, Wanhua Village under the Xu Mansion raised rice flower fish in full swing.

  The fish shoals that were flooding in the river and were about to rebel finally ushered in the joy of housewarming. There is no need for so many fish to crowd a river, and the fish life is perfect!

  The fish fry, which are one finger wide, swam with their tails as soon as they were put into the seedling field filled with water.

  They also seemed to feel very happy: the original river was too crowded, and they had to compete with a group of big fish for food, and they were in fear all day long.

  How spacious it is here, and there are small flying insects that fall in the water everywhere, and you can eat them with your mouth open. Even if there are fish grabbing food, they are still fry that are about the same size as me, come on! Contest! Grabbing food also depends on whether you can grab it or not.

  In addition to the small flying insects, the rice flowers bloom and the tidbits fall back, which is also an extremely fresh and delicious food for fish.

  In short, in the new environment, these fish live extremely vigorously.

  The Zhuangzi under the Xu Mansion will deliver the output of the Zhuangzi to Xu Mansion every three to five times. There will always be times when they meet, and the delivery people will know each other after coming and going.

  The matter of raising rice flower fish in Wanhua Village has become a new thing on the lips of the farmers recently. After the family gave a filial piety, they came to deliver big fish to the owner.

  Other farmers of Liangtian Zhuang were quite surprised when they heard this: "Fish is raised in rice fields? Can it be kept alive?"

"It's alive! It's more active than in the river!" The farmer of Wanhuazhuang said happily, "Our village head said that it was the girl's idea, saying that the fish live in the rice fields and the rice seedlings grow well. At that time, the rice will be full and the fish will be fat, what is this called? Kill two birds with one stone! Hehe, I will use a polite word!"

  The farmers of these Liangtian villages later told the head of the village that Wanhuazhuang raised fish and fry from the river in the rice fields, and said that the rice grown in this way was fuller than the rice without fish.

  The farm heads didn’t believe it: “Wouldn’t the fish damage the rice seedlings? Isn’t it good to farm in a safe and secure way? You have to toss. Let’s see, the yield per mu has dropped after tossing, let’s see how he will explain to the owner.”

   Not only did the village heads not believe it, but the old housekeeper couldn’t help worrying after hearing about it: fish in the rice fields? Don't the fish spoil the seedlings?

   Then I thought again: It's a good thing that the girl cares about her own Zhuangzi! It doesn't matter whether it succeeds in the end, as long as the starting point is good!

  In any case, the weather has been good these years, and the grain grown in the village is full of granaries. Let alone a few acres of rice fields to raise fish, what if the entire Wanhuazhuang's 100 acres of fertile land is used to raise fish? If the girl loves to raise it, then raise it! He will take care of it!

The old butler slightly trembled and pulled out the mahogany box under the bed that the old man had rewarded him in the past. Inside it was neatly stacked the monthly silver accumulated over the years, leaving enough pension funds, and there was still a lot left. He stroked his beard with confidence. , don't worry about it anymore.

  After graduating from filial piety, he was busy repainting all the courtyards in the mansion. After three years, the paint on the doors, windows, and pillars was all mottled.

  The girl guessed right, she just took off the white gauze and black flowers, painted it with new paint, and gave the house a new look, and visitors came to the house immediately.

   There are family friends of the Xu family, colleagues in the business field, and the most outrageous thing is that there is even a matchmaker, and there are more than one, one, two, three, four, five...

  The old butler's jaw dropped in shock.

   Rao is that he has been a housekeeper for so many years, and has seen all kinds of visitors, but he has never seen such a battle—a group of matchmakers caught in a bunch of visitors, and you compete for the place to match his girl.

   "Housekeeper butler, my wife, I came today to tell the girl in the mansion a good marriage that is unique in this family..."

"What's the crowd! You're the matchmaker, don't I? I don't understand the rule of first come, first served? Really!" Another matchmaker rolled her eyes and squeezed the queue jumper away, looking at the butler, she immediately changed her face and said with a smile on her face , "Housekeeper, I want to lead the girl from your mansion. The fourth son of the Liang mansion has both talent and appearance, and unparalleled character. He is definitely a good man who is hard to find in this world..."

   "Oh, butler, listen to me, Lu Mansion..."

  The old housekeeper, one head and two elders, hurriedly waved his hands and declined: "This old slave can't be the master of this matter, please go back first!"

  The matchmakers couldn’t get any rewards if they didn’t get things done, so how could they leave easily and gossip around the old housekeeper to continue bragging.

   "Xu Xing! Xu Xing! See off the guests!"

  Xu Xing was dumbfounded, and realized: "...Oh! Ladies and aunts, please go back first!"

  No one paid attention to him, and twisted his big **** a few times to squeeze him out of the hall.

  Xu Xing: "..."

  This is really no way!

  Suddenly, an idea came to mind, and he ran to the account room to call for rescuers: "Mr. Sikong! Mr. Sikong! Offended! Your face... compare with that, borrow it, and go get them out of the house!"

  Sikong: "..." Are you polite?

   But he didn't refuse, Ren Xuxing dragged him to the hall.


   Sure enough, seeing Sikong's face, these matchmakers were startled, "Who are you? You you you! What are you doing! Stay away from me!"

   "I will send you off for the housekeeper."


   It’s obviously a see-off, but it’s so intrusive when it comes out of this person’s mouth! It seems to be sending them to the west.

  Oh...the matchmakers couldn't help shivering.

   "Forget it, since the housekeeper is busy, the lady will stop bothering you, and come back next time!"

   "Then I'll go too, please tell the housekeeper to speak kindly about Mr. Liang in front of the girl!"

   "And our Mr. Lu..."

   After finishing speaking, they ran fast with their little feet, like ghosts chasing them after them, and Xu Xing couldn't catch up with them.

  Seeing that they had finally left, the housekeeper raised his sleeves and wiped his sweat.

   "Sikong, thank you very much today! I didn't expect your face to be so useful..."

  Sikong: "..." To be honest, I didn't expect it either.

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