The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 519: The cannon fodder cousin of the hero of the imperial examination (41)

  In the room, Sikong peeled peanuts and drank tea.

  Seeing that he threw twenty or thirty peanuts into his mouth in a short while, Xu Yin couldn't help asking: "You haven't used your lunch yet?"

"Lunch? What day did you ask? I haven't used the lunch master yesterday or the other day, or do you think I'm so fast? No matter how good the lightness kung fu is, I can't shrink into an inch. I rushed here from the capital in Japan."

   "Then you didn't say it earlier?" Xu Yin sighed helplessly, and went out again, asking Hongqian to bring a dinner.

  Sikong answered: "You can make whatever is ready-made in the kitchen, even soup and noodles."

   "..." Do you really treat my sister's place as a restaurant?

   "Then what, the former emperor really passed away?"

  Seeing that he had just returned from the capital, Xu Yin asked questions bluntly.

   "He's the mastermind behind the scenes, right?"

   "Prince Rui has become the emperor, so Xu Kui has become the prince? I used to let him run errands, be the shopkeeper, and let him do so much work for me. The new emperor won't come to hold him accountable?"

  Sikong: "..."

  There really is no such thing as a free lunch.

   Look, there are so many questions to answer after a quick meal. Tsk!

   That's all, if you don't tell her the truth, you will entertain him with a vase next time.

  After the rather sumptuous meal was served, Sikong talked about the ins and outs of the whole thing while eating.

  Xu Yin was dumbfounded.

  The former emperor and Lord Rui, the brothers, have been fighting since their father appointed the prince, and they are not as harmonious as the outside world has said.

  In fact, the throne of the former emperor did not come so brightly, maybe it was snatched from Lord Rui. So there is always a thorn in my heart, if King Rui is not completely suppressed, the throne will not sit securely.

  So, when Princess Rui entered the palace for a banquet, she mixed safflower powder to induce labor into a soup she liked.

Unexpectedly, Princess Rui was very healthy during her pregnancy. She thought she could give birth in the uterus, and if it was a male baby, the midwife would make it a stillbirth. However, Princess Rui didn't show any signs of giving birth until she left the palace. After entering the palace gate, it started to move, and the child was born on the road.

   At this time, it would be too late to make the baby stillborn, and the guards sent by the emperor to follow him pretended to be robbers and took the child away.

If the emperor killed the child directly at this time, there would be nothing like this later, but he was too thoughtful, so he came up with a bad idea, handing the child over to his confidant, and sending the confidant to the Seven Stars Gate, the most villainous faction in the world, as a It must be very exciting to train an assassin and send him to assassinate King Rui when he grows up.

   Unexpectedly, none of the members of the Seven Stars Gate had any experience in taking care of infants, and they lost the baby after participating in a martial arts conference.

   Just throw it away, and they didn't take it seriously.

  Until three years ago, King Rui didn’t give the emperor any face at the court, and the emperor was so angry that he remembered the child, so he sent his confidants to the Seven Star Gate to bring the child back. It was time to start the assassination plan, and he waited to see the father and son kill each other.

  Unexpectedly, the confidant returned empty-handed and reported that the Seven Star Gate lost the child.

  The emperor was angry and lost it? Why don't you find it if you lose it?

  Seeing the imperial token, the Seven Stars Sect knew the origin of the lost child. In order to keep the entire sect from being chased and killed by the court, they had to spread disciples to search for the child with a plum blossom-shaped red birthmark on the calf.

"The people from the Seven Stars Gate pretended to be bandits and killed your parents. I thought they were killing your parents before." After eating and drinking enough, Sikong poured himself a cup of hawthorn tea, which was very comfortable and did not hesitate to say more Point, "It wasn't until the old emperor was captured and the truth was revealed."

   "Isn't it?" Xu Yin asked suspiciously, "What's the reason?"

"The old emperor always thought that the owner of the Qizhen Pavilion was a disciple of Prince Rui's Mansion. Seeing that the Qizhen Pavilion had accumulated a lot of money for Prince Rui's mansion, he had long wanted to get rid of it as soon as possible. Seeing that King Rui summoned your parents, it happened that the people from the Seven Stars Gate were here. Look for Prince Rui's heirs nearby, and hire them to kill your parents to express their desire."

  Xu Yin was shocked: "It turned out to be like this...Then is my family's ancestor really a member of Prince Rui's family?"

   In fact, there is a problem that has troubled her for a long time. Doesn't the imperial court covet the money that Qizhen Pavilion makes?

  If it is backed by Prince Rui's Mansion, then all this makes sense.

"I can't be called a family member, but Mrs. Xu and Princess Rui's father once had a relationship. The two talked very happily. They wanted to invite them to drink tea, and they were seen by many people. King Rui saw that the older generation had a good relationship. Come on, I have taken care of the Qizhen Pavilion."

  Xu Yin suddenly realized: "So it's like this..."

  Then tell the butler later, so that he doesn't have to have any more psychological burden. The real culprit for the death of his parents was the former emperor. Now that he was forced to take poison to die by King Rui, it can be regarded as revenge for his parents.

   "When did King Narui find out that all this was done by the former emperor? After he recognized Xu Kui?"

"Before this. To be precise, after your parents were killed by a person pretending to be a bandit, he came to our Qianji Pavilion. Either Qianji Pavilion would not accept the task, or it would not fail. No, the former emperor It just surfaced. A lot of unreasonable ideas, such as peeling off cocoons, were solved easily."

Xu Yin looked at this guy boasting in a speechless manner, and couldn't help but said: "I really wronged you, and you have to pretend to be a cashier when you take on a task. In other words, if I didn't keep you because of soft-heartedness, you wouldn't be able to enter Xu's mansion. If you can't find Xu Kui, but the people from Qixingmen have their eyeballs all over Luocheng, and there are people from every Zhuangzi in Xu's mansion, so today's ending will be completely different."

   "..." This girl's words are very heartbreaking!

   "But it turns out that Qianji Pavilion has not failed!" Sikong looked at her triumphantly.

  Xu Yin: "..."

  Forget it, forget it, what's the point of competing with a martial arts master?

   Turning around and **** people off, moving the little finger will kill him, wouldn't it be a pity.

   "What position do you hold in Qianji Pavilion?"

  Praise your unit so hard? At least at the upper level, right?

  Xu Yin asked curiously: "You are so powerful, doesn't the pavilion master come and go without a trace, without showing his face, from a long distance, with a wave of his palm, he can kill whoever he wants?"

Sikong was amused by her description: "The master of the pavilion is my master, but he is really not as powerful as you say. But he likes to hear what you say. The old guy has no other hobbies except studying martial arts. He likes to drink and brag, and it would be best if someone compliments him after bragging, it makes him feel comfortable, and he is happy to do things for others without paying a penny."

  Can you work hard for Prince Rui's Mansion? It's all a debt of love owed when being praised so high!

  Xu Yin restrained herself from laughing, and said to herself that the two of you, master and apprentice, are in perfect harmony. Don’t you also like bragging?

  But she only dared to say a few words in her heart.

  Sikong looked up at the window, the sun was scorching hot, he was too lazy to go down the mountain at this time, asked Xu Yin for a guest room, and went to rest.

   Said that he was traveling non-stop from the capital, just to come this morning to explain her doubts. It is not an exaggeration to entertain him in a guest room, right?

  What else can Xu Yin say? Ask Wang Nuyuan to take him to the front yard to choose a room, and he can stay for a few days if he wants.

   Think of hiring a master nursing home who doesn't have to pay for food and shelter.

   "Hero Sikong, please! Hero Sikong has worked hard!" Wang Huyuan saw Sikong, not to mention how attentive he was.

   "Wang Huyuan has betrayed!" Hongqian said angrily, "I don't treat girls like this to Sikong... Eh, his name is Sikong, right? It can't be a pseudonym, right?"

  Sikong could even hear the faint voice of Pokong, let alone the conversation between master and servant. Hearing this, he turned his head and winked at Xu Yin: "My servant, Sikong Jin, change your name if you want to sit or change your surname!"

  Xu Yin: "..."

   His feet softened.


   "Girl? What's wrong with you, girl?"

   After Hongqian helped the girl to stabilize, she saw her staring in the direction of the front yard in a daze, following her line of sight, there was nothing.

   "Girl, do you still have something to say to Hero Sikong? Or should I invite him again?"

   "No, no, no!" Xu Yin came back to her senses, retreated to the room, and leaned on the couch, "I'm a little sleepy, I want to sleep for a while."

  She needs quiet!

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