The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 525: The cannon fodder cousin of the hero of the imperial examination (47)

  The next day was the big day for the Xu family to recruit a new relative.

  The magistrate's family, Liu Yuanwai's family, Lin's family... all the famous people in Los Angeles, except for Lu and Liang, all came to congratulate and eat.

   Xiao Kui's identity is still kept secret for the time being, so he appeared as a relative of the man. He temporarily asked someone to buy a batch of congratulatory gifts, and carried them into Xu's mansion in a mighty manner.

  The guests who came to the banquet sighed again: "The ancestors of the Xu family have given shelter, this uncle is so worth it!"

  Xiaoyao Weng sat on the man's banquet, drinking wine happily.

  The magistrate accidentally glanced at him and felt a little familiar, and then he kept looking at him, the more he looked at him, the more startled he was, he pulled the master beside him, and asked in a low voice, "That...master, do you remember?"

  Master looked intently for a few times, and his face turned pale: "It looks like the one I met three years ago, when the master was on his way to promotion?"

  That year they were unlucky enough to run into two gangs fighting, and one of them, an old man with gray hair, slapped his palm lightly and killed more than 30 first-class masters in the rivers and lakes.

  Scared them non-jianghu people trembling, for fear that he would kill someone to silence them.

  Fortunately, the other party was concerned about drinking, so he walked away with light work while holding the wine gourd.

  Recalling the frightened state of mind at that time, the magistrate looked complicated.

  It seems that this uncle of the Xu Mansion really has a lot of background! In the future, we can only make friends, and we must not offend them!

  Thinking of this, he looked kindly at the old housekeeper who came to entertain the guests on behalf of the host family.

  The other guests couldn't figure it out: When did the prefect have such a good relationship with the Xu family? I haven't heard that he has any contact with the Xu family?

  The magistrate cleared his throat and said: "The greenhouse vegetables that Xu's family came up with are really good things, otherwise there is no chance to eat refreshing and delicious spring vegetables in the cold winter months."

I see!

  All the guests suddenly realized.

   Immediately, they rushed to toast to Butler Xu, and they all got close:

   "Housekeeper Xu, you look really good recently, you're always going strong! You're always going to be strong!"

   "Housekeeper Xu, how many greenhouse vegetables did the Xu Mansion grow this year? Can you supply more for my family? The price is not a problem!"

   "And our house..."

  The old butler couldn't help but laugh: "Everyone! Don't worry! Several villages in our mansion have built greenhouses this year, so that all of you can eat spring vegetables in the cold winter months!"

   "Housekeeper Xu, last time I heard Master Lin say that his family's Zhuangzi built a shed, and Xu's house provided expert advice, but is it true?"

   "It's true." Butler Xu nodded.

   "Then if my house also wants to build a greenhouse and grow some spring vegetables by myself, would your house be willing to provide some expert advice? I can pay for it."

   Butler Xu hesitated for a moment: "This..."


  Xu Yin came out.

  She took off the heavy waving crown, changed into a light headgear, and wore a wedding gown, and brought Sikong Jin to toast the guests present.

  In the future, I will go to various occasions as the owner of the Xu family, and I will not hide in the bridal chamber on the wedding day.

  She wished that these rich and wealthy families would grow vegetables in their own greenhouses, so that Xu Mansion would have enough vegetables to sell to the market, and ordinary people could eat green vegetables in winter.

   "Excellent!" The other party clapped his hands happily, "I'll build a greenhouse when I return home! Xu Dong's family, you must do what you say!"


   "Our mansion will also build one."

   "That's right! Build it yourself, and there will be a steady stream of spring vegetables to eat in the future. Count us in!"

  Xu Yin nodded: "Yes, yes. But I'm ugly to say first, the investment cost in the early stage of greenhouse planting is not small, you'd better think clearly before making a decision."

   Don't blame her for all the losses and losses.

   "It's okay, it's okay, why don't you just spend some money! When I think of having spring vegetables to eat every day in winter, I will be happy no matter how expensive it is."

   "That's it!"

   "Xu Dongjia, why don't you tell us how this greenhouse was built and how it was planted in the later stage, so that we can get an idea."

  Xu Yin: You can have this. She's the best at it.

  So, halfway through the wedding banquet, the process of toasting the bride and groom turned into a greenhouse vegetable planting exchange meeting. Except for the bride Xu Yin, there is probably no one else in this world.

  After the wedding banquet, Xiao Kui had to return to Beijing.

   "Father, you really don't want to go with me?" He looked at the housekeeper reluctantly.

The housekeeper said happily: "Prince, you will have your life in the future, so this old slave will not trouble you. Besides, this old slave swore in front of the graves of the master and wife that he will help the girl to take good care of Xu's mansion for the rest of his life. "

   Xiao Kui sighed: "Well then, I respect Dad's decision!"

At this time Xu Yin came in: "Housekeeper, you can go to the capital with the prince to live for a while, I will also go to the capital to see the business of Qizhen Pavilion after a while, and we will meet in the capital. If you feel that life there is not suitable for you , it won’t be too late to come back to Los Angeles with me.”

  Xiao Kui was ecstatic when he heard the words: "Yes, yes! That's it! Dad, you agree!"

  The housekeeper still hesitated: "But the mansion..."

   "There's nothing else going on in the mansion, I've made arrangements for everything that needs to be arranged." Xu Yin said, "From now on, I won't be in the mansion, so it's fine for you to stay here."

   "Miss, are you planning to live in Chashan Bieyuan?"

   "No." Xu Yin said, and smiled at Sikong Jin, "I'll go outside with him, maybe I can find some spices that are not in the shop."

  Since this is the case, the housekeeper followed Xiao Kui to live in the capital according to the girl's wishes.

   "Girl! You will definitely go to the capital to join the old slave, right?"

"Of course!"

  Xu Yin gave the old butler an affirmative answer.

  She thought that she would go to the rivers and lakes with Mr. Yumian, broaden her horizons, and walk all the way. After half a year, she would finally reach the capital. She would just celebrate the New Year with the housekeeper, and return to Los Angeles after the next year to continue her great career of perfumery.

   Unexpectedly, her jade-faced husband is too capable of running away...

  Before departure, I paid homage to two ancestors together with him, and then set off for the first stop—Penglai Island, a fairyland outside the world.

  Xiaoyao Xianweng left a residence here before, and now he gave it to his apprentice's daughter-in-law as a wedding gift.

  The young couple stayed on the island for a while and spent a very sweet honeymoon there.

  After that, Xu Yin thought it was time to go to the capital, but he didn't want to, so he took her to Tianshan to pick snow lotus and gobi to dig treasures.

  Stopped by the sects that had friendship with him or Qianji Pavilion, and visited (eating and drinking) one by one.

He even used the "meeting gift" as an excuse to "cheat" a few books of exercises suitable for her from the hands of the various masters, including sword manuals, whip techniques, and light exercises, and stuffed them into her arms for her to keep. with.

   "I'll teach you when I'm free."

  The heads of those sects almost endured the pain of cutting flesh and sent them away.

  If the two of them hang on and don't leave, the heads will probably cry.

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