Chapter 544 Counterattack! loser! (18)

  Xu Wanping was angry and funny, picked up the fish and sent it to Liang Yuqing's bowl: "Qingqing, eat quickly, ignore her! I don't know if it's because of puberty recently, sometimes she is mature and sensible like an adult, and sometimes she is so childish."

  Liang Yuqing smiled and said, "Thank you, Auntie, I will do it myself."

"It's great that you can be friends with Yinyin!" Xu Wanping said from the bottom of her heart, "And Ranran too, you are all good boys, you don't dislike my Yinyin's poor grades, and you even send her notes, Taking notes, Auntie is really grateful to you all! If there is any dish you want to eat at home in the future, Auntie has it at the stall, just come and get it.”

   "Good auntie, my mother is now buying vegetables from your vegetable stall, and she will buy whatever you sell. My dad said that the lettuce and spinach you sell are better than the organic vegetables made in the small cafeteria of his unit."

   "Really?" Xu Wanping smiled from ear to ear, "That may be because Yinyin sprayed the vegetables with spring water. The spring water is clean and does not have the smell of bleach like tap water. Even the vegetables taste very good."

  Xu Wanping was happy and ate an extra bowl of rice.

  Eating too much can make you sleepy, so she asked her daughter to accompany the guests to eat slowly: "Mom, go to bed first, leave the table, and get up and tidy up."

  Xu Yin waved her hand: "It's okay, I will clean it up, mom, go to sleep! I didn't catch up on sleep this morning."

  Back from the morning market today, Xu Wanping saw her daughter entering a cart full of watermelons. Before the morning market was over, she went back to set up a stall and sold more than a dozen of them.

  Leave half a car and take it to the night market to sell at night.

   "Xu Yin, do you want to take a nap too? Then I'll go back."

   Liang Yuqing finished eating, she helped bring the bowls and chopsticks into the kitchen, and said to Xu Yin.

  Xu Yin didn't ask her to stay, she was in a neighborhood, and she could come whenever she wanted, but Lu Yunran came to her house every day just across the intersection.

   took a plastic bag and put some vegetables in her, and also gave her a melon and a watermelon.

   "This melon was grown by an old man over there in Wolongquan. It tastes good. Take it home and try it."

   "Xu Yin..."

  Liang Yuqing saw that she was doing everything quickly, and said with a complicated expression:

"Actually, I found that you are a very smart person. You have strong adaptability and ability to deal with things in all aspects. It's just that you haven't focused on your studies for a long time, which led to your unsatisfactory academic performance. You believe me, as long as you You are willing to work hard, and now it is too late to catch up. There are still three years in high school, don’t relax, don’t give up, go to a good university in three years, find a good job after graduation, can’t you still help your mother share the pressure of life? And at that time, You will have more choices, not necessarily just selling vegetables."

Xu Yin handed the bag to her, met her expectant eyes, smiled and said, "I understand what you said, and I'm trying to catch up! Don't think I rarely touch books during the day, but I read carefully before going to bed. , I will go to the bookstore to read tutorial materials when I am free, and I will catch up. Maybe when the college entrance examination comes, the two of us, oh, plus Lu Yunran, the three of us, will be competitors! If I do better in the exam, Will you cry and regret showing me the notes now?"

  Liang Yuqing couldn't stop laughing: "Stop bragging!"

   "Hey! Don't believe me!" Xu Yin stroked her non-existent sleeves, her mouth was too fast and bald, "Before school starts, let's have a match, and I will definitely be able to equal you!"

"Okay! Let Lu Yunran write the papers and be the referee." Liang Yuqing crossed her arms and said angrily, "Copied three of my notebooks, no! Counting this time there are four, I have to do something Live!"

  Xu Yin: "..."

   Silently sympathized with Lu Yunran, sisters, please ask for blessings!

  But—dead friends are not dead poor, she responded readily: "Okay!"

  Student Xiao Lu who was writing and copying notes at home suddenly sneezed.

   "Ran Ran, is the temperature of the air conditioner too low?" Mother Lu shouted in the living room, "Turn it up a bit, don't catch a cold."

   "Oh... Hey, the temperature is not low, it's 27 degrees!"

   Soon, Lu Yunran knew why she sneezed—it was said.

  The next day, when she came to Xu Yin's house to buy groceries and take notes, she heard about the game, her eyes widened in astonishment, and her soft and waxy voice soared an octave higher:

   "What? You're going to compete with Liang Yuqing? The competition is still in the culture class? You're right?

  Xu Yin picked her ears: "Sisters, be gentle!" The eardrums were about to be shattered.

"Why do you let me take it lightly? You are hitting an egg against a rock!" Lu Yunran turned around in a hurry, "You still let me pass the paper? What paper? Similar to the general examination paper for the senior high school entrance examination? Are you awake? How many points? 250? Liang Yuqing’s points? 598!! Multiply your score by two and you’re still about 100 points behind her! Xu Yin, wake up!”

  Xu Yin: "..."

   Looking down on sister so much?

   "It's me and her who compare, you can just be in charge of producing the papers, why are you in a hurry!" She is not in a hurry.

"I'm worried for you! I'm afraid you will be hit hard and will never recover from it." Lu Yunran rubbed her hands anxiously, "How do you ask me to write this paper? Come up with more questions that you know. When the time comes, Liang Yuqing will get a perfect score in the exam and let him She's even more embarrassing. Come up with some problems, maybe you can stop her from getting a full score, but I'm afraid your score is too ugly..."

  Xu Yin: "..."

  Sisters, are you sure you didn't take the opportunity to mock me?

   "There's still a month left, there's still time." Xu Yin continued to tidy up her small vegetable garden, "I've handed over the test paper to you, as a matter of fairness and justice, Liang Yuqing said, next time you don't come to my house, so as not to leak the questions to me."

  Lu Yunran said aggrievedly: "Is it okay to come to your house to buy food?"

   "Okay! Withdraw after buying."


  Lu Yunran pondered: "Why do I think I'm the hardest one in the competition between the two of you? Not to mention a set of general examination papers, and I was banned from visiting your house?"

  Xu Yin pursed her lips and said happily: "Calm down! Teachers who produce papers have always wanted to live a closed life."

   "Xu Yin..." Lu Yunran looked at her quietly, "Are you honestly bored of me? Are you just smiling so happily when I can't come to your house?"

   "Pfft ha ha ha ha... sorry I was wrong!"


  The news of the bet between Liang Yuqing and Xu Yin was heard by every family's parents.

  Xu Wanping was only joking about her daughter. How could she be able to catch up with Liang Yuqing, who won the top three grades in three years of junior high school and received a soft-handed certificate after studying for two months during the summer vacation? If that's the case, she can wake up from her dreams with a smile.

  After Teacher Fu learned about it, she was a little surprised by her daughter's decision: "Are you competing with Xu Yin? Which set of papers do you use? High difficulty is a bit bullying, and low difficulty will not help you, but will waste time."

  Liang Yuqing said: "The test paper is not just any set on the market, it is produced by Lu Yunran. I guess I will look for it from the real test questions over the years. I heard from her that there should be a few super-syllabus questions, so I will use it to check for omissions and fill in the gaps."

   Hearing that Lu Yunran, who is also a top student, has produced the paper, Fu Yanan didn't say anything else. It's better to do a junior high school all-subject paper before school starts.

  (end of this chapter)

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