The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 550: Counterattack! loser! (twenty four)

  Chapter 550 Counterattack! loser! (twenty four)

Such a spacious three rooms, plus a half-acre vegetable garden, the monthly rent is only 300 more than the teaching and staff dormitory building where we live now. This place is still a scenic spot, breathing the air of the scenic spot, drinking the water of Wolong Spring, Such a cost-effective deal, what else to consider?

   "I'll tell my mother when I go back, if there are no accidents, I can move here before the end of the month."

  The uncle nodded happily: "Okay, okay, we will be neighbors from now on."

  Xu Yin also smiled and bent her eyebrows: "Master, please take care of me in the future!"

   "Hahaha! Then there is no need to say, it must be done!"

  Xu Yin told her mother about it as soon as she got home.

   When Xu Wanping heard that it was a house in Wolongquan, her first reaction was that it was very expensive:

   "It's also a scenic spot, so the rent must not be cheap, right?"

Xu Yin said truthfully: "Three rooms, the area is larger than this set, and there is a vegetable garden of about half an acre of land. The uncle who sells my melons lives next door. His family's half acre of melons have been sold since the end of June. It can still be picked, and there are a lot of fruits and vegetables in half an acre of land, and the rent is only three hundred more than this set."

If Xu Yin had said that it was three hundred more expensive than this one at the beginning, Xu Wanping might have hesitated whether to change it, but she laid the groundwork a few words before - the room is bigger than here, and the vegetable garden is half an acre. Xu Wanping has already done it, at least it is more expensive than the current one. The plan of five or six hundred, turned out to be only three hundred more expensive, and instantly felt that it was too cost-effective!


  Xu Wanping said nothing, and responded to her daughter's decision.

  Paused, thinking of the vegetables in the yard, it was a pity: "You have just planted vegetables for two months, and many of them are not yet ready to eat. This is a waste."

   "Don't waste it. After I finish tidying up the vegetable garden over there, I will transplant it all at once."

  Xu Wanping: "..."

  I heard that fruit trees can be transplanted, when can the vegetables in the vegetable field be transplanted? Won't you die?

"Will not."

  Xu Yin has her own secret recipe for transplanting - Taoyuan star soil + spiritual dew water, keep it alive!

  Seeing that her daughter was so confident, Xu Wanping thought that these vegetables could be transplanted, so she stopped worrying.

She talked about another thing that haunted her mind: "After you left in the evening, Teacher Fu and Teacher Cai took me to talk a lot. Teacher Fu felt that you had the strength and potential to go to No. 1 Middle School. It would be a pity to waste three years going to a vocational high school." ...Teacher Cai said that a vocational high school student can still go to university, and it doesn’t matter where you have the ability to study, what do you think? You don’t really go to Dongming Vocational High School to grow vegetables, do you?”

  Xu Wanping couldn't figure out why her daughter suddenly fell in love with growing vegetables. It wasn't like this before.

Suddenly, she thought of a possibility, and asked in amazement: "Yinyin, don't you grow it for your mother? Seeing that organic vegetables are expensive, you want to find a piece of land to grow them yourself? You can't do this, and when the time comes, you will be planted." What will other students and parents think when they find out? Speaking of it, this is occupying public land and selling private food, and it seems that we want to take advantage of the school when it spreads..."

  Xu Yin was defeated by the brain circuit of her family, Ms. Xu, and said dumbfoundingly:

"Mom, where do you want to go! Am I that kind of person? Besides, the school is so far away from home, wouldn't it be too much trouble for you to pull it out and sell it? It's better to grow it in the vegetable garden of the rented house, where there are half Acre of land is enough for me to plant a lot.”

   "Yes, yes, yes! The house we want to rent has a half-acre yard. You can plant it however you want, just don't take advantage of the school. That's not good."

  Xu Wanping, as if afraid of her daughter's repentance, decided to move in a few days, and let her plant when she moved there, and let her grow enough.

The news that Xu Yin's family was moving out was immediately heard by the old lady Hou next door, because when Xu Wanping called the landlord, the landlord happened to be nearby, so she stopped by to check the electrical appliances and furniture in the house. Seeing that it was well maintained, I didn't say anything.

  Old lady Hou waited for the landlord to leave, glanced at Xu Yin’s vegetables through the wall, and happily returned to the house and said to her wife:

   "The mother and daughter next door are going to move out. They have grown a lot of vegetables, many of which are quite tender. By then, our family will not need to buy vegetables. We will take a ladder and go directly to the next door to pick them."

  Her wife still nodded: "That's not good, after all, it's someone else's house. They moved out, but maybe another tenant will move in soon. Go over the wall and be careful not to be regarded as a thief."

   "No one lives there, so I climbed the ladder to pick it. If a new tenant moves in, I go directly to pick it. They didn't grow it, and it's not their turn to talk."

  Mrs. Hou was full of confidence, so she waited for Xu Yin and her daughter to move out, and went next door to pick vegetables.

  She waited and waited, and finally waited until the news of moving came from the next door.

  At first, she wanted to tiptoe in the yard to watch the excitement, but then she thought: If the mother and daughter saw her intentions, she would rather destroy a plant than leave a living vegetable, wouldn't it be a waste of joy?

  So I endured not going out, and hid at home secretly happy.

  Waiting from morning to noon, the next door finally quieted down. The moving truck parked in front of the building made the sound of reversing and driving away. Mrs. Hou clapped her hands and cheered: "Great! Finally moved!"

  She hurried to the yard, tiptoed to look at the vegetables in the yard next door, and was stunned:

   "Where are the dishes? So many dishes?"

Xu Stingy Yin spent a few nights, picking up the vegetables in the yard in batches, from beans and gourds on the scaffolding, to creeping pumpkins, potatoes, and even a few clumps of green onions in the corner. The root system wrapped in the soil was transplanted to the new rented home.

Before transplanting, use Wolong spring water mixed with spirit dew to strengthen the root system; after transplanting, also use Wolong spring water mixed with spirit dew as root water, and water the baby vegetables thoroughly, and see that they have never appeared after transplanting Instead of wilting and curling, the branches and leaves stretched out, green and watery, Xu Yin breathed a sigh of relief.

  Since then, the daily life of the new home has started.

  Lu Yunran came to play with Xu Yin after her military training, only to find out that she had moved.

   "Why did you move suddenly?"

  Come to Xu Yin's new home with a bag of fruit, and visit around. It's good, but the distance between the two families is farther, and it will not be as convenient to visit in the future.

  Xu Yin laughed dumbly: "Do you think there is still time to visit after school starts?"

  The schedule of Experimental Middle School is not more relaxed than that of No. 1 Middle School.

  I heard that there is only one day off in half a month, and the teachers of various subjects will also assign a bunch of homework, and I will go home to catch up with homework, so I don’t have time to go out for a stroll.

Lu Yunran sighed: "I heard from my mother that you refused the offer from No. 1 Middle School and still went to Dongming Vocational High? I envy you so much! Vocational high school is closed for two days a week, and there are not as many homework as us. Is that why you went to Dongming Vocational High School?" Vocational high school?"

Speaking of this, she suddenly raised her voice: "I got it! You deliberately hid your bad exams in the third year of junior high school, just because you didn't want to go to the high school, because the high school is too heavy, right? Wow! Xu Yin, you are so foresight! "

  Xu Yin: "..."

  Sisters, you think too much! I really think too much!

  (end of this chapter)

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