The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 582: Sixty Things Fine Plant Flowers (6)

  Chapter 582 Six Occasions, Fine Factory Flowers (6)

  Seeing that everything in the house has been tidied up and there is no work to do, Sister Tian who went looking for someone has not come back yet.

  Xu Yin: "..."

   Forget it, the clothes are already dirty anyway, and I will definitely have to take a shower and wash the clothes later, so I might as well clean up the yard at once.

  She dug out an old wide-brimmed straw hat from the 1970s from the system warehouse and put it on.

  At noon in early summer, the sun has shown its enthusiasm and unrestrained, and it is a breeding farm, so there are more mosquitoes and flies than other places.

Xu Yin put down her shirt sleeves and buttoned up her shirt sleeves before she started working; then she found an old rubber band to tighten her trouser legs; Come and get bitten by bugs.

  After fully armed, she found a rusty sickle and cleared the weeds in the yard.

When Sister Tian called two young men to rush back to help, seeing the female workers' dormitory where the weeds in front of the door had been cleared, she almost thought she was in the wrong place. Did you clean it up? You pulled out the weeds so quickly? You are so quick at work! Then we will help you clean the house where you live..."

  Sister Tian stepped forward faster than she could speak, and as soon as she finished speaking, she came to Xu Yin's dormitory. When the door opened, hey! It's completely new!

   "Xiao Xu..." Sister Tian was really stunned, "You cleaned this yourself too?"

  Xu Yin nodded with a smile.

  Sister Tian couldn't believe it. She did delay for a while, but it didn't take too long. How could...

She touched the tables and chairs, but there was no dust; looked up at the ceiling, and the cobwebs in the corner were gone; the window panes were so bright that people could be seen, and even the latches on the door were rust-free and shiny in the sun shine...

   Be good! How can this be that the shoulders cannot be lifted and the hands cannot be lifted, it is obvious that you are too capable!

  Xu Yin became a celebrity on her first day at the farm.

  After the two young men went back, they didn’t exaggerate, they just told the truth about what they saw, and immediately seduced all the single young men eager to try:

  Who doesn't want a beautiful daughter-in-law! What's more, he is so capable! —Cleaned up the inside and outside of the house by himself.

  No one wants to miss such a good comrade.

  For a while, everyone was gearing up, and everyone wanted to be a suitor, so they agreed to each other:

"fair play!"


  Only the two single guys who first met Xu Yin felt sorry for each other:

  Why tell them?

   This is all right, there are a lot of competitors!

  Mistake! What a mistake!


   Not to mention Miss Tian, ​​when she returned to the logistics office, she praised Xu Yin whenever she met:

"The new Comrade Xiao Xu is so capable! One person did the work of several people, and it only took half a day. I just saw her so delicate and weak, and I was worried that she would not be able to do the work of raising pigs." Worried... What? Don't you believe it? If you don't believe me, go to the female worker's dormitory and see for yourself, can I still lie to you?"

  The female compatriots in the office of Sister Hetian didn't believe it.

   Don’t they know how difficult it is to clean up the weeds in front of the female workers’ dormitory?

  The dormitory has been empty for a long time, so they don't know how gray it is?

  Let’s not talk about petite lesbians, if you call two tall **** men, it won’t take a long time to get it right.

  So, after work, they were not in a hurry to go home, and excitedly went to the dormitory area for single workers, wanting to see if Sister Tian was exaggerating.

  Before I arrived, I saw smoke rising from the female worker's dormitory from afar.

   "Yo, is this the new guy cooking?"

  Sister Tian also wondered: "The kitchen in the female worker's dormitory is in disrepair, and I haven't seen her bring a pot. How do you cook?"

  It's only when I get closer that I know what's going on—

It turned out that Xu Yin built a bonfire in the yard and threw a few sweet potatoes into the fire. There were some thick logs on the fire and a small pottery pot on it. After the water in the pot was boiled, throw In order to dry the vegetables in, I made a dried vegetable soup.

  Before the sweet potatoes were cooked and the sun was setting, she used the light of the bonfire to plan the open space in front of the door:

  The side close to the public vegetable garden, there is still time to plant some seasonal vegetables;

  Leave a path in the middle, pick up some stones when you turn back, and pave a stone road after polishing, so as not to rain and muddy;

   On the other side of the open space near the latrine, I plan to take the time to build a grape trellis, plant two grapes, apply her ecological fertilizer, and keep the grape leaves all over the frame next summer, so that it will be cooler when I go to the latrine.

  Xu Yin was busy planning and cultivating land at the same time, when Sister Tian and her group approached.

   "Xiao Xu, you are..."

"Oh, big sister!" Xu Yin straightened up, raised her arms to wipe the sweat off her face, and asked with a smile, "Have you eaten yet? How about I go get some more sweet potatoes, roast them in the fire, and eat some together?" ?”

   "No, no, we'll go back right away." Sister Tian said hurriedly.

   Several other people also waved their hands, indicating that they would stop by to take a look after get off work.

   "It's the first day here, are you getting used to it?" one of the women asked.

  After asking, she laughed first.

   It’s still a question, Comrade Xiao Xu, don’t get too used to it.

  They expressed their conviction.

"Xiao Xu, at first I was worried that you wouldn't be able to do the job of raising pigs, and I wanted to transfer you a job. Now it seems that your comrades in the second factory know you very well." Sister Tian laughed, "I see Come out, you have great strength and good physical strength, so you are really suitable for this job!"

  Xu Yin smiled but said nothing—an embarrassing but polite smile.

  Sister Tian patted her on the shoulder vigorously: "Do it well! I am optimistic about you!"

  Xu Yin: "..."

  Eldest sister, if it weren't for my strength, I would fall apart if I couldn't stand you twice with my small body.

  As expected of a breeding farm, the female comrades are all big and round, and one can hold two...

   But it doesn't matter, she has supernatural powers!

  A line of lyrics flashed in Xu Yin's mind: We are all the same, all the same...

   Thus began her farm routine.

The next day I officially went to work. Accompanied by Sister Tian, ​​I first went to the field manager’s office to get a stamp and completed the job transfer procedures. Then I went to the logistics office to get a set of navy blue work clothes, an enamel washbasin, and an enamel mug. , with a line of words printed on it-"Dongxing Textile Factory Subsidiary Farm", and she has been a part of the farm since then.

   Having said that, the treatment at the farm is good!

   A set of clothes and a set of toiletries were distributed as soon as they arrived. The employees of the No. 2 Cotton Spinning Factory were lucky enough to take home an enamel washbasin and an enamel cup only if they were rated as advanced or were commended by their superiors!

"Do you think we are treated well here?" Sister Tian showed a perceptive smile, "Every comrade who just came here is just like you. But many people can't persist in the end, and they are transferred back to the main factory and branch through the back door through the relationship. The factory is gone."

   "I won't." Xu Yin said seriously, "I will treat this place as my home!"

  Compared to the brothers and sisters of the Xu family who are more thoughtful than the sieve, she really thinks the laborers here are cuter!

  Sister Tian was happy: "After a while, if you still think so, then I really admire you!"


how? Look down on her?


  Sister, a person who has survived the troubled times, escaped the barrenness, and built a barren star into a Taoyuan star, how could she be stumped by a mere farm?

  (end of this chapter)

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