The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 585: Sixty Things Fine Plant Flowers (9)

  Chapter 585 Six Occasions, Fine Factory Flowers (9)

  Xu Yin is thankful that she has spiritual dew and health pills, so she sips and swallows a few pills from time to time, otherwise she won't be tired after doing this! Divine power can't make people stop eating and sleeping and just work!

After finishing work every day, she closes the door and draws the curtains, and brings out a nourishing dish from the system warehouse. Sometimes Laoya stew, sometimes Feilong soup, sometimes medicinal chicken... Treat yourself to a good meal. The day is quite enjoyable.

But other people don't know. Sister Tian heard from the chef in the cafeteria that the new lesbians are so busy that they often miss meals. Since I don't have time to eat, I want to take some time off to visit her at the pig farm.

  This afternoon, after finishing the work at hand, she was going to sneak to the pig farm to see Xu Yin. The head of the pig farm came to look for her:

   "Old Tian, ​​deputy factory manager Lin came to our place for inspection, and a man will come after a while, you and I will accompany him to look around."

  Sister Tian had no choice but to go to the door with the farm manager to meet Deputy Factory Manager Lin, and then accompanied Deputy Factory Manager Lin to inspect the operation status of each block of the farm.

  Xu Yin is feeding the piglets.

  Today she deliberately brought two sweet potatoes over, chopped them and boiled them, mixed them with blanched pigweed, and fed them to the piggies:

   "Come here! Seeing that you have been quite good these days, and you haven't defecated anywhere, my sister will reward you with a delicious meal!"

   Presumably they could smell the sweetness of mashed sweet potatoes, and the piggies groaned towards the trough, vying for each other, pushing Xu Yin down.

  "...Hey! If you have something to eat, you can grab it? If you have something to eat, you can't do it! Don't grab it!, pigs have a share! Don't grab it!"


  Sister Tian accompanied the head of the farm and two strange middle-aged men to stand at the door of the pigsty.

   It was Sister Tian who laughed out loud, but the other three also smiled.

"Xiao Xu, this is Deputy Director Lin of the main factory, and this is Secretary Zhou. Deputy Director Lin is in charge of the logistics. He came to our factory today to inspect the work. The director remembered that you just came and wondered if it is suitable for you. I suggested to visit you first, but I didn't expect you to adapt quite well."

  It's more than good...

  Sister Tian looked around the pigsty, which was cleaner than her office, and felt infinitely emotional: This girl is so sincere!

  Which of the workers working in the pig farm didn’t sneak home after feeding the pigs to do their own business? Even those support staff who have an office to sit in will find time to deal with private affairs, run errands for their families, and so on.

   She has worked in the farm for so many years, and this is the first time she has seen such a solid-eyed **** who uses the pigsty as an office and does not leave until after get off work.

On the way here, she also mentioned to director Qi and deputy director Lin that Comrade Xiao Xu, who just arrived, might not be very used to the work on the pig farm, and he was too busy to have lunch. Adapt, but too adapt, too involved, resulting in missed meals.

   "Xiao Xu, you are really good!" Sister Tian gave Xu Yin a thumbs up.

  Director Qi and Deputy Director Lin also agreed.

   "Xiao Xu, how did you think of cleaning the pigsty so clean?"

  The head of the field walked around with his hands behind his back. The trough belongs to the trough, the sink belongs to the sink, and the corner where the pigs sleep is covered with dry straw. Not to mention other pig pens, the dormitories of bachelors are not so clean!

   And he found that the air in this pigsty is also normal, unlike other pigsty that passed by along the way, the smell of urine and excrement from the nose makes people sick.

  He couldn't help asking the same confusion in the hearts of several other people: "Don't these pigs poop?"

"Yes!" Xu Yin laughed, "And they eat a lot and defecate a lot, several times a day! I think eating, drinking and defecating are all in one circle, which is too smelly and dirty, so I separated them. Their bathrooms are On the opposite side of the pigsty."

   After hearing what she said, Qi Qi turned around and looked at the pigpen behind him.

  The first impression is: it is also very clean! No smell.

   After entering, there is no peculiar smell at all, but you can still smell it if you smell it carefully.

   But compared to the staff toilets, this small pigsty is much cleaner.

  The four were very surprised:

   "Xiao Xu, how did you do it? The pig eats a lot and poops more than once a day, and will obediently listen to you, and come here when it wants to poop?"

How can it be!

   It would be nice to be so obedient!

   It makes me cry!

  Xu Yin reported the work content of the past ten days.

  At first, deputy factory director Lin thought that this little comrade had a strange idea. He even wanted to train pigs like hounds—they would find a place to shit. A hound can be trained because it is smart, but how stupid a pig is!

   I didn't expect to be trained by her.

  The more you listen, the happier you are: "I didn't expect that pigs can be trained so consciously like dogs. It's not bad! Xiao Xu, you are a capable person!"

  The higher-ups have all praised it, but the director Qi, Sister Tian, ​​and the secretary of the factory director can not praise it.

   A group of people praised Xu Yin severely.

  Xu Yin was a little embarrassed by the praise, so she said: "Livestock are actually like people, and they also like a clean and comfortable living environment, so that their mood will be happy. When they are in a happy mood, it is easy to gain weight, and they have a broad mind and a fat body."

"Hahaha! Well said!" Deputy Factory Manager Lin nodded and smiled, and then said to Director Qi, "I think this method is very good, regardless of whether it can grow meat or not, the environment and air of the pig farm will be much better. Do you want to promote it in the audience?"

  Does Director Qi dare to say "no"? Having said that, his field director career is over.

  Besides, as the leader of the game, he certainly hopes that the pigsty will be clean and the pigs will be fat, so he nodded hastily:

   "You are right! I also think this method is quite good. The existence of our farm is to provide meat sources for the canteens of each factory all year round, to ensure the nutritional intake of employees, and to raise pigs well is our mission!"

"Okay! Then you hurry up and implement it." Deputy Factory Manager Lin patted the field manager on the shoulder, "Next week, I will invite a reporter comrade to come over together and ask him to write an inspiring article about the new look of our farm. Factual report."

  After the inspection by deputy factory manager Lin left, the director of Qi plant seized the time to convene all the employees to hold a mobilization meeting, and conveyed the request made by the superior leaders during the inspection:

"...Comrades, especially the comrades in charge of the pigsty, your task is very difficult. You have to clean up your pigsty, including the pigs in the pigsty, within ten days! The standard of cleanliness refers to Xu Yin. Comrade’s pigsty, everyone can visit the pigsty in charge of Comrade Xu Yin after the meeting. Ah, and also, within ten days, the pigs must learn to defecate and pee at fixed times...”

  Before Director Qi finished speaking, Xu Yin felt the eyes cast from all directions, like lights on her back.

   "..." The director cheated me!

  Chief Qi can't help it. He doesn't ask individuals to disperse the firepower. He is worried that the mobilization meeting will end and he will be surrounded by all the employees.

  (end of this chapter)

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