The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 591: Six Occasions Fine Plant Flowers (15)

  Chapter 591 Six Occasions, Fine Factory Flowers (15)

   Night fell, the lights dimmed.

  In the courtyard where Xu’s family lives, the older ones were sitting in the courtyard shaking their big palm-leaf fans to enjoy the shade, and the younger ones met to go out and walk the road.

  The people living in this courtyard are basically the workers of the textile factory. The walls are wall to wall, door to door, and the yard is still shared. Who doesn’t know what happened in the Xu family half a month ago.

   Therefore, seeing Xu Yin coming back at this point attracted the attention of the neighbors in the yard enjoying the shade.

   "Hey, isn't this the fourth child of the Xu family? Why are you back at this time? Have you had dinner yet? Yo, you still have something in your hand, did you buy something good for the family?"

  Xu Yin: I said it was just a small cushion, would you believe it?

  Everyone is guessing: the fourth child of the Xu family was expelled from the farm, right? Come to think of it, this guy with thin arms and thin legs doesn't look like work material.

   "According to me, he must have come back for Xu Yao's marriage, isn't it Yinyin?" asked the aunt next door to Xu's family.

  Xu Yin: "???"

  What the **** is Xu Yao doing?

  It’s already ordered, the neighbors have already eaten, but the Xu family is sitting at the table around the kerosene lamp, moaning and sighing.

It's not that he was waiting for Xu Yin, but that Xu Yao recently fell in love with someone. The family of the other party is not good, but the lion opened his mouth. In addition to the "four one projects" (double bed, washbasin, spittoon, thermos bottle), the bride price also includes If you want furniture with "thirty-six legs", you will not marry if you lack one.

   Rao is that Xu Aiguo and his wife are ready for their son to use the deposit for marriage, but they didn't expect the other party's request to be so high, the deposit is not enough!

  Ask the eldest daughter to borrow it. The eldest daughter said that the child is going to study soon and the expenses are high, so she can only borrow 20 yuan from her natal family.

  What can twenty yuan do?

  “Thirty-six legs” costs about a hundred yuan for the wood alone, not counting the carpenter’s wages and the cost of painting. After the whole set, Xu’s mother asked someone to estimate it, at least one hundred and fifty.

   Xu's mother's elder sister gave her an idea: "Isn't Miss Fang old enough? Why don't you tell her about her family first, get engaged, and give Yao'er a wife first with the dowry."

  Xu's mother originally wanted to arrange marriages for her children in order of age, but she was really short of money. She felt that what the children's aunt said made sense, so she started looking for a partner for Xu Fang.

  Xu Fang actually has someone she likes, who is an apprentice of the accountant of the second factory.

   Accountants are indeed very popular, but accounting apprentices don’t have much money, and their monthly salary is not as high as Xu Fang, a warehouse manager.

  Plus, the condition of the other party's family is not very good. If the two are talking about each other, her parents will definitely object, so they don't dare to express their feelings, so they can only secretly hide it in their hearts, and want to wait for the other party to become a regular.

   Unexpectedly, for the sake of Xu Yao's marriage, parents would marry her, and they didn't ask her if she would like it, so they immediately got angry and went on a hunger strike.

   This made the whole family fall on their backs, how could they be in the mood to eat.

  Xu Yin pushed the door open and came in, startled: "Father, mother, you know I'm coming back today, why are you waiting for me?"


  Who is waiting for you!

   "Fourth, you are so chic, you patted your **** and left this house without making a sound for half a month."

  Xu Yao took the lead and trained Xu Yin:

   "There is something at home, and I don't see you reaching out to help. You have to eat as soon as you come back. If you don't contribute to the family, who will give you food?"

Xu Yin was baffled: "Why didn't I contribute to the family? Didn't most of my previous salary be handed over to the family? It's not time to pay salary this month, why are you choking! It seems that you have a loud voice and a bad temper Enough? With this spirit, why don’t you earn some extra money and generate more income for the family? You go to work every day, work hard, wait for dinner after work, and you have the nerve to talk about me with your virtue?”


   Xu Yao was so angry that he raised his hand to hit her, but was stopped by Xu Aiguo.

   "Second brother, what are you doing! The brothers and sisters quarreled for a few minutes, so why did you start fighting?"

"That's enough, let's not say a few words, don't you think our house is not lively enough for outsiders to see?" Xu's mother went to the kitchen to make a bowl of mustard egg drop soup, and came out to smooth things over, "Second brother, calm down, fourth brother, please That’s right, this mouth, how can I say hello... I will choke with your brother as soon as I come back.”

  Xu Yin gave her elders face and didn't reason with her.

  To be honest, if Big Sister Tian hadn’t persuaded her to take a rest out of kindness, she would rather stay with the piggies every day.

  In this family, the head of the family, Comrade Xu Aiguo, made some sense. Xu's mother was partial to the two sons, not to say that she didn't care about the daughter, but once the interests of the two sons were involved, she would definitely stand on his side, right or wrong.

   But if she doesn't go home after rest, Sister Tian will think that something is wrong with her family. After all, other people are on vacation, and they all run home.

   It would be great if there were commercial housing sales in this era... Xu Yin sighed inwardly.

  Then she will buy a small courtyard by herself, and live by herself during the holidays, so that she can save herself from staring at her brothers and sisters who don't match her character.

   "It's pickled vegetables and pickled melon strips again... when can I eat meat!" Xu Rong's lament interrupted Xu Yin's distraction.

Xu Fang, who was on a hunger strike in the hiding room, raised the curtain and snorted coldly: "Wait, unless your second brother marries a wife, then he will eat pickles. Oh, you may not be able to eat meat if you marry a wife, because you have to save money. Money to pay off those thirty-six legs!"

  Xu Yao knew he was wrong, so he threw his chopsticks, got up and went back to the room: "Don't eat!"

  Xu Fang sneered: "I will never eat it if I can! Save your rations and make thirty-six legs for your future daughter-in-law!"

  Xu Yin was thoughtful, and probably understood a little bit.

   No wonder so many people in the yard pointed to her house and whispered, so they were eating Xu Yao's melon.

"Father, mother." Xu Fang said with a straight face, "I can't do it if I want to sacrifice my marriage to make my second child happy. The fourth child is only one year younger than me, and it's also the age to talk about marriage. Why not?" Let her marry?"

  Xu Yin: "..."

  Just joined the ranks of people who eat melons, and the flames of war burned themselves?

  She looked innocent: "It's none of my business!"

   Comrade Xiaojin from her family hasn't met her yet, so it's too early to talk about marriage.

   "It's none of your business, and it's none of my business, why should I marry now?" Xu Fang said unconvinced.

  Mother Xu muttered: "That's not true, you are one year older than the eldest..."

   "It's only one year away. You asked me to marry ahead of Xu Yao, didn't you just persuade me like this - it's only two years away."

  Xu's mother wiped away her tears: "Then what do you want me to do! The second child has reached the age of marrying a wife, and he found it himself. If he doesn't agree with him, he won't even go to work, saying that life is hard to love..."

"If he said that, you agreed? Then I said the same thing. If you want to marry, let the fourth brother marry. Isn't it that the marriage that the aunt introduced is very good? Let the fourth child! Otherwise, I will not go to work! I also There is nothing to love in life!"


  Xu Yin: Damn it! Sisters, your move is a bit ruthless!

  She supported her forehead, and inadvertently glanced at the younger brother who was holding a bowl beside her and heartlessly grilling rice with pickled vegetables and pickles.

  Xu Rong shivered: "Fourth, fourth sister. What do you think I am doing! I am not a woman, and it is not time to marry... er, marry a daughter-in-law. You can't push it to me like the third sister."


  Children, you think too much!

  (end of this chapter)

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