The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 593: Six Zero Things Jingchang Flower (17) (three shifts, ask for the month)

  Chapter 593 Sixty things and fine factory flowers (17) (Third watch, ask for a monthly pass!)

  Xu Yin obviously didn't believe it.

  Sheng Yujin touched her cheek with the tip of her tongue, and laughed dumbfoundedly: "It's really the first time. But I have acquaintances who work in the black market."

  Xu Yin understood: Let’s just say, there is no guide, and you can’t even find where the door of the black market is open. How can you make a move if you want?

  Since he has a way, Xu Yin doesn't plan to sell cheap agricultural and sideline products, and directly sells a pair of pure gold earrings in the shape of plum blossoms.

   One pair of two, a total of 3.5 grams.

  The current price of gold is only 20 yuan per gram, and the black market can’t even sell it for less than 20 yuan, but no matter how the price is lowered, it should be no problem to sell a pair of earrings for 50 or 60 yuan.

"My grandma left it to me. She loves me the most." Xu Yin rubbed the pair of deliberately worn gold earrings in her hands, and explained without changing her expression, "I have five brothers and sisters, so the rest of my family I don’t know, but right now the family is in urgent need of money, and I won’t be able to find a way to raise money for a while, so I can only sell it. Grandma Izumi knows, so she probably won’t blame me.”

  This is pure nonsense.

  Yuanchen’s grandma passed away at the beginning of last year due to illness. Treating Yuanshen during her lifetime is not bad, but it’s not good either. The older generation is more or less patriarchal. The original body's grandma was no exception.

  If Grandma Xu really had a pair of gold earrings on hand, and it was too late to distribute them to her two grandsons, how could she give them to her granddaughter?

   But no one is here, who to confront? Of course she has the final say.

"Are you still busy?" Xu Yin wrapped the earrings in an embroidered handkerchief and handed them to him, "I'm wasting your time, this one will come out as soon as it can be released, and if no one wants it, let it go. I know what's going on right now. In this year, many people can’t get enough to eat, and there is not much market for jewelry.”

  Actually, the best market is that after she disguises herself, she sells high-quality and cheap grain, oil, rice and noodles on the black market. There must be a market for this.

  But firstly, he refused to tell him where the black market was, and secondly, she had to go back to work at the farm, and it was really inconvenient to ship goods to and from the city. We can only try to see if there is a market for gold earrings.

  Sheng Yujin took the handkerchief and glanced at her with a half-smile: "You trust me so much? You can give me such a valuable thing if you say it?"

  Xu Yin met his playful smiling eyes: "..."

   This is indeed a bug.

  She was sure that he would not deceive her, lie to her, or harm her, but to him, she was just a stranger who took a ride once.

  What's going on now?


  Sheng Yujin chuckled, and took off the brand new watch on her wrist: "My family gave it to me. I just put it on this morning. I'll put it on you first."

   Without waiting for Xu Yin to refuse, he stuffed it into her hand, then straddled his long legs, got into the car handsomely, and said to her, "Come on."


  Xu Yin realized that the two of them were talking and walking, and they were already far away from the tram stop just now.

   "I'll take you to the next platform."

  Sheng Yujin did have something else to do, otherwise she wouldn't have left so early.

  He drove Xu Yin to the next stop of Tram No. 9, waited for her to get on the bus, and then rode away.

  When I arrived at my second hometown, it was more than half an hour later than expected.

  Old Sheng smiled and looked at him a few times: "I heard that your brother came back from a business trip yesterday and gave you a watch. What's the matter? I was so excited that I went to bed late? That's why I got up late?"

   "Grandpa." Sheng Yujin let the old man make fun of him, parked the car without changing his expression, stepped forward to help the old man back to the house, "something delayed me on the way."

"Where's the watch? Did you bring it? Show me. I heard your brother bragging, saying that only one or two hundred yuan was produced in the whole country, and he entrusted several people to grab one. Let me take a look." How strange..."

  Sheng Yujin's body stiffened slightly, a watch? Just got out.

  But does he dare to tell the truth?

   "I was in a hurry to go out, so I forgot to wear it."

  Old Master Sheng looked at him suspiciously several times, why is he so unbelieving.

"Last year, when you just joined the driving team, Yuxi gave you the bicycle outside your door. You were so excited that you rode it to me early in the morning. This time, the watch is fresher than the bicycle. How could you forget to wear it? No Could it be that you lost it as soon as you got it?"

"How is it possible? I really forgot. I'll show you next time." Sheng Yujin helped the old man to sit down and made tea for him. "It's you who insisted on letting me come over early in the morning. What's the matter? Grandma?" ?”

   "She, she went to the exchange meeting with other old women in the yard, and said she wanted to see if there was any red and festive quilt satin, and prepared it in advance, and saved it for your wedding."

  Sheng Yujin raised her forehead: "Grandpa..."

"Hahaha! These are your grandma's original words. I didn't mean to tease you on purpose. But it's time to think about your lifelong affairs. Your parents are busy with work and stay in Yanjing all the year round. They don't see each other a few times throughout the year. When they worry about it, the day lily will be cold, your brother's marriage was arranged by your aunt back then."

"I'm in no hurry."

   "You are not in a hurry, I am in a hurry! I still want to wait to hold my great-grandson."

   "That's not my turn. My brother has been married for two years and has no children. You should find him."

   "Your brother is your brother, and you are you." Old Sheng stared.

  None of the two grandchildren is reassuring.

  The eldest grandson is married, but there has been no news for a long time. They are grandparents, after a generation, they can't be urged every day.

  Little grandson...

  Old Sheng thought of the purpose of finding his grandson today, so he got back to business:

"Do you still remember Wang Youkang, my old subordinate? His brother-in-law's daughter, who just turned eighteen, is currently working in the factory office of your second factory. There are several brothers in the family. She is the only girl who has been favored since she was a child, but I heard from your Uncle Wang that he has a pretty good temper, he's not spoiled at all, and he's pretty good-looking..."

  When Sheng Yujin heard the word "spiritual light", for some reason, Xu Yin's pretty face and willow-like waist flashed across her mind, and she couldn't help being distracted.

   It wasn't until the old man called him several times that he realized, "Grandpa, what did you say?"

  Old Sheng squinted at him several times: "I talked with me for a long time, but you didn't listen to anything? Are you distracted by patronizing?"

   "Cough, I suddenly remembered something I forgot to do, and I have to drive out to the city tomorrow, Grandpa, I have nothing else to do, I'm leaving first." Sheng Yujin wanted to slip away after finishing speaking.

   "Why do you have to go back and deal with it now?" Old Sheng grabbed him.

   Want to get away with it? no way! I don't even think about what he was doing before he retired—he was dedicated to doing ideological work for people, and the subtle expressions on his face couldn't escape his sharp eyes.

   "Sit down! Your grandma is coming back soon, she has seen that girl, let her tell you more about that girl..."

  Sheng Yujin looked helpless: "Grandpa!"

  Old Sheng snorted complacently: "You kid still want to play the trick of hiding the sky and crossing the sea with me? You can tell from the look on your face. Don't hide it, just tell me the truth."

   "What are you explaining? Xiaojin has a date?" Grandma Sheng came back from the outside, "Which family is the girl? How old is this year? Where does she live?"


  (end of this chapter)

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