The Card Apprentice

Chapter 364: breakthrough

Ka Xiu, who had just entered the Snow Shuttle, suddenly flew out of the cabin door without a word, and in the blink of an eye, plunged into the middle of Ka Xiu, which had not yet dispersed. Some of these monks watched their companions fly from the snow shuttle boat, some monks could not figure it out.

"A Jiang, what's wrong?" Ka Xiu asked strangely. A Jiang has always been very obedient, is there any enemy in the Snow Shuttle? Their gazes fluttered towards the Snow Shuttle.

"Be careful!" The short hairpin headed by his face changed dramatically.

A figure suddenly flashed out of the young Ka Xiu's arms. This accident happened so suddenly that everyone's response appeared a short-term gap. The blank was extremely short, not even a second.

However, it was less than a second, which gave Chen Mu an excellent opportunity.

He is like a cheetah ready to explode, all of a sudden burst of power! His muscles tightened suddenly, as if he twitched the steel wire strings, and he was driven by an unparalleled force.

Under the high-speed movement, the scene in front of him was distorted, and Chen Mu had long been accustomed to it. In the field of violent shaking, he accurately locked the key of the opponent-


The palm of the right hand gently dangled, a very thin and light appeared, like a poisonous snake staring at the prey silently in the darkness.

Looking at the other person's expression sharply enlarged in his eyes, Chen Mu didn't have a little excitement, he didn't have the slightest timidity, his mind didn't fluctuate, and he was calm like crystal ice.

The upper body has several continuous pendulum-like swings, which can make his body more erratic and difficult to capture. This is a technique learned from Via, not too much tricky, but very practical. It can form a series of afterimages, which greatly interferes with the enemy's judgment.

Unfortunately, his speed is faster than that of Via. Far worse. In this move, Chen Mu has suffered too much, even now, Wea is using this move. He still felt quite a headache.

The other's eyes were stunned, frightened, and flustered.

Chen Mu did not slow down because of the dullness of his opponent, his right hand suddenly bounced, and his elbows were slightly bent and extended. Gently and gently touch the other person's throat.

After his eyes fell on Slim, here was his breakthrough point. Before the hand was able to be removed from the other person's neck, a powerful wave of energy suddenly came from behind him, and the sense of danger rose suddenly.

Without hesitation, Chen Mu threw Ka Xiu on his hand and threw it behind him. But he rolled quickly on the ground.

Puff puff!

The silver ground light shuttle penetrated the poor Kashou's body, and the ground surface snowed.

Regardless of watching who shot behind him, Chen Mu did not get up, clinging to the snow, an s-shaped side slip. Behind a tree.

Almost as soon as he moved, just now he was in a messy position.

The response is slower, but now I am afraid that it has become a horse honeycomb. However, his response was also extremely fast. Flashing to the back of the tree, his legs slammed on the trunk, and the whole person turned in one direction and radiated toward the front right!

Poppy, trunks up to ten meters in diameter were beaten into sawdust. Three or four silver light shuttles penetrated the trunk and sank into the jungle.

The other side's silver energy shuttle is like a bone-bound yoke, and the ghosts stay.

It is the leader of this group of Cathos who releases the silver energy shuttle. He has the hottest experience and was the first to realize that something is wrong. He had noticed something wrong when A Jiang flew out of the Snow Shuttle, but what he didn't expect was. The other side is so powerful!

The rabbit went up and down. Can be described as dizzying, bringing him unprecedented shock.

The opponent's stature and weirdness made him chill in his heart. The distance between the two sides is less than twenty meters. In such a close range, his several attacks were all missed. What a powerful reaction nerve it takes!

Shocked under his heart, he didn't relax at all. Such guys, once they really break through, are afraid that they will be sleepy and sleepy. He has seen many Cassius assassins, many of them notorious in the world, but no one can make him feel cold like this one.

He didn't even see how his companion was killed.

He didn't feel energy fluctuations and perception fluctuations. The opponent's movements and fighting methods seemed to rely more on muscle strength. Is he a master without card flow? The other side ’s action, which was close to the ground just now, resembled a snake-like movement, let him take a sip of air-conditioning, which seemed to confirm his speculation. The opponent's body is as soft as bones. Even if they make such movements contrary to the laws of the human body, presumably only those card-free masters who concentrate on tempering their bodies can achieve this level.

However, there was no spare time for him to think carefully.

He stared at each other's figure like a hawk, and his eyes dilated sharply, a good opportunity!

The opponent detached from behind the tree, and there was no place to borrow in midair. For a master without card streaming, there is no leverage, which means the biggest flaw! But he didn't rush to shoot, he hasn't locked the opponent yet, blindly shooting will only let the opportunity slip away from his fingers.

For a master like him, complete the lock without even breathing. He didn't notice any energy fluctuations, which made it quite difficult for him to target. However, his strength is good, and his combat experience is very rich, and he is not helpless.

Locking a moving humanoid object without energy fluctuations within a distance of less than twenty meters is not difficult for a senior cascade trained by the system.

Of course, the opponent's speed is too fast, which caused him some minor troubles, but it was only minor troubles. He is confident enough to complete the blow--

It's now!

The opponent is less than half a meter away from the ground. This is not only the most difficult time for the other party to make adjustments, but also the time when the mind is most relaxed.

The five silver energy shuttles resemble five silvery, sharp-skinned saury. His perception is stable and precise. Countless times have proved their power.

He was about to take a shot, his face suddenly changed!

At this moment, there was a slight disturbance in perception, and the originally quiet and abnormal energy shuttle immediately became unstable, and it seemed to lose control. He then reacted, and in a hurry, he quickly threw the energy on his hand toward the swift ghostly figure.

Immediately after letting go, a series of dense pops popped, and five energy shuttles exploded in mid-air three meters away from him. Affected, he suddenly became gray-faced.

But he couldn't take care of it at this time, but stared at the direction in which the mysterious master disappeared.

What did you just see? The other side turned out of thin air!

How did you do it? Airflow card? But why didn't you notice a trace of energy fluctuations? If it's not an airflow card, what is it?

And the opponent then changed a series of directions, like a chain-like change, this is a very difficult card repair tactical action!

All Ka Xiu facelessly looked at the direction where Chen Mu disappeared, all silent.

After a short while, the headed Ka Xiu returned to his mind. He ignored the soot on his face and walked solemnly to the body of Ka Xiu who had fallen.

When he saw a very thin blood line on the neck of that person, there were sounds of neatly drawn gas from other cards.

They flipped A Jiang's body, and sure enough, they found an equally fine bloodstain at the same location. These fierce Ka Xiu was also frightened by such fierce means, all of them looked like dirt, and several Ka Xiu could not help touching his neck.

Seeing that the boss was looking carefully, someone Kashu boldly asked carefully, "Boss, can you see the way?"

"I can't see it." Ka Xiu, headed, shook his head in a low tone. He pressed his finger lightly next to the blood line, and sighed, the blood foam that had accumulated enough pressure had spewed out like a fountain from the already soaked blood line.

Unexpectedly, he sprayed him.

"Too, so wicked!" One of Catho's teeth murmured.

The **** Boss Boss had a distorted face, gritted his teeth and squeezed out his teeth: "Immediately pass the news back, without catching this guy, we will not have a good life in the future!"

Chen Mu swiftly shuttled through the jungle. The great turning performance of the great loach is best suited for complex terrain like the jungle. The jungles in Tiandongli are all snow forests. Unlike the jungles in the south, they are mostly tall trees with tall trees, so the debris in the jungle is actually quite small. This is why the snow shuttle boat can sail Into the jungle.

Chen Mu scattered the threaded sniper shuttle in his hand. Originally he estimated that the other party would definitely be chasing after him. This threaded sniper shuttle was prepared for them.

Where does he know that his weird and eerie means have scared these people into fear, who dares to chase them?

After another ten minutes of flight, Chen Mu determined that there was no chaser behind him, and finally slowed down. He needs to think about what to do next. He is not very worried about security now. In the jungle, the advantage of the number is difficult to play. He is more flexible on his own, and he is also very familiar with jungle operations.

The question now is, how can he merge with Via? He didn't expect that he would encounter plunder. Where would he bring a map or something? Without map guidance, trying to reach the city of Zalgan can only be a lie.

Fortunately, although he does not have a map, he has other preparations.

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