The career of an evil alchemist that started from picking up a crazy sword girl

Author: Ah Ze


Traveling through another world, working hard for more than half a year, just to become an alchemist

After finally getting into the industry, I wanted to turn stones into gold and reach the peak of my life

But who knew, when I opened the alchemy manual...

Poison, curse, evil dead things

Bombs, blood sacrifice, human body alchemy

After looking at the alchemy manual and the mysterious girl who looked like a walking corpse that he picked up, Lu Lin fell into deep thought

Volume 1

Prologue A225 Foreign Slave File

Name: Limi Loris

Gender: Female

Foreign Slave Type: Hero

Summoning Place: A-71

Strength Rating at Summoning: D-

Current Strength Level: A+

Number of Successfully Conquered Dungeons: 17

Current Status: Missing Wanted

Death Record:

1 On the 41st day of the 16th month of the year 7543 of the Holy Calendar, he was torn in the abdomen by a ghoul in the D-level dungeon Kemes Cave, and his internal organs were ruptured After resurrection, his mental condition was stable

2 On the 43rd day of the 16th month of the 7543th year of the Holy Calendar, his legs were bitten off by wolves in the D-level dungeon Kemes Cave and his body was dismembered. After resurrection, his mental condition was basically stable

3 On the 44th day of the 16th month of the 7543th year of the Holy Calendar, he was smashed by a rock giant in the D-level dungeon Kemes Cave. After resurrection, his mental condition was unstable. After comforting, his mental condition was basically stable

4 On the 45th day of the 16th month of the 7543th year of the Holy Calendar, he fell into a spike trap in the D-level dungeon Kemes Cave and died of excessive blood loss. After resurrection, his mental condition was extremely unstable. After clearing the memory of the death, his mental condition was basically stable

14 On the 6th day of the 17th month of the 7543th year of the Holy Calendar, he was dissolved by the digestive juice of the man-eating plant in the C-level dungeon Keles Forest. After resurrection, his mental condition collapsed. After clearing the memory of the death, his mental condition still collapsed. After clearing all the death memories and hypnotizing, his mental condition was successfully stabilized

15 On the 9th day of the 17th month of the 7543th year of the Holy Calendar, Crushed by a rolling stone trap in the C-level dungeon Kells Land Forest. After resurrection, the mental condition was basically stable.

16. Holy calendar 7543. 17th month 11. The head was bitten off by a gargoyle in the C-level dungeon Kells Land Forest. The mental condition was basically stable after resurrection.

17. Holy calendar 7543. 17th month 14. In the C-level dungeon Kells Land Forest, the flesh and blood were eaten by ants. The mental condition was extremely unstable after resurrection. After clearing the memory of the death, the mental condition was basically stable.

56. Holy calendar 7543. 19th month 11. In the A-level dungeon Miasma Dragon Valley, the internal organs rotted and died. After resurrection, the mental condition collapsed. After clearing the memory of the death, the mental condition still collapsed. After clearing all the death memories and hypnotizing, the mental condition was successfully stabilized.

57. Holy calendar 7543. 19th month 15 Squeezed into pieces by a stone trap in the A-level dungeon Miasma Dragon Valley. Mental collapse after resurrection. Mental instability remains after the memory of death is erased. Mental condition is basically stable after hypnosis

58 Holy Calendar 7543 Year 19 Month 17th Burned to charcoal by dragon breath in the A-level dungeon Miasma Dragon Valley. Mental instability remains after resurrection. Mental condition is basically stable after comforting

137 Holy Calendar 7543 Year 23 Month 9th Died in the deep of the S-level dungeon Loves Dark Valley, the cause of death is unknown. Mental collapse after resurrection. Mental instability remains extremely unstable after the memory of death is erased. Mental condition is barely stable after deep hypnosis

138 Holy Calendar 7543 Year 23 Month 13th Died in the deep of the S-level dungeon Loves Dark Valley, the cause of death is unknown. Mental collapse after resurrection. Mental instability remains extremely unstable after the memory of death is erased. Mental condition is barely stable after deep hypnosis

139 Holy Calendar 7543 Year 23rd month 18th Died in the depths of the S-class dungeon Lovess Valley, the cause of death is unknown. After resurrection, he suffered a mental breakdown. After the memory of the death was cleared, his mental state was still extremely unstable. After deep hypnosis, his mental state was barely stable.

157th month 24th month 1st of the Holy Calendar 7543 Died in the depths of the S-class dungeon Lovess Valley, the cause of death is unknown. After resurrection, he suffered a mental breakdown. After the memory of the death was cleared, his mental state was still extremely unstable. After deep hypnosis, his mental state was barely stable.

158th month 24th month 5th of the Holy Calendar 7543 Died in the depths of the S-class dungeon Lovess Valley, the cause of death is unknown. After resurrection, he suffered a mental breakdown. After the memory of the death was cleared, his mental state was still extremely unstable. After deep hypnosis, his mental state was barely stable.

159th month 24th month 7th of the Holy Calendar 7543 Died in the depths of the S-class dungeon Lovess Valley, the cause of death is unknown. After resurrection, he suffered a mental breakdown. After the memory of the death was cleared, his mental state was still extremely unstable. After deep hypnosis, his mental state was barely stable.

160 On the 9th day of the 24th month of the Holy Calendar Year 7543, he died in the depths of the S-class dungeon Loves Hollow. The cause of death is unknown. After resurrection, his mental state was still extremely unstable after the memory of the death was cleared. After deep hypnosis, his mental state was barely stable.

161 On the 10th day of the 24th month of the Holy Calendar Year 7543, he died in the depths of the S-class dungeon Loves Hollow. The cause of death is unknown. After resurrection, his mental state was still extremely unstable after the memory of the death was cleared. After deep hypnosis, his mental state was barely stable.

162 Holy calendar year 7543, 24/12. Died in the depths of the S-class dungeon, Loves Hades Valley. The cause of death is unknown. After resurrection, he suffered a mental breakdown. After clearing the memory of the death, his mental state was still extremely unstable. After deep hypnosis, his mental condition was barely stable.

163 Sacred calendar year 7543, 24/13. Died in the depths of the S-level dungeon, Loves Hades Valley. The cause of death is unknown. After resurrection, he had a mental breakdown. After clearing the memory of the death, his mental state was still extremely unstable. After deep hypnosis, his mental condition was barely stable.

164 Holy Calendar, 7543, 24/14, died in the depths of the S-level dungeon, Loves Hades Valley. The cause of death is unknown. After resurrection, he had a mental breakdown. After clearing the memory of the death, his mental state was still extremely unstable. After deep hypnosis, his mental condition was barely stable.

165 Sacred calendar year 7543, 24/15. Died deep in the S-level dungeon, Loves Hades Valley. The cause of death is unknown. After resurrection, he suffered a mental breakdown. 9siba. '2《牭◎⊙③⑶0武中@qun: After clearing the memory of the death, the spirit is still extremely unstable. After deep hypnosis, the mental condition is barely stable.

217 January 3, 7544 in the Holy Calendar. Died in the depths of the S-level dungeon, Loves Valley. The cause of death is unknown. After resurrecting, he suffered a mental breakdown. During the memory erasing ceremony, he frantically killed all the flesh puppets in the church and then escaped. He fell while being pursued by the Crusaders. He entered the Great Rift Valley of Siltirbo to perform the resurrection ritual to no avail. Judging from the strength of his soul, he has not yet died and has been added to the wanted recovery list.



"Application for level positioning of S-level dungeon Loves Hades Valley"

Because this dungeon is too dangerous, a large number of foreign slaves who went to explore the depths of the dungeon went crazy and went out of control. We are now applying to increase the rating of this dungeon to S+.

Or, considering that its impact on foreign slaves is not at the same level as other S-level dungeons in history, perhaps it should be rated as the first SS-level dungeon.

Applicant: Red Priest of the Crusaders Leshi Fenserf

Chapter 1: Life is already so difficult, how can you still get into trouble even though you are taking advantage of it?


The scorching sun in the sky was so intense that people couldn't even raise their eyes to look at it.

Under normal circumstances, such sunlight would bring some intense heat.

But Lu Lin was not tired of the sunlight at all. Instead, he covered his forehead with his hands, raised his head and squinted his eyes, with a sense of enjoyment on his face.

About a hundred meters away on both sides of him were two rugged cliffs hundreds of meters high.

This is the interior of a rift valley. Except for certain months every year, the bottom of the valley enjoys very little direct sunlight. If you want to bask in the sun, you can only take advantage of the midday period.

In Lu Lin's hand, he held a bucket of fish, which was the food he caught for him in the fish basket he placed on the edge of the nearby river.

It is also his food for today and tomorrow.

The fish was very fresh, but Lu Lin was not looking forward to lunch.

The main reason...

Probably because of poverty.

I was so poor that I had no other seasonings except a little salt.

The kitchen utensils only have a stone pot. In order to save salt, Lu Lin is reluctant to even sprinkle salt on grilled fish. He only stews fish soup all day long and cooks fish fillet porridge with some rice. The taste is bland and there are no spices to remove the fishy smell. He still eats the same thing all year round. It's something that anyone would get tired of changing.

In the distance, he saw his own residence.

It was a dilapidated cabin.

It used to be even more dilapidated than it is now. It was so dilapidated that it was abandoned. After he came, he looked at the repairs. Although there was still air leakage, it was still considered a place to live.

Walking to the wooden house, he opened a large tank filled with domestic water. Lu Lin poured in the dinner and the fish he planned to eat the next day. Then, he went into the house and took out the stone pot, put it on the earthen stove in front of the house, and poured it in. water, lit the fire, and started cooking.

Lu Lin sighed as he cut open the belly of the fish with difficulty with an old blunt knife.

He felt nostalgic for the past. Back then, he often disliked the cheap stainless steel kitchen knife that came with the rice cooker at home. He felt that the set of knives was too dull and was no match for the knives in the hands of chefs in cooking videos. Compare.

However, the set of household knives he once despised was many times sharper than the broken kitchen knife in his hand now.

Yes, Lu Lin is a time traveler, and this is not the world he originally lived in.

As for what kind of world this is, his current understanding is very limited.

My memory of traveling through time is very vague. I only remember a moment of dizziness and a look of disgust on the face of a beautiful nun.

It seems that he also heard something about bad luck, modifying parameters, etc., but he couldn't understand it. After that, when his consciousness was completely clear, he was in this valley.

I always feel like I was thrown here, but I don’t know what? 8◇∫二四>\u0026糤③$]悂武search,¢So§q group: Why.

At the beginning, Lu Lin's mentality was a bit broken.

Although in the original world he was just an ordinary college student at an ordinary university, and in two years he might face a bleak future of unemployment after graduation, it was not impossible for him to accept the idea of ​​traveling through time and ushering in a new life.

But such a start is really no different from simply living in the wild.

Until Lu Lin discovered that he seemed to have his own golden finger.

It was a task menu, and the interface was just in my mind, very simple.

When awakening, there are three options in the menu, which read [Path of the Wisdom], [Path of the Advisor] and [Path of the Sage].

There is little information under the options, and the number of words is almost the same, with only a few words slightly different.

[Wise Way]:

[Difficulty: Easy Offense: Weak Defense: Weak Logistics: Strong Growth Potential: High]

[Planner Way]:

[Difficulty: Medium Offense: Medium Defense: Medium Logistics: Extremely Strong Growth Potential: Medium]

[Sage Way]:

[Difficulty: Difficult Offense: Strong Defense: Strong Logistics: Strong Growth Potential: High]

This seems to be an important choice that will determine his future development direction, so Lu Lin's first reaction is to find one with high growth potential.

Both [Wise Way] and [Sage Way] have high growth potential, so he first ruled out [Planner Way], a moderate option.

As for the comparison between [Wise Way] and [Sage Way]...

The former has a simple difficulty, but weak offensive and defensive capabilities, while the latter is difficult, but strong offensive and defensive capabilities.

Lu Lin does not understand this strange world, and he is not very clear about what the so-called offensive and defensive capabilities mean.

But according to his experience of reading all kinds of online articles for many years, even if it is an urban article, it seems that if there is no combat power, it will be killed by the Dragon King Nine ㈣∨岜°二㈣三,…涶禦●¥thorn∨》40% off Huixiong…』Purchasing agent: The King of Soldiers, he is in the wilderness, and he may have to survive in the wilderness. Combat power is still very important.

So:, naturally, Lu Lin chose the third option.

Then he soon regretted it.

Because he found that he underestimated the value of this "difficulty".

After choosing, the options in the interface in his mind disappeared, leaving only one task.

[The Way of the Sage: Departure]

[Task goal: Obtain an 'Obsidian Alchemy Cauldron' (0/1)]

[Task reward: Primary arcane alchemist ability]

Seeing the task, Lu Lin also confirmed it.

His golden finger really intends to teach him to be an alchemist.

The task seemed reasonable. To be an alchemist, an alchemical cauldron was necessary.

However, it seemed impossible to find such a thing in the wilderness.

So for the next period of time, Lu Lin survived in the wilderness while looking for other traces of humans.

Don't mention it, he really found it.

There was a cave a few kilometers away from the house. Inside the cave was a small town in the mountains, belonging to a race called "earth spirits".

This race looked very similar to humans, except that they were generally a head shorter than humans, and their skin looked white and bluish, and their facial features also had some characteristics of their own. Their pupils were generally smaller than humans, but their noses were larger. They were not good-looking in terms of human aesthetics, but they were not ugly.

Lu Lin was worried at first that he could not communicate with them, but soon he found that he had learned the language of this world without knowing when.

There was no language barrier, and these "earth spirits" did not reject outsiders. Lu Lin quickly learned about the general situation of this world from here.

This is a strange world with various races and a large number of dungeons. It is like a very traditional "sword and magic" world, but it seems not so pure, with all kinds of strange things.

The situation outside seems to sound very complicated. Because he is not familiar with various terms, Lu Lin swollen?

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