"Reward: 300 gold coins"

Lu Lin looked at the wanted poster and was stunned for a moment.

The name didn't match.

The temperament of the portrait didn't match either.


Others might not be able to see it, but Lu Lin realized that the facial features of the woman in the portrait were exactly the same as Li Mi.

Chapter 26: Not for anything else, but mainly to crack down on freeloaders

At first glance, Lu Lin didn't actually connect the person in the portrait with Li Mi.

After all, Li Mi's temperament is so special that the whole person always reveals a sense of emptiness and weirdness.

The woman in the portrait also has a unique temperament.

It is a sharp aura like a sword. Even if it is just a portrait, there seems to be a faint flash of sword light in those eyes.

The completely different temperaments, no one would connect the two people together at first glance, not to mention that the names on the wanted posters are also different.

The reason why Lu Lin took a few more glances was purely because he felt that the level of this portrait was so high that it could actually show the aura and temperament of the person.

As a result, during this period of careful appreciation, Lu Lin suddenly noticed that there was a small mole under the corner of the left eye of the woman in the portrait.

This kind of detail is easy to be overlooked, but if it is specially drawn on the wanted portrait, it will be different.

Things like moles and scars on the face are important features for distinguishing wanted persons.

Coincidentally, Lu Lin remembered that there was also such a small mole under the corner of Li Mi's left eye in almost the same position.

After noticing this, although Lu Lin still did not think that Li Mi would be the person in the portrait, he subconsciously began to compare Li Mi's face with the woman in the portrait.

This time, Lu Lin was more and more shocked.

After all, a portrait is a portrait. If it is not a hyper-realistic style that is carefully depicted, it is basically impossible to be exactly the same as a real person.

What's more, this painting seems to focus more on conveying the spirit rather than the appearance.

But in contrast, its painter is very good at refining the characteristics of people's facial features. If you compare carefully, you can find that every feature of Li Mi's facial features is exactly the same as the woman in the painting.

"Damn, what the hell is going on..." Lu Lin realized that something was wrong and immediately turned around and drove the ox cart away from the notice board.

Li Mi is wanted by the Holy Army?

The bounty is as high as 300 gold coins?

And she has massacred the Holy Church?

Lu Lin frowned for a moment, and his mind was full of thoughts.

If Li Mi is really just an unforgivable criminal, Lu Lin certainly won't mind handing her over to the Holy Army.

After all, that is a bounty of 300 gold coins, what a huge sum of money.

If there is really this money, Lu Lin can not only be promoted to an intermediate alchemist immediately, but may even be able to quickly promote to a higher level with this money.

But, is it really that simple?

Li Mi saved Lu Lin's life and is still his personal guard. Lu Lin is not willing to hand her over for money.

Although three hundred gold is a lot, it is not an amount that he cannot earn. Now he is only a junior alchemist and can earn three golds a month. After he is promoted to an intermediate alchemist in the future, it should not be difficult for him to earn this amount of money.

In addition, even if we put aside the personal feelings, this wanted notice itself is also problematic.

The last item of the charge is jailbreak, which means that Li Mi has been arrested and imprisoned.

It is hard not to make people think that she just escaped from prison and escaped here.

But this guess is very problematic.

If she escaped from prison, the injuries on her body may be explained as a result of fighting during the escape, but the broken armor remains cannot be explained.

Which prisoner can still wear such armor while being imprisoned?

Excluding this possibility, we can only think that she successfully escaped from prison a long time ago, and her traces were not discovered until recently, and then she was defeated in the battle and finally picked up by Lu Lin.

But this can't explain Li Mi's mental state. She has escaped from prison for a long time, and was only discovered and attacked recently. How could her mental state become like this now?

If she was like this when she escaped from prison, how did she live during this period of time?

Thinking of Li Mi who only knew to sit in front of the pot and wait for food when she was hungry, Lu Lin really couldn't imagine how she could survive alone in the wild.

Moreover, the name on the wanted list was different from what Li Mi told him.

Of course, Li Mi might lie to him.

But lying in this mental state...


If you insist, these doubts can be explained by force, but when they are all piled together, Lu Lin really feels strange.

"Well, it would be nice to know what happened outside recently. Is there anything that can get clues..."

Oh, newspapers!

The most proud industry of the Earth Spirit Tribe, the Earth Spirit News.

These guys have their own underground network and publish something similar to newspapers.

Of course, it is just similar. Given the conditions of this world, it is impossible to be higher than a daily or weekly newspaper. The Earth Spirit Tribe's Earth Spirit Newsletter is published every 20 days on average. The specific time is said to depend on when enough news and content can be collected for one issue.

The things recorded on it are also very messy, with many advertisements, and many sources of news are unreliable, which is particularly unreliable in Lu Lin's opinion.

But even so, it is probably the best way for people in this world to understand world events.

As for the large-scale wanted notice, since the Holy Church has sent people to post wanted notices everywhere, there is no reason not to leave some information in the Earth Spirit Newspaper.

In the past, Lu Lin was too poor and could not bear to put more rice in his meals every day, so naturally he had no spare money to buy this thing.

But now it is different.

Lu Lin reached into his completely deflated waist bag, rummaged around in it, and finally took out two silver coins and a few copper coins.

This is the last bit of change he has left.

Due to the high printing cost, high logistics cost, and high information transmission cost in this world, compared with the newspapers and magazines that Lu Lin knows, the price of the Earth Spirit Newspaper can be said to be sky-high. One issue costs one silver coin. He has two left, which is enough to buy two recent ones.

It would be great if he could find some information about Li Mi, but if he can't find it, at least he can learn more about the situation outside, which is not a loss anyway.

After making up his mind, Lu Lin took a detour and went to the sales place of the Earth Spirit Newspaper.

The salesperson at the counter was an elderly lady from Diling. She was always sullen, especially to Lu Lin, who only looked at the products but never bought them.

But today, her expression when she saw Lu Lin was different from the past.

"You, are you the poor boy who picked herbs?" The old lady looked at Lu Lin in astonishment, and her reading glasses unconsciously fell on the tip of the pen.

"Yes, it's me," Lu Lin said, taking two silver coins, "but I brought money this time."

The old lady adjusted her glasses, picked up the two silver coins and looked at them, and nodded: "Well, no problem, but the latest issue of the news magazine hasn't arrived yet."

"It doesn't matter, just give me the latest two issues," Lu Lin said casually, "I'll buy the next issue when it comes out."

After saying this, Lu Lin couldn't help but feel a little happy.

He had been looked down upon too many times by this old woman, and he finally didn't have to suffer this anymore.

Old lady Di Ling looked at Lu Lin, curled her lips, and said, "Don't expect too much, these two issues are just useless waste paper."

"Ah?" Lu Lin was stunned, "Waste paper? Uh, you mean, there is nothing interesting recently?"

"No, this thing has been meaningless since many years ago," said old lady Di Ling, and put two local spiritual newsletters in front of Lu Lin, "Take it, no returns."

"Uh, okay," Lu Lin's mouth twitched, and he took the two newsletters, "You sell this thing yourself, is it really appropriate to say that?"

"It doesn't matter, anyway, I get a fixed salary," said old lady Di Ling, put away the silver coins, lay back on her recliner, and closed her eyes again.

Lu Lin was speechless for a while.

I originally wanted to impress this old lady, but why did I feel embarrassed now?


Damn, you old woman didn't let him peek before you got your fixed salary?

What if you can lose a piece of meat if you read it for free?

"I really don't understand," Lu Lin muttered, turned back to the oxcart, and then drove away.

Listening to the oxcart going farther and farther, the old lady Di Ling opened her eyes slightly, looked at the direction where the oxcart left, sighed, and muttered to herself.

"False words confuse the world, sin, sin, alas..."

Chapter 27 It's broken, the old woman was right

About twenty minutes later, Lu Lin drove the oxcart back home.

The road along the way was relatively flat, and it was all roads that oxcarts could go.

Although it was a bit bumpy, it was much easier than walking with a heavy backpack on his back.

After returning home, Lu Lin parked the oxcart next to the house, and the ox was led behind the house and tied under a big tree.

"It seems that I have to build a cowshed later, otherwise if it rains, it will be bad if the old cow catches a cold..."

Lu Lin thought in his heart.

Cowshed, bathroom, and it's not a big deal to sleep on a recliner every night.


I have the urge to build a new house directly.

But if I really want to build a nice house, I have to spend a few gold coins.

Although it is not completely unaffordable, considering that it only takes ten gold coins to complete the task, after thinking about it, Lu Lin still thinks that he will just make do with it.

Moreover, he is not sure how long he will live here.

After settling Niu Niu, Lu Lin returned to the front of the house. When he looked up, he saw Li Mi sitting next to the pot.

They were in a hurry to go out in the morning and didn't eat breakfast. I guess Li Mi must be starving now.

Of course, Lu Lin is the same in this regard.

Taking the fresh ingredients he just bought from the ox cart, Lu Lin began to prepare today's lunch.

After the meal was cooked, Li Mi ate mechanically again as usual.

Lu Lin looked at her, with mixed feelings in his heart.

Lu Lin felt creepy at first about Li Mi's eating movements, but after seeing them for a long time, he got used to it. He has been doing this for these days.

But today, Lu Lin felt that he couldn't stand it anymore.

Looking at Li Mi, who was dressed up beautifully by himself and Sister Ajuan, repeating mechanical movements like a robot with poor design, constantly stuffing handfuls of food into his mouth, the weird contrast was stronger than any other time, and Lu Lin was distressed.

"Alas, what sin has this committed..."

Sighing, Lu Lin hesitated for a moment and shouted: "Li Mi, wait."

Li Mi's hand, which was about to grab the rice, paused, and then turned her head.

Although her eyes were still not focused, at least she did look over.

Lu Lin took the rice bowl from her hand and put it aside, then wiped the rice grains off her face and hands with a towel, then picked up her rice bowl, took a spoon, scooped a spoonful of food, and put it in front of Li Mi's mouth.

Then Lu Lin said, as if he was feeding his nephew at home, "Come on, ah..."

For a moment, Lu Lin seemed to feel that Li Mi was stunned.

But it was only a moment, and Li Mi's expression did not change at all, so Lu Lin was not sure whether it was his illusion.

Then, Li Mi slowly opened her mouth and slowly ate the spoonful of food.

Seeing Li Mi chewing slowly with her mouth closed, Lu Lin's face unconsciously showed a smile.

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