Lu Lin felt his wrist swing, and he was almost knocked to the ground by the force. The medicine bottle in his hand also slipped out of his hand and fell on the grass not far away.

At this moment, Li Mi turned around.

Their eyes met.

Lu Lin was stunned.

Because it was the first time he felt Li Mi's gaze.

The other person's eyes no longer had the empty and scattered look of the past, but were looking directly at his eyes in the true sense.

But just this glance made Lu Lin's legs go weak and he almost fell to the ground.

From those eyes, Lu Lin felt a strange energy, which penetrated into his mind and presented some abstract illusions in front of him.

In that illusion, Lu Lin saw the dark sky that was constantly collapsing, and the huge vortex in the middle of the sky that seemed to swallow the whole world.

This was not a real scene, but a delusion formed by the distortion of endless negative emotions.

But the false scene brought real pressure, making Lu Lin feel as if an endless abyss was covering his head. Not to mention breathing, it seemed that as long as Lu Lin opened his mouth, the pressure would pour into his internal organs and crush all his internal organs into pieces.

Fortunately, the eye contact lasted only for a moment.

The next moment, Li Mi hugged her head fiercely, and then there was a heart-wrenching howl.

She shouted and roared, almost tearing her vocal cords.

Her hands tightly grasped her head, and the strength of her ten fingers could even see the protruding metacarpal bones and blue veins on her arms.

She staggered, struggled, and kept roaring. The long hair that was finally smooth and beautiful became messy again at this moment, and it swung with the struggle. The whole person seemed like a ghost suffering torture in purgatory.

Lu Lin was about to do something when he saw Li Mi suddenly kneeling on the ground again, her forehead slamming straight down to the ground in front of her. Blood immediately flowed down her arm, and the bloodstains on her fair skin were so eye-catching.

Li Mi screamed, and the whole person knelt on the ground and curled up into a ball. Her left hand was still pressing her head tightly, and her right hand was clenched into a fist, and she began to hit her head one after another.

She continued to scream, but the scream, whether it was anger or madness, gradually took on a bit of crying, and then turned into wailing.

She cried heartbreakingly, and her battered vocal cords were already overwhelmed. The degree of misery of the sound was even beyond Lu Lin's cognition of crying.

At this moment, Lu Lin's face was already pale.

He regretted it so much now.

He shouldn't have asked too much!

What a damn judgment, what will be fine if you ask from a certain day, it's all just his own smart guess.

He doesn't know anything at all, what can he judge!

The incident was caused by him, he must do something.

What can he do...


No, no, the effect of the primary gray cloud mushroom drug is obviously not enough.

He needs something more effective.

That's right!

There is one!

Lu Lin immediately reached into his arms and searched in his waist bag, and finally found a black stone engraved with strange runes.

This thing is called Koroten's evil witch stone, which is one of the trump cards that Lu Lin carries with him to save his life.

As long as this thing absorbs the target's blood, it can force the target into a short state of unconsciousness.

Among the low-level spell formulas, it can be said to be one of the strongest control-type evil things.

Lu Lin originally planned to use other props to injure the enemy when in danger, then use this thing to control the opponent, and then kill the enemy with other means.

In this situation, this thing should come in handy.

"The state of godlessness should at least calm Li Mi down, but I'm afraid the time will be very short. Oh, the gray cloud mushroom drug! It should be able to help her fall asleep during the state of godlessness!"

Thinking of this, Lu Lin turned his head and swept his eyes across the grass on the side, and immediately found the location of the medicine bottle that was knocked away before.

Without thinking too much, Lu Lin rushed over and picked up the bottle of drug.

Then he braked and rushed to Li Mi. He didn't care about Li Mi's strength. He flicked the bottle stopper of the drug with one hand, and pressed Korotten's evil witch stone directly on the bleeding wound on Li Mi's forehead with the other hand.

As the purple evil pattern on the witch stone lit up, Li Mi's whole movement immediately stagnated.

Then, Lu Lin barely used any strength, but pushed Li Mi's upper body up with his hand against her forehead.

Just as Lu Lin was about to put Li Mi down and feed her the drug, he was shocked to find that his hand was resisted again.

At this moment, Li Mi was kneeling on the ground with her legs, her back arched, her forehead against the Wushi in Lu Lin's hand, her hands hanging naturally, her eyes staring at the ground below.

Although she didn't seem to be out of the control of the Wushi, Lu Lin couldn't let her lean back any more.

"Damn, the control time is too short, right? No, she can't drink the drug at this angle..."


It seems that there is only one way left.

Lu Lin raised his head and poured the whole bottle of drug into his mouth, then lowered his head and kissed Li Mi's lips directly.

Chapter 31 This disease is probably not easy to cure...


Putting down the ointment jar in his hand, Lu Lin couldn't help but sigh.

At this time, Li Mi had fallen asleep on the bed, and the wound on his head had been rubbed with medicine by Lu Lin. Lu Lin checked that Li Mi's self-healing ability was amazing. This small wound should be healed after waking up.

He touched his lips unconsciously, and the soft touch still remained on his lips.

Of course, Lu Lin was not a pedantic person who cared about details, nor was he a virgin who cared about the innocence of the first kiss. He was just a little distracted when he thought of the touch.

But as soon as his thoughts drifted, Lu Lin slapped himself in the face.

In the final analysis, this matter became like this because of his rash behavior.

How painful Li Mi was at that time, even if Lu Lin saw the whole process with his own eyes, he couldn't imagine it.

Just that glance, the inexplicable illusion that escaped from Li Mi's eyes was beyond Lu Lin's understanding.

I have caused Li Mi to be like this, so what right do I have to write about all these messed up things here?

Compared to this, the question he should think about more is why Li Mi suddenly had such a big reaction, and how he can prevent this from happening again.


Is there any way to help Li Mi cure her mental illness so that she can return to a normal life?

So far, Li Mi has lost control three times.

The first time, she pressed Lu Lin to the ground, but did not do anything cruel. The trigger was Lu Lin's words.

"I think I said 'It's okay' or something like that?"

Lu Lin touched his chin.

Obviously, Li Mi's loss of control for the first time was very short. Although she showed aggression, she had no tendency to self-harm and retained her ability to think.

The second time was when they fought the Black Snail Gang.

Lu Lin was not even sure whether it was out of control that time.


Let's count it as out of control for now.

The trigger was the encounter with the enemy, but obviously, Li Mi was still rational at that time. Although she killed all the enemies, she didn't attack Lu Lin.

If she really didn't have the ability to think, it would be impossible for her to distinguish the target so clearly.

To summarize the common points of these two times...

First, Li Mi showed aggression for some reason.

Second, Li Mi was able to control herself quickly, and then continued to act according to certain judgments.

"If these two times can be considered the same situation, then Li Mi attacked me because my words made her mistake me for an enemy for a while?"

Lu Lin touched his chin and frowned.


How could words like "It's all right" be identified as an enemy?

Wait, that's not right.

Maybe it has something to do with the Holy Church again.

If someone around Li Mi once said this to her, but then turned against her, the most likely person is the hypocritical hypocrites of the Holy Church.

Or, in fact, in the past, hearing such words meant that something bad was going to happen to her?

"This idea does make sense," Lu Lin rubbed his brows.

In this way, his initial fearful look towards Li Mi was completely unnecessary.

Li Mi has never been a dangerous person. Her mental condition is probably not as Lu Lin imagined, but purely unstable.

Lu Lin felt that he had touched something.

"The third time she lost control was completely different from the previous two times. She did not show aggression, but instead showed great pain, could not control herself, and had a tendency to self-mutilate, and it was a tendency to self-mutilate her head... Oh, damn it."

Recalling Li Mi's performance, Lu Lin wanted to give himself another big slap.

But now is not the time to blame himself. The key is how to prevent this from happening again and find out if there is any way to help Li Mi.

"The trigger this time is asking questions, but the first two questions, based on the performance at the time, are probably not related to losing control..."

Even if there is, it is not the direct cause.

The focus is still the third question.

What happened on the day she broke through the dungeon?

"Is it because something particularly bad happened on that day? But why did it have to be that day?"

Lu Lin frowned, still unable to understand.

If it happened on that day, why was Li Mi found outside by him more than 60 days later?

Was there a major change on that day?

Or, from that day until she was found by him, she had been suffering from something?

No, that's not right.

Why must it be limited to a certain day?

Is it really such a coincidence that the day that Lu Lin thought was the most unlikely turned out to be the day that he shouldn't ask about?

How low is the probability?

Is it possible that the idea is completely wrong?

The focus is not on which day, but on the act of "recalling the past" itself?

When his thoughts reached this point, Lu Lin's eyes suddenly lit up.

Yes, if the problem is the act of "recalling the past" itself, then Li Mi's daily behavior seems to be explained.

According to Lu Lin's superficial understanding of a series of mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, many of these diseases are actually the result of the patient's body or consciousness being self-protected.

Just as animals will seek a small, dark space to hide and seek a sense of security when they are afraid, Li Mi's daily behavior is likely a form of passive self-protection of her body.

She acted on instinct in everything and was unwilling to say even one more word to anyone. She was afraid of being awake and would rather sleep for twenty-three hours a day. She was willing to help Lu Lin, no matter what the reason was, but she only helped and didn't care about anything else, even if it might not be a matter of helping. As long as Lu Lin said it, she would obey him. She could even ask Lu Lin to help her take a bath just because of Lu Lin's words, even if she was seen naked, she didn't care.

All these behaviors seemed to have the same motivation behind them.

She didn't want to think.

She was afraid to think.

For some reason, she decided to help Lu Lin, but because she didn't want to think, the final performance was directly to obey Lu Lin unconditionally.

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