After another familiar colleague delivered the goods, Lu Lin felt that the time was almost up, so he walked to the reception desk.

The town guard who had just packed up the materials he received raised his head, looked at Lu Lin's empty backpack, then looked at Lu Lin's face, and asked, "New here?"

"Hey, yes," Lu Lin immediately smiled, "I have been picking things in the lower reaches of the town before. I just found out today that there is good business here, so I came here to ask."

"Haha, then you are at a big loss. We have been collecting the goods for several days," the town guard smiled, "But you don't have to worry about it. We need a lot of materials this time. It is estimated that the entire We will continue to collect materials every month. This is the demand order, and the purchase price is also on it. Come on, take it.”

With that said, the town guard handed a piece of paper to Lu Lin's hand.

"The whole month of January...well, is it January 15th or 16th now? There are forty-five days in a month here, which means these people have to collect materials for almost thirty days?"

Lu Lin thought to himself, took the paper, did not read it in a hurry, but thought about it and asked: "Hey, does that mean we only recruit people who collect materials here? I have some friends who are not doing this and want to help. Ask about the situation..."

"A few days ago, we were recruiting miners and porters, but we don't need them now," the town guard replied. "As for your friends, just teach them how to identify some simple materials, and then help you collect them. Our treatment is very good." Well, even if they only collect the simplest materials, they can still make a lot of money."

"Oh, that's right," Lu Lin nodded.

"It seems that this cave was dug on site before? Doesn't that mean that this matter has been arranged from before? That's right. After all, a lot of time has passed since I picked up the raccoon rice. I can't stop this group of people. People haven’t done anything…”

Lu Lin was thinking about this while looking at the paper in his hand.

There are several different materials on the demand list, ranging from types that can be found everywhere to slightly rarer materials.

At first glance, there was nothing strange about it, so Lu Lin didn't show anything. He just accepted it happily and thanked the town guards several times.

After walking out of sight of the town guards, Lu Lin leaned against a tree, pretending to be resting, and continued to look at his colleagues passing by while sorting out information.

Needless to say, the work of arranging the array must be done inside the cave. If possible, Lu Lin would like to go directly to the scene to have a look, so that he can also see what the array arranged by the other party is like.

But now it seems that this idea is difficult to realize.

The other party only recruits material collectors, which means that they plan to handle the materials and arrange the formations themselves, and they probably have no intention of letting any outsiders enter the cave.

Therefore, Lu Lin could only find another way.

For example, make judgments and guesses based on the materials the other party needs.


Lu Lin looked at the collection sheet in his hand.

There are a total of eight materials on the collection list, and they don't look unusual.

But the problem is...

"The blood kite flower is not on it..."

Lu Lin looked at his colleague who was carrying an empty backpack in the distance and leaving the scene quickly.

If he remembered correctly, the other party had just handed over a large number of blood kites.

"You are so careful," Lu Lin curled his lips, "It seems that there is more than one version of this recipe..."

Chapter 34: When it comes to doing shady things, they are really good at it.

As a bowl, Lu Lin returned home.

Tanuki was still sleeping, but the rice bowl and medicine bottle on the table were empty, indicating that she should have woken up for once.

Lu Lin walked up to her and carefully wiped off the rice particles on her face and hands. Then he sat down at the dining table, lit an oil lamp, took out a pen and paper, and began to sort out the information gathered today.

The first is the collection request form given by the other party.

There are a total of eight kinds of materials on it, five of which are very common, and the remaining three are relatively rare, but they are all relatively easy to collect.

Obviously, this is not all the material needs of the other party.

Setting up such an advanced magic circle will definitely require a lot of high-end materials, and even many extremely rare treasures.

Of course, it is impossible to entrust collectors to collect these things on site. High-end materials are not the ubiquitous velvet grass. There are only a few types that can be found in the canyon, and it all depends on luck. If you are not lucky, you will be unlucky for a few months. Maybe no one can encounter it, let alone those rare treasures in the world that are rare to find.

Of course, not only are there no advanced materials on this demand list, but even for ordinary materials, the requirements are certainly not fully listed.

Eight kinds of ordinary materials, if it is just an intermediate or high-level formula, it would be just right.

But it is absolutely impossible to detect a magic circle with a radius of hundreds of miles using only such a few materials.

Lu Lin's first reaction after discovering this incident was that the Holy Religion might only lack these materials, and they had already sufficient reserves of other materials.

But when I thought about it again, I felt something was wrong.

They are all ordinary materials. The other party is a state religion after all. If you want to prepare them yourself, it is not difficult to get them all.

This was not done but was purchased locally, apparently to save transportation costs.

Logistics in this world is very expensive. The most expensive thing about high-end materials is the materials, and the most expensive thing about low-end materials is the freight.

If large quantities of cheap materials are transported entirely over long distances, the cost may even be dozens or hundreds of times higher than their own price.

Since they decided to save this money, there is no reason to save the shipping costs of only a few materials.

Later, after seeing a colleague hand in materials that were not on the demand list, Lu Lin also confirmed that the other party was not lacking only these materials, but deliberately gave him an incomplete demand list.

Or it should be said that the demand order each of them received was only a part of the total demand.

As for the reason, it's probably because they don't want people to get the complete recipe request list easily.

And this was the reason why Lu Lin stayed at the scene all day.

He has been doing the same thing during this period, which is to remember what materials his colleagues have submitted.

It is estimated that the people of the Holy Religion would not have thought that an alchemist would be eyeing them in this remote place in the countryside. Moreover, this alchemist was a special case. Not only had he been working as a material collector nearby for a long time, but he was also responsible for all kinds of local things. He knows all the materials well, and he also has countless relevant knowledge about low-level materials.

Picking up the pen, Lu Lin began to expand the recipe list on a new piece of white paper, listing all the materials that his colleagues had submitted during the day. In the end, a total of more than thirty materials were listed.

Although these are just ordinary materials that the opponent will use this time, and may not be complete, these many materials are at least enough for Lu Lin to analyze the general direction of the array layout.

Putting this list of materials in front of him, Lu Lin opened the recipe manual in his mind and began to study these materials one by one.

After half an hour, Lu Lin finally raised his head.

And, he came to a conclusion that even he couldn't believe.

"What they want to set up is... a spell formation?"



Lu Lin is just a junior alchemist now.

Moreover, he is an alchemist who is relatively weak in formations.

Among the formulas he mastered, the only ones related to formations were "Curse Formation", "Necromantic Formation" and "Blood Sacrifice".

To be honest, at first glance, it is not something that can be related to the Holy Religion.

So after coming to the conclusion that the Holy Cult might be setting up a spell formation, Lu Lin's first person to doubt was himself.

Could it be that he didn't understand other types of formations at all, which led to his misjudgment?

But after repeated verification, Lu Lin denied this possibility.

Although he didn't know much about formations, he did know a lot about materials, at least these common materials.

Lu Lin knew very well what these materials were used for and what role they would play in the formation.

Looking at the entire recipe list, 70% of it is made of neutral base materials. These materials are like white water when preparing drinks. They are used in large quantities but will not affect anything.

The focus is still on the remaining 30%. These materials are called "guiding basic materials" by Lu Lin. They are like the most basic flavoring agents when preparing drinks, which will determine the specific direction in which the taste of the drink develops.

Is it sweet or sour? Or bitter and spicy?

At present, the "guiding basic materials" in this formula are almost all materials that guide negative energy and curse energy.

"You obviously put on a great and upright appearance in the news magazine, criticizing wizards and black alchemy when you have nothing to do, but in the end you found someone to arrange a spell formation yourself?" Lu Lin leaned on the back of his chair and looked at the ceiling.

He did not mean to say that the Holy Religion was hypocritical.

After all, he already knew how hypocritical these guys were.

The point is why you should choose the spell formation...

Thinking of this, Lu Lin closed his eyes again and opened the recipe list, wanting to prove one thing.

This time, it didn't take him too long to open his eyes again. However, when he opened his eyes, Lu Lin's face also looked a little ugly.

After realizing that the other party planned to use the spell formation to track Li Mi, Lu Lin realized a possibility.

Compared with other formations, spell formations are very useful when tracking fixed living targets.

Use the target's flesh and blood as the formation eye to track the formation of the target's body.

Even if this type of formation is only rudimentary, it only takes a bottle of the target's blood to lock the opponent's position within a radius of several thousand meters. Lu Lin compared other search formations in the formula list. At the same stage, This type of spell array is so powerful in its effect and so cost-effective that it can be said to stand out from the rest.

The basic formation has such superior performance, it is not difficult to imagine how powerful its advanced version will be.

So Lu Lin was guessing whether the opponent was using the annual luxurious and powerful enhanced version of this type of spell formation.

As expected, the materials related to flesh and blood were all in demand.

At this point, Lu Lin is basically determined.

What the Holy Cult has deployed is a high-level flesh-tracking spell array.

As for the flesh and blood, they probably collected them in advance when Li Mi was still fighting dungeons for them.

To be honest, this result actually exceeded Lu Lin's initial expectations.

At first, he actually didn't think that he could really tell what the magic circle that the Holy Cult was setting up was based on his own knowledge.

Unexpectedly, the other party actually arranged a spell formation.

No, I shouldn’t say it’s just right.

It should be said that the opponent did not shy away from black alchemy and directly chose the most efficient flesh-tracking spell array.

But this does explain why the Holy Cult set up formations in a closed environment. Presumably these sanctimonious hypocrites don't want the world to know that they can also use curse formations, something they criticize every day.

But knowing the result, Lu Lin's mood still couldn't get better.

After all, this is the most practical tracking array. It does not rely on light, sound waves, vibration, or other media. As long as it is within the effective range, the resonance of flesh and blood can penetrate almost all obstacles.

To avoid this spell array...

Lu Lin closed his eyes.

He flipped the alchemy manual in his mind to the bottom, then clicked on the directory at the end of the formula, and his eyes stopped on the only entry in it.

[Secret Formula] · [Forbidden Spell] · [King Gulan's Useless Sleeping Spring]

This is also a formula that Lu Lin once thought was extremely useless and thought he would never refine in his life.

Chapter 35 Why don't you play by the rules?

[King Gulan's Useless Sleeping Spring]


[1 Gargoyle Heart, 2700g Earth Core Dust, 800L Earth Core Spring, 500g Gray Cloud Mushroom Powder, 3300g Velvet Grass Dry Powder, 180g Bone Powder]


[Makes the soaker gradually turn into a stone statue within a day and maintain it for ten days]


[The process of turning into a stone statue will be as intense as the petrification curse]

[The stone statue cannot be damaged, otherwise it will lose the damaged parts or die after resurrection]

[Background Introduction]

[Legend has it that King Gulan created this magical spring during his pursuit of immortality. It has the ability to temporarily turn people into rocks. In a sense, it realizes the ability to make people temporarily sleep and wake up in the future. However, since it requires a whole day of severe pain to use it, but can only sleep for ten days, it is named Useless Sleeping Spring]

This is the only forbidden spell in Lu Lin's recipe list.

As a forbidden spell, it is classified as a primary recipe. The effect of this forbidden spell is as funny as expected.

You will endure a day of pain, then turn into stone for ten days. If you are hit by someone during this period, the stone will break.

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