"Yeah," Lu Lin nodded. Four

"You said before that this hero was imprisoned in a prisoner car with an outrageous structure, right?" The Night Elf Queen said, "You said, if the Holy Church has the so-called 'unadulterated formula', then why did they prepare such a prisoner car for her instead of just giving her medicine directly? The cost of that prisoner car would not be cheap." 0

After these words, Lu Lin was stunned for a short time, and then suddenly realized. ㈣

Recently, there have been too many things, and a lot of fragmented information in hand. Lu Lin only cared about walking and reading, but forgot to connect and think about all the information he had obtained in the past. Three

Now that I think about it, as the Night Elf Queen said, if "Kaylera's Calmness" is a problematic, additive formula, then the Holy Church must have a perfect unadulterated formula.

But from all the current signs, the Holy Church does not have such a formula at all. ㈥

And this information, after thinking about it carefully, basically declared that Lu Lin's previous idea was impossible to implement. ㈣

Lu Lin had only two ideas.

First, if the Holy Church had added ingredients to this formula, then as long as the added ingredients were removed, a usable formula could be obtained.

Now it has been basically proven that this idea is wrong.

The second idea is that if the Holy Church did not add ingredients to this formula, but it had such side effects after research, then it should be improved. As long as the side effects were solved, the formula could be used.

But the question is, if this formula is really so easy to improve, why wouldn't the Holy Church do it?

For them who have a large number of heroes, the demand for this kind of potion is the greatest.

Even if they may not use this potion on heroes with low strength in order to save costs, what if it is a particularly terrifying one?

For example, the old lady in front of him, if she can use the potion to temporarily restore her sanity, she should be able to easily create value that exceeds the cost of the potion countless times, right?

But why didn't the Holy Church do this?

They have no reason not to do this.

Unless, they can't do it.

With the national strength of the Holy Church, they will definitely not lack top-level potion masters and alchemists, and they will be the best in the world in terms of equipment.

If they can't improve this potion, will it be enough to give it to Lulin and the Night Elf Queen?

If Lulin has become an alchemy master, he may have the opportunity to do research that the Holy Church cannot complete with his alchemy manual.

But at present, he is just a high-level alchemist. Even if he has some advantages, they are mainly concentrated in various black alchemy. For example, this kind of healing formula is still a potion rather than an alchemy potion, so Lulin's room for development is really limited.

The Night Elf Queen is indeed very powerful. In the Land of Chaos and even the whole world, she can probably be regarded as an expert in soul healing research.

But under the Holy Church, it is estimated that there is not only one expert, but a whole team of experts.

What the Holy Church has not accomplished, relying on the Night Elf Queen to do it alone...

Is it possible to do it?


But is it likely?

I am afraid that the possibility can only be described as slim.

"Hmm..." Lu Lin's brows twisted together, thinking for a long time, and asked, "Speaking of which, most of the drugs used for anesthesia or analgesia will become addictive if abused. Do you think that the side effects of 'Kaylera's Calmness' will appear for similar reasons?"

"Maybe there are some similarities in some aspects, but there is no doubt that the injuries to the body and the soul are completely in different systems," the Night Elf Queen shook her head, "but..."

"Giving medicine to the soul is indeed a very dangerous thing. At least in my experience, the human soul is very fragile."

"No matter how strong an individual is, once the corresponding defense means are broken, the soul is directly injured. Even if he has the strength of a master or even a grandmaster, he will suffer from serious injuries that are difficult to recover."

"This kind of magic potion can act directly on the soul and take effect quickly. It will bring side effects. It's not surprising at all. "

"Regarding the addiction, at least in my opinion, it may be different from ordinary drug addiction. The trauma in the soul is subtle and extremely painful."

"This pain is persistent. If there is a drug that can temporarily suppress it, then for the patient, the inhibitory effect alone is enough to make him "addicted." "

"There is no need for withdrawal reaction. The recurrence of their injuries can be regarded as a withdrawal reaction."

"As for the fact that long-term use of drugs will cause soul exhaustion... Although I don't understand the specific reason, it is completely understandable that this kind of "strong medicine" will cause this situation when used too much."

"Perhaps it is precisely because of the existence of these two problems that cannot be solved by the Holy Church that finally gave up the production and use of this medicine. "

"And the reason why it was released in this way may just be the Holy Church's "waste utilization" of a failed project."

Listening to the Night Elf Queen's hypothesis, Lu Lin fell into deep thought.

He had to admit that the Night Elf Queen's guess was very reasonable.

It is even possible that this is the truth.

The Holy Church may not have given up the research and development of similar products, but at least this formula is likely to be the final product of a failed route that has been determined to have no improvement value.

And if it is not possible to crush the other party with its own research and development strength, it is probably a waste of time to try to improve such a failed product that has been completely abandoned by its researchers.

And can Lu Lin's current resources crush the Holy Church?

Lu Lin doesn't think so anyway.

"My idea is broken," Lu Lin sighed, "It seems that I have to think of other ways."

"Well... Having said that, do you have any ideas?" asked the Queen of the Night Elf.

Lu Lin's face suddenly showed bitterness when he heard her words.

The meaning is very clear. Even the Queen of the Night Elf has no good solution for this matter.

As for Lu Lin...

There are very few medical-related things in his alchemy manual.

And facing the difficult and complicated disease of soul injury, he has no idea for a while to save the country in a roundabout way.

Of course...

If you must say, there is actually a way to go.

If there is anyone in the world who is ahead of the Holy Church in related research and may have a mature plan, then there is only one person.

The White Witch Swollen Turn: 9缌八児  №三糤錂Parrot.

The Xishi tree is a wonder in terms of soul function. Lu Lin even suspects that the tree is actually at the level of the soul-related Philosopher's Stone.

Even if it is not a completed Philosopher's Stone, it is at least a prototype that is very close.

Moreover, according to the previous conversation between the White Witch and Lu Lin, she revealed some related things.

She said that she had encountered a hero whose soul had collapsed.

And from what she said, she has a treatment plan for these heroes.

If the old man is handed over to her, maybe she can find a way.


For Wuxiang's consideration, Lu Lin doesn't want to see her so soon.

This matter is very entangled.

If this plan is not considered, at least for now, Lu Lin really can't think of a solution.

Just like that, Lu Lin and the Night Elf Queen sat opposite each other, and they were silent for nearly half an hour. They were both thinking hard, but it was clear from their expressions that they had no decent results.

Just as they were in a stalemate, Xiu Linsi suddenly came over.

Previously, she had been busy dealing with the affairs of the Undead Army and didn't know the situation here.

Now that she was done with that, she came to take a look.

As a result, when she came, she saw the old man with a human stick soaking in the water, and the two people sitting opposite each other.

This situation immediately aroused Xiu Linsi's curiosity, and she came over to ask the two what was going on.

After figuring out the current situation, she thought about it and said, "Actually... I think you should stop worrying about it?"

"Huh? What do you mean?" Lu Lin asked in confusion.

"Since you can't solve her current situation, and at the same time, you don't want to contact the White Witch, why don't you just make that 'Kaylera's Calmness' for her to use."

Xiu Linsi said.

"At least that medicine can really relieve the pain of the soul, right?"

"As for its side effects..."

"Let me be frank. Look at her current appearance. How long do you think she can live?"

"The body is aging, the soul is aging, and she has died once. Even if you use your bawuqiliuliusansisieryuhanqun: flame to revive her, her body will definitely become more aged."

"Yes, 'Kaylera's Calmness' will lead people to the end of soul decay within three to five years."

"But I think if I were her, I would choose to use this medicine to extend my life for three to five years without hesitation. That would at least be better than being a walking corpse like this."

Listening to Xiu Linsi's words, Lu Lin breathed a sigh of relief.

He had considered Xiu Linsi's statement. 2

But, does he really have the power to make this choice for the old man? 9

Even if he did, he could do it this time, but what about next time? 4

If he met other heroes in the same situation, would he use this method as well?獜


Perhaps there is a compromise. 3

"How about letting her decide for herself?" Lu Lin suddenly said, "The side effects of 'Kaylera's Tranquility' will gradually show up after more than two years of use. If it's just once, it shouldn't be a big problem." 5

"It might be a solution," said the Night Elf Queen, "but for the potion to work, she must at least turn back into a human first, which means you have to help her revive first. Moreover, even if you temporarily heal the wound in her soul, she may not stand on your side. The Church's mental control over her may still be there." 6

"It's okay. I can only repair her torso. She can't die in the Life-Extending Fountain anyway," Lu Lin said, "As for the problem of mental control, we can only hope that the Soul-Reviving Potion will work." ㈣

"Well... there are risks, but they are within an acceptable range," the Night Elf Queen nodded, "So, what choices do you plan to give her?"

"Two ways," Lu Lin said, "Since she is already in her twilight years, drinking poison to quench her thirst is not a bad idea."

"Or, if she still has hope, I can maintain the status quo and let her continue to sleep as an undead."

"Wait until we have contact with the White Witch in the future, or after we find a solution to the current situation, and then wake her up."

"But... her soul should still age normally during this period. If it takes too long, she may die in her sleep."⑵

"Both sides are not so good," Xiulinsi sighed, "Why don't you hand her over to the White Witch through the school, it should work, right?"㈨

"This... well, maybe," Lu Lin said, "but to be honest, although the White Witch has a way to deal with this situation, I don't know what method she uses..."椤

"Do you suspect that her method may be problematic?" asked the Night Elf Queen. 0

“I don’t know, but… just from the facts, she can be said to be a person who will do anything to achieve her goals,” Lu Lin said, “Ha… Forget it, I’ll tell her about this path when the time comes, and let her choose for herself.” 4

“You really care about her. It’s just the first time you meet her, and she’s a half-dead old woman, and she almost took your life,” Xiu Linsi sighed, “Is it that serious? Just because she is also a hero from another world?” ③

“Well… I can’t say,” Lu Lin sighed, “In fact, in my opinion, this is not a question of whether it’s serious or not.” 5

“In my opinion, sometimes, for the sake of career or personal dreams, you always need some faith.” ⑹

"The name Wuxiang originally implies the loss of The aliens who were forcibly dragged to this world from their hometown. "缇

"Although there are not many aliens in Wuxiang at present, there is no doubt that the existence of aliens in Wuxiang, as well as Wuxiang's understanding and means of absorbing aliens, are the reasons why Wuxiang is unique and has potential, and are also the biggest difference between Wuxiang and other ordinary gangs, or in other words, the foundation of Wuxiang's foothold. "

"Save as many aliens as possible, absorb as many aliens as possible, and let these blades summoned by the Holy Church voluntarily turn their edges to the Holy Church itself. "

"To do this, at least I think that it is not enough to rely on interests alone, but also requires a kind of belief. "

"We must make people believe that Wuxiang is the destination of aliens, and in Wuxiang Fighting is for themselves. These are their comrades. They are worthy of their trust and will not let them down. ”

⒐“Therefore, as long as it involves the problem of aliens, Wuxiang must show enough sincerity and satisfactory results. ”

⑷“Of course, not many people know about the old lady at present. We are all core members, so it is easy to keep secrets. I can also choose the simplest and crudest way to turn her into a potted plant. I think this will not become a stain on Wuxiang’s face. ”

⍌“But this matter is against the belief after all. Even if it will not be made public, but...”

er“Let me put it this way. In my opinion, if you want others to believe in something like belief, at least you have to believe it first. Believe it."

俬"If I don't follow this belief, don't believe it, and don't care about it, then sooner or later this belief will become false, unable to influence others, and will not be accepted by others."

sanjiu "Well... Of course, this idea may just be my wishful thinking, or it may just be illusory romanticism or some kind of idealism."

Sanhong "But at least, since we have a way to let her choose her own future as an independent individual, an independent person, let's do it."

0夿"Anyway, the risk is within the controlable range, and other than that, there is nothing else wrong, right?"

Wu Er finished a long paragraph in one breath, and Lu Lin took a sip of the cold tea.

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