"There will probably be chaos for a while," Lan Jie slowly wiped the blood on the knife, "but anyway, these bunch of bitches are not good people, and when my eldest brother died, these bunch of bitches were dancing happily. I I have long wanted to kill them all.

"I used to do it, and I was afraid that they would come to trouble me later. Now I am not afraid of the barefooted ones. I will kill them as soon as I kill them. After we leave, it will be useless even if they are angry to death. If they really can't stand it, just let them go." Let them go home and vent their anger on their own walls.”

"That's right," Lu Lin nodded, "You killed most of the people, and there is still some time. You can collect some trophies. Just divide it between the three of us later. Then go say goodbye to your brother, and then take the Bring your things and come to my house to find me. Oh, by the way, help me buy some things before you find me..."

With that said, Lu Lin took out the notebook and pen contained in the black crow robe bag, wrote down the alchemy materials he needed in the notebook, tore off the page and handed it to Lan Jie.

Lan Jie looked at it and said with a somewhat embarrassed expression: "Uh, I don't seem to understand..."

"It's okay. You can just take the underground treasures and give them to Sister Ajuan. These things shouldn't be difficult to buy," Lu Lin said, then turned to the next page of the book and wrote down the name of fire dust explosives on it. The formula and a series of things that need to be paid attention to when refining, then tore out the page and handed it to Lan Jie, "Together with this, please help me tell Sister Ajuan to thank her for taking care of me during this time. Then, say hello to all the friends who care about me.”

"Well, I understand," Lan Jie nodded, "Then you are now..."

"I'll carry these two bodies back first," Lu Lin said. "Also, both I and Li Mi need to go home, take a shower, change clothes, and have a good rest."

Chapter 58 What happened to the reckless man? The reckless man slept soundly

The next day, afternoon.

"Come on, one last bite..."


Tanuki opened her mouth and ate the last spoonful of stewed rice.

After Lu Lin picked up the napkin and wiped the corners of her mouth, she got up and went to bed as usual.

"Um...Boss, I have always wanted to ask, what is the relationship between you and Miss Li Mi?" Lan Jie, who was squatting aside, asked doubtfully, "They look like a couple, they don't seem too similar, and they look the same." Not like brothers and sisters…”

"Well, I'm actually not sure..." Lu Lin sighed, "I have to say, maybe she's close to her guardian? She's mentally traumatized, and I don't know what to do, so I can only temporarily Take care of her."

"Psychological trauma? What is that?" Lan Jie looked even more confused.

"Huh? Haven't you heard of it?" Lu Lin was a little surprised, "Insanity, hysteria, schizophrenia, depression and the like..."

"Uh, these are all terms I've never heard of before," Lan Jie scratched his head.

"No way. Is there no concept of mental illness in this world?" Lu Lin was stunned for a moment, "Have you never heard of a madman since you were a child?"

"Madman? You must have heard of it," Lan Jie said, "But aren't all madmen's souls destroyed by evil spirits? As long as they are sent to the Holy Religion and accepted the baptism of the Lord, they will be fine."

"Huh?" Lu Lin was stunned, "Do you still believe in the Holy Religion?"

"No, I'm not interested in the Holy Cult," Lan Jie shook his head, "How can I say that after being the deputy leader of the Zhengwo Sect for so long, I still know very well the usual virtues of the Holy Cult people."

"It's just that when it comes to madness, everyone, whether they believe in the Holy Religion or not, knows that as long as a person suffering from madness is sent to the Holy Religion, he can be cured. This is almost common sense."

"And almost all of these cured people have become devout believers in the Holy Religion, so I think this is quite credible, right?"

Listening to Lan Jie's statement, Lu Lin's brows furrowed deeper and deeper.

"I see, have they even considered this level? Alas..." Lu Lin couldn't help but sigh.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Lan Jie's head was filled with questions.

"I'll explain it to you slowly when I have time later," Lu Lin stood up, "It's time to get down to business."

"Business? Ah..." Lan Jie looked at the two corpses on the ground nearby, "So, what are you going to do with them?"

"Well... don't worry, I have to deal with the pile of materials you bought first," Lu Lin said, getting up and returning to the room.

Lan Jie was curious and followed Lu Lin into the house.

As a result, at first glance, I saw Tanuki lying flat on the bed on the left, sleeping as upright as a statue.

Lan Jie immediately forced his left foot, which he intended to move to the left, to the right.

There is a table and a chair on the right side. It used to be Lu Lin's dining table, but later it was converted into a desk. It is no longer needed now, so Lu Lin motioned Lan Jie to sit there.

Then, Lu Lin came to his alchemy tools and started working on them.

Lan Jie felt dazzled as he watched Lu Lin fluently performing operations he couldn't understand in front of a large pile of alchemy tools.

"This is the alchemist..." Lan Jie couldn't help but sigh.

In previous years, he was always dissatisfied with why Sebuike could make countless times more money than them by staying in his small house every day. It was not until this time that he had a head-on game with Sebuike that he realized that he and the other party difference.

Swordsmen are also warriors.

People like warriors are often called reckless by those mage apprentices and alchemist apprentices.

He used to hate it when others commented on him like this. After all, he always felt that he was quite smart. Even his eldest brother would ask his opinion on many things in the gang.

But this time, he was convinced.

Everyone's strengths are indeed different.

Compared with people like Lu Lin and Sebuike, if you call him a reckless man, then let's call him a reckless man.

If possible, he never wanted to get involved in the alchemist's fight again.

There were too many twists and turns, including psychological warfare, intelligence warfare, and knowledge reserve. He was just caught in the middle and acted like a puppet, and he felt like he had lost a lot of hair.

Oh, no, he has no hair left to lose.

Even the wig has been blown away by Seb Aike, and now walking in the sun, the surface of the water is not as bright as his head.

Even though Lu Lin kept comforting him, saying that he would become stronger if he became bald, he would still feel a deep sadness every time he looked in the mirror.

"Hmm... But these two are fighting, and all they use are curses." Lan Jie held his chin, his thoughts confused, "Now what the boss wants to refine actually requires corpses. According to the The propaganda of the holy religion is all evil and heresy.”

But it turns out that these two people who are using evil heretics, one is his boss who he thinks is kind-hearted and loyal, and the other is a "master" recognized by the town as a "holy alchemist" certified by the church.

"The Holy Religion," Lan Jie sighed softly, "When the boss was talking about madness just now, he also said that the Holy Religion cannot be trusted. Could it be that even the common sense that everyone is accustomed to has lies mixed in..."

Lan Jie felt that his brain was getting bigger and bigger. Once a person starts to doubt his common sense, he would easily get out of control and even start to doubt the entire worldview he had built up since childhood.

If you insist on this, you will easily start to get into trouble.

Fortunately, Lan Jie has just formed a new understanding of himself.

"Forget it, I'm just a reckless man, why do I think so much!"

No matter what the hell, as long as you follow the boss, won't you be able to figure out these things sooner or later?

Thinking of this, Lan Jie suddenly became enlightened.

Then, he lay down directly on the table, closed his eyes, and took a nap.



A few hours later.

[The Path of the Sage·The Journey of Sail: The First Crew·Phase 1 (Completed)]

[Task goal: Collect 20g of black grass extract (1/1), 100g of cinnamon pulp (1/1), 300g of Candymo limestone dust (1/1), 1000g of velvet grass pulp (1/1), and animal bones. 2kg of bone meal (1/1) 10kg of pure swamp mud (1/1) The complete corpse of a junior warrior (2/2)]

[Task reward: Carlton Blood Abyss’s Brilliant Red Stone*1]

[Rewards can be collected]

Looking at the task list that was finally updated in his consciousness, Lu Lin let out a sigh of relief.

Finally finished.

Processing this pile of materials was unexpectedly tiring, not because it was difficult, but mainly because the set of alchemy equipment he was using was all rudimentary. He once thought it was enough, but now it's all kinds of awkward to use.

"It's time to upgrade the equipment. I wonder if there will be a mission in the future that will reward a new tool gift package," Lu Lin thought as he received the reward.

A familiar mark appeared in Lu Lin's hand, and then, along with a burst of space fluctuations, a bright ruby ​​larger than Lu Lin's fist appeared out of thin air in his hand.

Chapter 59: If you are very fat in the early stage, then you will have big roots

"Eh? What is this?"

Lan Jie just woke up and saw a big treasure in Lu Lin's hand, and he immediately exclaimed.

Then Tanumi, who was on the bed on the other side of the room, turned her head.

Lan Jie immediately covered his mouth with his hands.

Fortunately, Tanuki's eyes were still so empty and unfocused. They only turned around and paused for a while, then turned back.

"I told you not to yell, right?" Lu Lin said with a bitter smile.

"Sorry, sorry, it just didn't stop suddenly," Lan Jie shrank his neck.

Lu Lin looked at Lan Jie and felt a little funny.

I think that when he first got along with Li Mi, he was always worried like this.

But now he knows that Tanuki is not that scary at all.

However, Lu Lin is actually quite satisfied with the current state of Lan Jie's relationship with Li Mi.

On the one hand, it was because it was difficult for him to explain the relevant knowledge of PTSD to Lan Jie. Keeping enough distance between the two of them could prevent accidents. He didn't want to see Lan Jie's head fly out one day without paying attention.

On the other hand, well…

It's a bit embarrassing to say it, but Lu Lin does have a little feeling for Tanuki in his heart... I don't know whether it's the feeling of exclusivity or protectiveness.

Maybe it's a bit selfish to say this. At least until Li Mi recovers, if a second person can get the same trust as himself from Li Mi, then Lu Lin feels that he will be a little sad.

"Oh, this is selfishness," Lu Lin couldn't help but sigh.


He's not an eminent monk, so it shouldn't be surprising if he has such little thoughts, right?

"Speaking of which, what is this thing for?" Lu Lin weighed the stone in his hand.

Suddenly, he felt some knowledge emerge from the depths of his mind.

[The Brilliant Red Stone of Carlton Blood Abyss: A very awesome magic gem that can be installed on the front of the alchemy staff. I don’t know its specific use. Anyway, it is very expensive and very powerful]

Lu Lin felt the thoughts coming to his mind and was speechless for a moment.

What kind of knowledge is this?

Just knowing the name, then it’s awesome, and then it’s expensive.

Isn't this just like those cans in enthusiast circles?

When someone asks, ah, how is such-and-such camera and such-and-such earphones, just reply directly, that’s awesome!

Then this model is so popular!

This is a flagship model worth so much money!

Just ask what's so great about it.

have no idea.

I didn’t buy it. Are you asking me?

However, he was speechless, and Lu Lin quickly understood why this kind of knowledge came to his mind.

His current ability is that of an intermediate alchemist, and he naturally possesses the knowledge and vision that an intermediate alchemist should master.

In other words, with the knowledge of an intermediate alchemist, he only has this level of understanding of this gem.

That is to say...

This thing is definitely not something that ordinary intermediate alchemists can afford. It may even be something that not only intermediate but also advanced alchemists can afford.

"Sure enough, the mission reward is great," Lu Lin was happy and quickly took the black vine alchemy staff beside him.

Lu Lin held the front end of the alchemy staff in one hand and the red gem in the other hand, slowly approaching the two.

When the distance between the two came within half a meter, the black vine alchemy staff reacted.

The eggbeater-like front end actually bloomed like a flower, as if it was eager for the red gem to approach.

And when the distance between the two was close to about 20 centimeters, the black vines started to move like tentacles, and the branches wrapped around the ruby ​​​​and after a while, they were firmly tied to him. Front end.

Looking at the alchemy staff in his hand that had acquired a new look, Lu Lin touched his chin with a smile.

Pretty cool.

At least it finally doesn't look like an eggbeater.

But why does this look look so familiar?

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