However, using clay puppets as self-destructing infantry is ultimately a very extravagant act.

Although Lu Lin did not know how to refine clay puppets, looking at the various puppets he could refine, as long as they were puppets, they seemed to be not cheap.

But this is the shortcoming of clay puppets, not the shortcoming of twin clay puppets.

Although the twin clay puppets seem to be one body, they are actually composed of two clay puppets. On weekdays, only one will be active. Only when the active one is fatally damaged, the other clay puppet will wake up and take over the body.

During this period, the clay puppets that have been fatally damaged will be reassembled and fall into a deep sleep. It only takes about half an hour to be resurrected.

This feature does not seem to be very good at first glance. After all, this thing is not very strong. If it encounters a stronger opponent, the opponent only needs to kill it twice, and it will be over.

But if it is used as a self-destructing infantry, that is another matter.

As long as the self-destruction ends and escapes back with the aftermath of the explosion, this thing can be reused indefinitely.

Of course, in addition to its combat performance, this thing can also be used to move things or do some simple work. If there is something that needs to be hidden, you can also wrap it up and put it into its body, and then you can transport it without anyone noticing.

In extreme cases, you can even let it wrap itself and turn it into a pile of earth to hide its body.

The more he knows about the twin mud puppets, the more Lu Lin feels that this thing is too practical;

It deserves the name of the task "the first crew member".

Lu Lin now finds out that although the task route he chose asks him for a lot from time to time, the things he gives are really good.

And even if it's a big ask, the things he wants will not be taken away. Whether it's the alchemy cauldron at the beginning or the ten gold coins now, they are all left in Lu Lin's own hands.

And just when Lu Lin was thinking about this, the refining of the twin mud puppets was over.

The twin mud puppets that had just been refined were like a large pile of stinky mud, lazily lying on the ground.

Lan Jie, who was standing by, looked left and right, but couldn't figure out what was going on. He turned around and asked, "Boss? Did you fail?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lan Jie suddenly felt that the light beside him had dimmed.

He turned his head in confusion and saw a three-meter-tall faceless mud man standing behind him, slowly stretching out the mud-like strips that were constantly squirming like arms towards him.

"Fuck! Monster!" Lan Jie was so scared that he took off, fell forward and rolled, and quickly distanced himself.

Then he saw Lu Lin, who was speechless, and the mud puppet with his hands stretched out stupidly.

The mud puppet even tilted its head, as if wondering what it had just scared away.

"Mud, mud puppet?" Lan Jie blinked, "Eh? Didn't you say it's necromancy?"

"It's necromancy, right? This is a kind of undead puppet that is very close to mud puppet. I'll explain it to you in detail later."

While explaining casually, Lu Lin retracted his gaze and turned his attention to the task list in his consciousness again.

The tasks in his consciousness were updated again.

[The Way of the Sage·The Way of Sailing: The First Crew·Phase 3 (Completed)]

[Task Target: Make a Undead Puppet·Twin Mud Puppet]

[Task Reward: Complete Book of Intermediate Secret Alchemy Formulas]

[Rewards are being distributed]

In an instant, the alchemy manual in Lu Lin's consciousness automatically unfolded, and the items on it began to scroll frantically.

Looking at the constantly expanding content, Lu Lin's face unconsciously showed a smile.

Here it is, the intermediate formula he has been dreaming of.

The things made by the primary formula are either very poor in effect, or the things that are somewhat useful are generally very limited.

Whether there are some things with equally large restrictions but good effects in the intermediate recipes, or things with average effects but no restrictions, it is a qualitative change for Lu Lin's ability.

While Lu Lin was waiting for the recipe to be expanded, the task box next to him also changed. The completed tasks slowly disappeared, and the information of new tasks replaced them.

Lu Lin subconsciously looked over.

[The Way of the Sage·The Way of Sailing: Scattering Useless Things]

[Task Target: Spend All Existing Coins]

[Task Requirements: The proportion of money spent on upgrading alchemical equipment must not be less than 98% (if the proportion does not meet the standard, you need to continue to make money to upgrade the equipment until the total proportion of all expenses meets the standard)]

[Task Reward: Artifact·Carlton's End Scepter Full Set of Upgrade Recipes]

Looking at the task requirements, Lu Lin's smile froze on his face.



The expansion of the recipe list is complete.

The new recipe list is very rich. Although there are still no very powerful recipes at first glance, there are many practical recipes.

Just as Lu Lin expected, his ability improvement can be said to be a qualitative change.

But Lu Lin's smile still disappeared.

He felt that he had drawn a conclusion too early before, and he still underestimated the ability of this quest line to ask for a lot.

That's right, it's the most difficult route after all, how could it be that all the way there are some easy-to-use welfare tasks?

At first glance, this task doesn't seem difficult, it's just to spend all the cash to upgrade the equipment, it's just a forced investment, and it's also good for your future.

But if you look closely, you will find a problem.

This mission requires that all money must be spent, and 98% of it must be spent on upgrading equipment. If you don't do this, you have to continue to earn more money and then spend more money until the ratio reaches the target, otherwise the mission will continue. Stuck.

In other words, as long as he spent other money before the task was completed, he would have to spend fifty times the money to upgrade the equipment before he could finally complete the task.

If he is not aware of this, even if he just spends money on food and accommodation, he may end up with an astronomical amount of money.

What a ghost...

Lan Jie had previously given Lu Lin some spoils from the Night Snail Sect. Adding in Lu Lin's previous earnings and the reward of the ten gold coins, Lu Lin's deposits reached 15 gold, 3 silver and 63 copper for the first time, a breakthrough. The fifteen gold mark.

Lu Lin originally thought that he would not be short of money now.

Looking at it now, he has to spend 98% of the money upgrading the equipment, so what is left for him to use for other purposes is...


3 silver and 4 bronze.

This is all the funds he can use flexibly at the moment.


Suddenly I felt penniless again.

However, the mission reward is still very attractive. The complete set of upgrade formulas for the artifact Carlton's final staff, presumably the formula used to upgrade his alchemy staff.

Since it is an artifact, it must be very powerful when upgraded to the full level.

In addition, after all, the money was not wasted, but was used to upgrade the alchemy equipment. Thinking about it, Lu Lin felt that it was acceptable.

after all……

Now he is not alone either.

Although all his money will be spent on upgrading equipment, doesn't he have a new little brother?

He has no money to use, but Lan Jie has money!

Thinking of this, the smile on Lu Lin's face reappeared.

at the same time.

Lan Jie, who was not far away, looked at Lu Lin's strange smile suddenly facing him, and suddenly had a very bad premonition.

Chapter 62 Is he here? Tathagata

The next day, early morning.

"Boss, are everything packed?" Lan Jie sat on the oxcart frame and looked at the shed behind him.

"Well, everything is packed," Lu Lin, who was sitting in the carport, nodded.

"Huh? Where is Sister Limi?" Lan Jie looked at the carport in confusion.

At this moment, the originally spacious carport was so crowded with the luggage of three people and a lot of Lu Lin's alchemy equipment and materials that even Lu Lin only had a small corner left for him to huddle in.

"It's inside," Lu Lin pointed to the alchemy cauldron on the side with his thumb, "I stuffed the sheets and quilts inside, and she got in and shrank."

"Oh, that's good," Lan Jie nodded.

He was really a little afraid of Tanuki. Although he often went on escort missions and was quite proficient at driving cars, the road in the canyon was bumpy. He was really afraid that Tanuki would bump him accidentally and offend this eldest sister. The head is angry.

If he was given a huge blow later, he would have to worry about whether his head would still be there.

Now Tanuki is sleeping directly in the alchemy cauldron. Even if he is sleeping with a quilt on his head, he should not feel it very obviously. Naturally, this is the best.

"Then, let's go?" Lan Jie asked.

"Let's go," Lu Lin nodded, "Go to that city you mentioned early. I happen to have to do something there."

"Okay!" Lan Jie agreed loudly.

The reins were waved, and with the roar of an ox, the ox cart started to move slowly.

The wheels turned gurglingly, making the sound of grinding over sand and gravel.

I don’t know if it was because there were too many goods, but the oxcart kept making a soft creaking sound.

The twin mud puppets followed slowly, with a bunch of worthless debris inside their bodies. As it continued to advance, these debris continued to appear and disappear on his body surface and inside his body.

Tanuki in the alchemy cauldron curled up into a ball holding a pillow, sleeping soundly.

Lu Lin held up his cheeks, looked at the small house gradually moving away from him, and pursed his lips.

Although he knew that this place would not be his permanent residence, after all, it had been so long, and he still felt somewhat at home here.

"Well, that's fine. Maybe whoever falls in here in the future will be able to live in it like me."

"Huh!;? Boss, what are you talking about?" Lan Jie turned his head in confusion.

"Nothing," Lu Lin shook his head, "By the way, tell me about the city we are going to? Have you been there? Are there any good stores selling alchemy equipment there?"



Binses high cliff city.

In the bustling market, an old man wearing coarse cloth and with thin hands and feet was huddled up and sleeping under the eaves of the roadside.

Although the coarse cloth was rough, it was very wide and almost completely wrapped the old man's body. Even his face was mostly covered, and only the old man's messy gray beard could be vaguely seen.

There was a mixture of hay and rags spread under him, and there were many fruit cores and nut shells scattered around him, which seemed to be the remains of food he had eaten.

From the smoothness of the core, it is easy to see how miserable his life was.

At this time, a man dressed as a wealthy businessman passed by the old man.

He glanced at the old man, took two steps, and suddenly stopped.

Looking back, he looked at the old man carefully again, and then frowned unconsciously.

He reached into his pocket and took out a large copper coin with a face value of ten copper coins. He turned around and walked back. He bent down and handed the copper coin to the old man's collar, as if he wanted to put the large copper coin directly into the rags that the old man was wearing.

But at this moment, suddenly, his hand was grabbed by the old man's hand like a dead tree.

The rich businessman was startled and wanted to withdraw his hand immediately, but the old man's hand was like a steel bar, and he could not move no matter how he struggled.

At the same time, a hoarse and old voice sounded.

"He's coming..."

"Huh? What are you doing? Let me go!" The rich businessman shouted in a hurry.

"He's coming..." The old man slowly raised his head and opened his eyes from the shadow of the cloth.

However, the eyes were pale, and it was almost impossible to tell where the eyeballs were and where the whites were.

"I don't know who's coming! I just know you'd better let me go!" the rich businessman shouted, "or I'll call the guards!"

However, the old man seemed to have not heard him at all, and just continued to mutter "he's coming" and so on.

The rich businessman had no choice but to shout at the top of his voice: "Guards! Are there any guards? This..."

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