"Soul, yes..." Lu Lin said, his eyes drifting to his alchemy manual.

There is a catalog of [Soul Related] under [Secret Recipe], so Lu Lin also knows some knowledge about souls.

The so-called soul, based on Lu Lin’s current understanding...

It is a mark created based on the interweaving of human memory, self, body, magic, spiritual power, existence, etc., and is imprinted on the world.

It is a very abstract thing, but it does exist.

It is born from people and is within people. When people change, the soul changes.

But it is based on the world and exists outside of people. If the soul is different, people will be different.

Lu Lin really didn't know what method should be used to "separate a little bit" of this mysterious and mysterious thing.

As far as the formula Lu Lin currently has mastered, it can only completely collect the souls of certain simple creatures, and how to interfere with the soul itself or transform the soul, at least the intermediate formula, does not involve this aspect at all.

"Hmm... However, after looking through the entire book, there is no information about the Colorful Forest. Could it be that I missed it?"

With this in mind, Lu Lin read the entire manual twice.

But the result is the same, there is no formal mention of the colorful forest at all.

Sighing, Lu Lin closed the book, preparing to look away from the illusory introduction and use his eyes to take a good look at the dreamlike city in the introduction.

But the moment his eyes drifted away from the booklet, Lu Lin was stunned for a moment.

Then he suddenly pulled his eyes back and looked at the back of the booklet.

The back of the booklet is very dark, and it was night. If you didn't look carefully, you might think it was pure black.

But in fact, there is content on it.

It was a forest silhouette drawn with black ink on a dark gray background.

In the silhouette, there are several lines of small characters looming.

"...If you reach the end of your dreams and desires..."

"...no need to worry..."

"...to the beautiful forest..."

"…over there…"

"...the lifeless soul will be reborn..."

Chapter 91 Why do I smell someone trying to treat me as an injustice?

The soul again.

Lu Lin felt that since he came into contact with this matter, the number of times he saw the word soul was slightly less than when the Barrage Soul Eater appeared.

"After giving the soul, is it to regenerate the soul? Damn it, what does this mean? It can't be to give away the new life to the guests, right?" Lu Lin looked at the bustling city in front of him, feeling helpless.

"Boss, what should we say next? Do we want to go for a walk? Or should we just find the way to the beautiful forest?" Lan Jie asked.

"Just find the way. We're not here for a trip," Lu Lin said. "Since their brochures mention the beautiful forest, it shouldn't be difficult to find a way there."

"Okay, um... let me think about it, in that case, we have to find a guide in the city first," Lan Jie said, "Let's follow the flow of people first. There should be a pasture for the earth dragons and horses to rest. , when we get to the place, there should be many guides coming to us."



"There should be many guides coming to you... If I remember correctly, that's what you said, right?"

On the grassland where the earth dragons were parked, Lu Lin and Lan Jie stood on the balcony, staring at each other.

They did find a pasture, and there were indeed many guides here.

But no one came to them.

"Uh... well..." Lan Jie scratched his head, "Looking at the bright side, we are not the only ones no one is looking for..."

"What kind of benefit is this?" Lu Lin was speechless.

However, this really cannot be blamed on Lan Jie.

He should have thought of it earlier. As a guide, his main income is tips from customers and rebates from places where he spends money.

If you want to earn more, you naturally have to find a wealthy employer.

Although Lu Lin and the others, as people riding the house-carrying earth dragon, would be looked down upon by ordinary people if placed in other places.

But here, a mere ordinary house-carrying dragon is carrying a house with ordinary decoration. Compared with the luxury fleets around it, doesn't it become a poor man in the eyes of these guides?

"Uh, boss, we can't just wait like this, right? Why don't we take the initiative to ask?" Lan Jie asked.

Lu Lin shook his head and said, "Let's talk tomorrow. Have you forgotten what time it is?"

"Ah, that's right," Lan Jie suddenly realized.

It was so bright in the city that he forgot that it was almost midnight.

"Go to bed early. It's night now, and there are many people coming from the next city," Lu Lin said, walking into the house. "By tomorrow morning, these guides will naturally not have so much business to grab."



The situation did make Lu Lin right.

Although the arrival times of teams coming to Oga City from different routes are different, most teams will not choose to travel overnight, and naturally they will not arrive in the morning.

Therefore, during this time in the early morning, there are the fewest people entering the city.

Without customers entering the city, the guides would naturally turn to customers staying in the pasture.

Especially if there is a house-carrying earth dragon, usually as long as someone moves on the back of the earth dragon, several guides looking for work will immediately come up to ask questions.

Lu Lin and his friends were no exception. Lu Lin opened the door early in the morning and stood on the balcony. Not long after, a guide who noticed Lu Lin ran over.

It was a man with long ears, a big nose, fair skin, and very short height.

This seems to be a characteristic of a race called "Yaki people". This kind of people is a race with a larger appearance gap than the round-eared people. It is difficult to tell their age, beauty and ugliness.

"Boss! This boss! Are you looking for a guide?" The Yaki shouted while running, showing everyone's enthusiasm.

"Look for it!" Lu Lin shouted back.

"That's great! The boss chose me! Not only do I charge cheaply! I'm also a ten-year-old guide! There's no place in this city that I don't know about!" The Yaki shouted and ran all the way to where Lu Lin was. Under the dragon, without even having time to breathe, he saluted Lu Lin and asked, "I wonder what projects you want to play, boss?"

"I just want to go to one place," Lu Lin said, "Beautiful Forest, can I go?"

As soon as the words "Beautiful Forest" were spoken, Lu Lin clearly felt that the Yaqi guide was stunned for a moment.

Then, the guide showed a brighter smile than before, and said repeatedly: "I can go! I can go! Of course I can go! You have asked the right person! In that place, if you are looking for those new guides who are just starting out, Son, they don’t know how to take you there, but I’m different, I’ve walked that road hundreds of times!”

The guide's enthusiasm seemed so normal, as if he was just happy that he had gotten the job.


Is it really normal to be this happy?

Again, for guides, the highest income should be tips and kickbacks.

Lu Lin didn't want to go anywhere else, but just wanted to go to the colorful forest. Moreover, it sounded like the road was not easy to walk, was time-consuming and labor-intensive, and was far away from consumer places. For a guide who wanted to make money, walking this way was not a good idea. Shouldn't it be a boring and boring job?

But Lu Lin did not express his thoughts. He just smiled and said, "That's great. Come up. Let's talk about the reward and route, and then we'll set off."



"To go to the beautiful forest, first we need to pass through the Mysterious Mist Swamp."

At the dinner table, the Yaqui guide was chatting with a business smile.

"The road in the Mysterious Mist Swamp is very difficult to walk. Not only the visibility is extremely low, but the road is also winding and rugged."

"If you enter rashly, if you are lucky, you will circle back to the starting point. If you are unlucky, you may even be trapped inside."

“Only those of us, old guides who have led this route from generation to generation and are familiar with it, will not get lost in it.”

"So on the other hand, if you want to take a trip to the beautiful forest, our charges will be relatively high. According to my personal practice, it is ten silver coins per day."

"It's really not cheap," Lan Jie, who was sitting nearby eating breakfast, continued, "If you want to do this kind of work every day, don't you have to earn several gold coins a month?"

"Haha, the boss is joking, how can such a good thing happen?" the Nayaki guide waved his hand, "There are so many guides here, it is not easy to find a job. Besides, there are no people who are interested in the beautiful forest. Not many, it’s rare to get this kind of job, ah...but speaking of this, I’m actually quite curious, why are the bosses interested in the colorful forest?”

"Well... about this," Lu Lin said, placing the pamphlet he got when he entered the city on the table with the back facing up. "Look, it says that this is a place where 'souls can be reborn'. , don’t you think it’s interesting?”

"Ah! That's why!" The Yaqi guide looked like he suddenly realized something. "Seeing as the boss is wearing an alchemist's robe, it's no wonder he is interested in a place like this."

"Well, you have a sharp eye. You are worthy of being a guide for so many years." Lu Lin nodded, "So, do you know anything about this 'place of soul rebirth'?"

"Haha, boss, do you want to know in advance?" The Yaqi guide once again had that business-like smile on his face.

"It doesn't matter. After all, it is a special place placed on the last page of the whole book. No matter what, I will go and see it," Lu Lin said with a smile, "Just tell me what you know."

"Ah, that's fine, don't tell me, I actually know a little bit," the Yaqi guide smiled even more, "Xishi...Boss, you must have heard of it and eaten it, right?"

Lan Jie was slightly startled and looked at Lu Lin.

Lu Lin smiled, nodded, and said without changing his expression: "Well, I've eaten it, and it's amazing. Just like what they said, every bite has a different feeling."

"Haha, yes, but boss, what you have eaten is just the lowest quality 'Xiao Xishi'," the Yaqi guide said with a smile, "Although it is also Xishi, with all due respect, it is not as good as high-grade Compared with the past, those gadgets are just ordinary fruits with a special flavor. "

"If you, boss, want to eat real high-end food, the only way I know is to go to the beautiful forest."

"That is the place of origin of Xishi. As long as you are lucky, it is not impossible to find high-level Xishi."

"And if you, boss, can really taste that high-level reality, I think you will understand what 'rebirth of the soul' is."

Chapter 92 If you get cold feet when it comes to trivial things, why do you want to enter the world?

The Yaqi guide was holding a basket of earth dragon feed and was a little confused.

Did you agree to leave immediately?

Why was he arranged to feed the earth dragon?

"What a new employer! He hired someone, but he didn't even want to waste time before departure," the Yaki guide sighed.

However, it doesn't matter...

Anyway, as long as this trip is completed...

Just as he was thinking about something, a figure passed by him quickly, without even attracting his attention, and jumped onto the ground dragon in a few seconds.

Not long after, there was a knock at the door of Lu Lin's alchemy room.

Lu Lin opened the door and saw Lan Jie standing at the door, still panting slightly.

Seeing this, Lu Lin hurriedly made way, and when Lan Jie entered the room, he immediately closed the door.

"What is the result of the investigation?" Lu Lin asked.

"I asked, and the other guides mentioned these things. The words he said are similar to what he said," Lan Jie said, "Those young new guides really don't dare to run this route, and the old guides who dare to run will almost boast that they have run this route hundreds of times."

"How did they react when you mentioned going to the colorful forest?" Lu Lin asked.

"Just like what you said, brother, everyone is very enthusiastic," Lan Jie said, "and once I am about to leave, they will be particularly regretful, but I think, maybe they are like this when they meet customers?"

"Let's not talk about that, are the statements about Xishi the same?" Lu Lin asked.

"Yes, they are all the same," Lan Jie nodded.

"What about the route?" Lu Lin asked.

";;It's just a difference in details," Lan Jie said, "I also remember the specific directions. As for leaving the city and entering the misty swamp, the guides also said that except for this road, other directions are not feasible. Either you go back to the original place, or you will get completely lost."

"In other words, there is almost no possibility that he wants to deliberately lead us the wrong way to harm us?" Lu Lin asked.

"Well, at least I won't give him this opportunity," Lan Jie nodded, "but... I don't think a mere guide would dare to do such a thing."

"The security of Erga City is very exaggerated. Once there is an abnormality in the city, it is easy to be discovered by the flying dragon knights patrolling at high altitude."

"So... I was thinking, boss, are you sure you are not overthinking?"

"After all, he is just an ordinary guide who makes a living. I'm afraid he doesn't have so many thoughts."

"No... I don't think he has much thoughts, but he definitely didn't tell us everything," Lu Lin shook his head, "I should have told you that when I told him that we were going to the Colorful Forest, this guy was so happy that he was abnormal."

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