The true good and evil should be determined by how the user uses it.

Poison can kill people, but it can also be used as pesticide to protect crops.

Curses can harm people, but they can also be used to remove curses for others, or to kill evildoers.

Bombs can destroy lives, but they can also break mountains and rocks.

The dead are terrifying, but they can also be used by people.

As for the secrets.

These seem to be taboo secrets, but their powerful effects are by no means as simple as doing evil.

The reason why this road is called the Sage's Road is probably because only sages can control this road.

Perhaps this is why the difficulty of this road is "difficult".

Lu Lin felt that he had realized it.

The so-called Sage's Road, its true meaning must be like this.

After a complacent chuckle, Lu Lin turned his eyes to the menu in his mind again.

Now that the reward has arrived, he should also see what the next task is.

However, after seeing the task requirements clearly, his expression immediately froze on his face.

[Path of the Sage: First Kill]

[Task Objective: Kill one person, regardless of race (0/1)]

[Task Reward: Black Crow Alchemist Robe]

Chapter 6 The sun may rise from the west, but Lu Lin will never treat you

Looking at the task, Lu Lin felt that his newly stabilized Dao heart was shocked.

The first alchemy task was so normal for a novice, who would have thought that its next task would be so exciting.


Perhaps for a world with swords and magic, killing is not a rare thing.

But Lu Lin is a time traveler from a peaceful era after all. As a city dweller, he has never even killed a chicken since he was a child. At this moment, when he saw that the task required him to kill someone, he was inevitably a little distracted for a while.

Even so, his first reaction was to give up the task.

After all, in his past concept, killing was something that he absolutely could not do.

Until he remembered that he was now in a foreign world without police and criminal law and was not peaceful, he put away the idea of ​​giving up.

He is just an ordinary person who has traveled through time. In this strange world where he is unfamiliar and does not seem to be peaceful, this mysterious menu is his only reliance.

Giving up on the mission is tantamount to cutting off his own path.


The mission only talks about killing people, and there is no restriction on the target of killing. Finding a person who deserves to die and killing him is just to get rid of harm for the people. Isn't it okay?

Thinking of this, Lu Lin also made up his mind.

If he wants to kill an innocent person, it is difficult for him to accept it.

But if he kills a vicious villain, he is very happy to do it for his own benefit.

"Wait until tomorrow to go to the town to inquire about it. As for this poison, I won't sell it for now. If I want to kill someone, it's better not to let others know that I have something like this in my hand..."

After making up his mind, Lu Lin looked at the sky outside the window, which had completely darkened.

It's time to go to bed.


Lu Lin looked at the corner of the room.

Under the old dining table, the mysterious girl still huddled up against the wall with her eyes closed.

Lu Lin hesitated for a moment, but still didn't dare to speak. He tiptoed to his small bed, covered himself with a small quilt, faced the wall, and closed his eyes.



That night, Lu Lin didn't sleep very well.

The nights in the canyon were always very quiet. He could always hear the even breathing from the other side of the room, reminding him that there was another person in the room.

And it was a very dangerous person.

He even considered moving.

But when he thought of the expensive rent in the town...

Now he was not empty-handed like before. The huge alchemical cauldron and a pile of alchemical tools had to be placed somewhere. If he wanted to rent a house in the town, the low-rent dormitory would definitely not be enough. He had to rent at least a one-bedroom apartment.

And the rent of that kind of house would cost at least a few silver coins every month.

In addition, even if he really had to move, he was a little worried that he would disturb the mysterious visitor again during the move, which would lead to some terrible consequences.

As for finding a way to deal with her, Lu Lin had never thought about it.

Although he also saved the other person's life, it was thanks to the other person that he finally got rid of the bitter sea of ​​working to make money.

Regarding how to look at this girl, Lu Lin's emotions were actually very complicated. There were fear and gratitude, dissatisfaction, but the most was actually curiosity.

He was just curious and didn't dare to ask, so he didn't think he could really solve the mystery hidden in the other person.

Now he just wanted to leave the other person alone, whether there would be a turnaround later, or this ancestor figured it out and left, anyway, he didn't plan to do anything to avoid any accidents.

Of course, although Lu Lin didn't sleep well that night, no accidents happened.

When he got up in the morning and looked at the corner, the girl was still in the same position, and seemed to have woken up a long time ago. She still maintained the previous posture, resting her chin between her knees, looking forward with empty eyes, and was in a daze quietly.

It seems that as long as there is no external stimulation, she will probably continue like this.


"Will she not be hungry?" Lu Lin was puzzled.

Can't she eat me when she is hungry one day?

Well, I don't think so. She doesn't look like a cannibal.

If I cook in the future, can I prepare a portion for her as well?

Speaking of this, Lu Lin actually wanted to improve the food today.

During the more than a hundred days of saving money, he only had fish soup and porridge every day. Now that he has money, he wants to eat anything else.

I happened to be going to the town to find out some news, so I wanted to buy some ingredients and come back to make a good meal.

After making the calculation, Lu Lin went out with a few silver coins in his pocket.

This was probably the most money he had brought with him in more than a hundred days, except for buying medicine and a cauldron last time.

As for the other money, he hid it in a box under a raised floor in the house.

This is his long-standing habit to prevent thieves.

Although so far, no thief seems to have targeted his shabby house that looks like it has no oil or water.

But after all, the quality of the broken door at home is really not ideal. Even if it is locked, it can be kicked open. He is not at home most of the time during the day. If he does not do this, he will not feel at ease at all.

As for today, he didn't even dare to join the chain.

But then again, although the mental condition of the girl at home is obviously poor, Lu Lin has experienced the skill. If it is such a coincidence that a thief sneaks into his house today, he will be lucky if he doesn't die in the house. .

When he came to town, Lu Lin first went to "Underground Treasures" to say hello to Sister Ajuan. She was worried about him yesterday, so she just came to say hello.

Afterwards, Lu Lin went to the tavern.

The taverns in the town are open at night and open all night, and are closed during the day. The tavern owners will take advantage of the day to sleep and prepare goods.

Lu Lin came early enough today and should be able to catch up before the tavern closes.

This point is actually when the tavern is least crowded.

There were almost only drunken drunkards and clerks cleaning up in the store. As for the store owner, he was yawning and wiping glasses behind the counter.

If you want to inquire about the information, the best choice is to go directly to the tavern owner. But after all, Lu Lin is choosing a murder target. For insurance reasons, he does not want to leave any clues by asking the owner for questioning.

Therefore, Lu Lin needs someone who will take the initiative to talk to him about his bitterness, and it is best to forget about it after pouring it out.

Don't tell me, he really knows such a person.

Scanning his eyes across the tavern, Lu Lin quickly found his target.

It was a young man who was cleaning the table. He wore a turban on his head, had brown eyes and hair, and looked thin and tall, with a bitter face.

His name is Tang Bo, one of the clerks in this tavern, and he is a rare "round-eared human race" in this small town.

The so-called "round-eared people" are what humans in this world call a race with an appearance like Lulin's.

Of course, Lu Lin is not a round-eared person in this world, nor is he exactly the same as them, and his ears are not as round as theirs, but at least in terms of appearance, Lu Lin will be classified as a round-eared person.

Because of this, in Tang Bo's view, Lu Lin and he were of the same race. Although Lu Lin didn't come to the tavern often, they were still familiar with each other.

Even Tang Bo can be regarded as one of the few acquaintances and friends of Lu Lin in this world in a sense.

"Hey, Tang Bo, why are you so grim today?" Lu Lin walked up to him and greeted him with a smile, "Do you want me to treat you to a bowl of tomato noodles?"

When Tang Bo heard the greeting, he turned around and saw Lu Lin's face, and his eyes widened in shock.

"Lulin? You...what did you just say?" he asked in disbelief.

"I said, I want to treat you to a bowl of tomato noodles..." Lu Lin asked doubtfully, "What's wrong?"

"You want to treat us?" Tang Bo's mouth opened wide, and then suddenly, his expression condensed, he jumped back and shouted, "No! You are not Lu Lin! Say it quickly! Who are you!"

Chapter 7 There always seems to be no shortage of people in this world who would not regret their death.

Lu Lin was a little speechless.

Although he was indeed a little bit stingy before.

In other words, every time I came to the pub, I would only order water and rub the side dishes on other people's tables. From time to time, I would blame others for their leftover wine and leftover bread.

But, doesn’t that mean he has to save money?

If it wasn't forced by the situation, who would want to live such a fussy life!

Why is it that for a bowl of tomato noodles for three copper coins now, this bastard Tang Bo behaves as if he has been snatched away?

The most outrageous thing is that he can do this alone.

When they arrived at the noodle stall, Lu Lin took out six copper coins and bought two bowls of noodles. The eyes of everyone in the stall widened, as if they were watching some wonder of the world.

"Am I so famous for being stingy?" Lu Lin asked Tang Bo with the corner of his mouth twitching.

"If not everyone knows it, at least it is known to everyone," Tombo replied.

"Is there any difference between these two words?" Lu Lin rolled his eyes.

Tang Bo spread his hands, smiled, and said, "So what's wrong with you? You suddenly thought about it?"

"Absolutely," Lu Lin shrugged, casually throwing out the excuse he had already prepared, "I wanted to save money before and save everything, but I found that I couldn't save much money, and my life became more and more boring. So, I feel like I have to spend money where it should be spent, otherwise I will go crazy sooner or later.”

Hearing this, Tang Bo immediately clapped his hands and said, "That's right! You finally figured it out! I can't stand the life you lived before. Not even an ascetic can live like you."

"Hey, so I just wanted to come to town to have a bowl of noodles early this morning," Lu Lin said, "but there's no point in eating alone, so I called you here."

"Hey, what a good friend," Tang Bo grinned, "Next time you come to the pub, I'll secretly bring you some employee snacks."

"Then I'll look forward to it. I heard that your food is very good," Lu Lin replied with a smile, "By the way, I saw you had a sad face this morning. What happened? Tell me?"

"Hey, what else could it be? Just those tavern things," Tang Bo waved his hand. Although he looked accustomed to it, he started to complain to Lu Lin about the bad things he encountered at work.

This guy has always been like this. He always likes to find someone to complain to, and he never stops talking.

People often find him annoying, and even Lu Lin is no exception.

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