After all, in this place, money is money when you stay in the city-state, but when you leave the city, the money becomes a dead lump that you can't eat or drink.

And in the evening, Lan Jie, who was carrying a heavy responsibility, also came back.

This time, because many of the goods he brought out were refined by Lu Lin using precious materials in the beautiful forest, and with family certificates, their selling prices also increased along with the high local prices, so he brought back enough Nine gold coins and dozens of silver coins, excluding the two gold coins previously advanced to Lu Lin, the rest became Lu Lin's deposit, totaling nearly eight gold coins.

This is the earning power of an intermediate alchemist, which is why Lu Lin seems to have a tight life because he has been wandering around. Otherwise, it would not be very difficult to stay in the same place for half a year and save hundreds of gold.

Now that the problem of the goods has been solved, the next step is the issue of follow-up arrangements.

Should I go or stay?

In this regard, Lan Jie's conclusion was surprisingly certain.

Staying is the best choice.

There are many reasons. First of all, the road is difficult to walk.

In the land of chaos, there are also dungeons.

Although perhaps because they are far away from the empire, these dungeons are relatively less dangerous than those that appear in the empire, but at the same time, because there are no brave men in the chaotic land, it is also difficult to conquer the dungeons.

A large number of dungeons make the wilderness in the Land of Chaos full of dangers. With their current strength, it is definitely no problem to move around the surrounding areas, and they can even go to some low-level dungeons to hunt for treasures. But if they want to go to another one where they are now In cities of the same size or larger, there are very few optional routes due to the existence of some high-risk underground cities or dangerous areas with multiple underground cities.

And even if there are optional routes, each one is more difficult to follow than the next.

And this is not the most important reason.

The most important thing is that the city-state they are in seems to have a hostile relationship with the Holy Religion.

Although this city is dominated by family gangs, there seems to be the shadow of the same powerful force behind these family gangs.

It was an ancient sect called the Tianri Sect.

Also hundreds of years ago, the empire was the second largest sect after the Holy Religion.

Chapter 122 Why is there no Lysa in your alchemy workshop?

The Tianri Sect is an ancient church that believes in the sun and the sun god.

Its followers master the power of the holy flame, generally advocate physical exercise and spiritual practice, and possess powerful strength.

Because it believes in the sun, it is easily accepted by the world. Although its church has acted relatively low-key in the past and has a weak desire to expand, it has still easily developed many believers around the world.

Even now that the Holy Sect is in power, the influence of the Tianri Sect has not completely disappeared within the empire.

But perhaps because of this, the Holy Cult has always regarded them as a thorn in their side and a thorn in their flesh, targeting their followers everywhere and even exterminating them.

It can be said that apart from the brave men in this world, the one who has the greatest hatred against the Holy Sect should be the Tianri Sect.

But this does not mean that the Tianri Sect has the possibility of becoming an ally of Lu Lin.

Unlike the hypocritical Holy Religion, the Tianri Religion, which truly controls the Holy Flame, truly hates a series of "evil heretics" such as curses, black alchemy, and necromancy. Fortunately, this place only has some contact with them, and qun : five four three six five nine three eight nine. Unless it is directly under its territory, otherwise Lu Lin might not be able to sell even half of the goods he brought.

But at least, on the territory of the Tianri Sect, the Holy Sect cannot be too presumptuous.

"But please note that although the direct forces of the Holy Religion will not blatantly come to such a place to cause trouble, they can still come through their agency forces and supporting forces here," Lan Jie said, "We still have to do our best. As low-key as possible.”

"Low-key is definitely necessary, but being low-key alone is not enough," Lu Lin shook his head and said, "As the saying goes, the city is hidden in the city. We really want to hide, but we can't stay outside the city forever. We have to integrate into the city. OK."

"I've also asked about this," Lan Jie was already prepared. "Boss, did you notice when you entered the city that all the shops in an area are built on the backs of earth dragons?"

Upon hearing this, Lu Lin frowned.

Of course he noticed this, and was still sighing at the time, Earth Dragon really penetrated into every aspect of this world.

It's no wonder that the roads everywhere are so bad. After all, the Earth Dragon is very compatible with roads.

"So, we can also drive the Earth Dragon to that kind of place?" Lu Lin asked.

"Actually, there are two plans. One is that we can sell Dilong and rent a house in the city. This is the most low-key and the rent is cheap," Lan Jie said, "But I feel like you, boss, are useless at decorating the house." After so much effort, I probably don’t want to go through such trouble anymore. Moreover, although I can buy a new ground dragon in the future, after all, it is a second-hand ground dragon from a chaotic land, and the quality may not be guaranteed. It will also cost money to buy a new one and renovate it. Sometimes, it becomes very troublesome if you need to run away urgently. ”

"Well, I do think so," Lu Lin nodded, "Let's talk about the second plan."

"The second option is to rent land in the city where the land dragons can stay," Lan Jie said. "But there are many problems with this option. First of all, the rent is very expensive. I found out that the average monthly rent is between It’s about eighty silver. In addition, you have to pay a few silver coins every month for earth dragon management fees and earth dragon excrement removal fees.”

"It's indeed not cheap," Lu Lin nodded, "but with my current ability, it's not unaffordable."

"This is not the most important issue," Lan Jie said. "If you want to rent this kind of land, you don't just have to pay the rent. It must also be used to run industries. It must be under the jurisdiction of the local chamber of commerce. There will be inspections and monthly inspections." The business conditions must be normal. Of course, taxes must be paid, and the income seems to be quite a lot.”

After listening to Lan Jie's words, Lu Lin was not too surprised.

This is a chaotic place. Land in this kind of fortress city is naturally very valuable. Eighty silver a month may seem like a lot, but if you can rent a piece of land in this kind of city, there is probably policy support. Result.

As for this kind of precious land, the rulers would naturally not want to see it idle. It is not an excessive requirement to use it for production or business.

As for the issues of being subject to jurisdiction and paying taxes last time, they were all doing business on someone else's territory, so these were normal requirements.

After thinking about it, Lu Lin made a decision.

He really wants a place to develop well. Although he has a certain ability to protect himself after becoming an intermediate alchemist, he is still far from being able to gain a foothold in a chaotic land.

Finding a stable place to do tasks to improve his strength, accumulate strength, and become a high-level alchemist as soon as possible is indeed his best choice at the moment.

And this was originally the task assigned to him by the White Miko.

"Okay, let's do it like this," Lu Lin said, "Let's rent a piece of land here, open an alchemy workshop, and stay there for a while first."



Early the next morning, the three of them went to the city to complete the relevant procedures.

Compared with the indifferent treatment they received when selling goods before, the chamber of commerce personnel serving them today seemed too enthusiastic.

It's no wonder they are so enthusiastic. To rent the land here, you have to pay three months' rent plus a deposit equal to one month's rent. Now you have to hand over more than three gold coins. Anyone who wants to exchange it must be enthusiastic. .

Moreover, these three months are still the inspection period. If you do not operate normally or the operating conditions are too poor, you will be disqualified. At that time, although the extra rent paid will be refunded, the deposit will not be refunded.

In addition, if you want to run away after driving for a month or two, the deposit is also non-refundable.

Of course, there are also benefits, that is, the first month of operation here is completely tax-free.

The application process went very smoothly, and I just spent a little more time reading the contract. I went through the formalities in the morning, and in the afternoon the land belonging to Lu Lin and others was handed over to them.

Even their signboards were customized by the Chamber of Commerce for them.

People from the Chamber of Commerce even said that after two days, they would send someone to help them manage their accounts.

This is the first time Lu Lin has seen an accountant open a store.

However, it is understandable that this place is so big, with so many fixed stores, and they are all in the physical industry. Directly sending people from the chamber of commerce to help the stores manage the accounts is the simplest and most crude way of supervision.

Although the feeling of being monitored was not good, Lu Lin himself was too lazy to do his own accounting, and he had no intention of evading taxes, so he didn't resist it very much.

Anyway, as long as it wasn't the mission monster asking for money from him or trying to steal his money, he wasn't actually that anxious to make money.

After taking a specific route reserved for Earth Dragon, we entered the city and put down the Banqiao. People from the Chamber of Commerce immediately came up to help Lu Lin hang up the sign.

The wooden signboard was painted black, with a line of large characters written in golden paint - "Lisa's Alchemy Atelier".

That was the name Lu Lin wrote when he logged in. In order to disguise himself, he chose the most common format and did not use his real name.

As for if people ask why there is no Lysa in the store...


Forget it, from today on, Tanuki's pseudonym to the outside world will be Laisa, and now there will be Laisa in the store.

Looking at the brand new sign, Lu Lin let out a sigh of relief.

He still has no real idea. He never expected that the first alchemy workshop in his career as an alchemist would be opened in such a haphazard way.

And just when Lu Lin was sighing, he suddenly heard footsteps stopping behind him.

Lu Lin turned around and found a man wearing a black robe and an owl mask fighting behind him.

Looking at the other party's clothes, Lu Lin's pupils shrank.

This dress...

Although the masks were different, with different cuts and decorations, they were extremely similar in structure to his Black Crow Robe.

"Well, Lysa is not a man's name," the man began.

The voice was a very ordinary male voice from a passerby, even so ordinary that it felt like it was deliberately ordinary.

"Excuse me..." Lu Lin tried to ask.

The man looked at Lu Lin, his eyes downcast, and paused for a moment on the crow mask hanging on Lu Lin's chest. Then he said, "You must be the owner of the shop here. I have an alchemy commission. I wonder if you will accept it?" "

"Let's talk about it," Lu Lin said, "As long as I can provide the formula and materials, I can handle any commission below the intermediate level. Of course, if there is no formula, then it depends on whether I know how to do it..."

"Don't worry, we have the formula and ingredients," the man said, then took out a cloth bag from his arms and handed it to Lu Lin.

Lu Lin glanced at the other party, put on the crow mask, and after confirming through the Evernight Lens that there was nothing strange in the bag, he reached out and took it.

When he opened it, he found that there were indeed some alchemy materials and a piece of paper inside.

Lu Lin took out the paper, glanced at it, and immediately raised his eyebrows.

On the top, there was a line of words written in bold.

"Hetis's Tears of Sorrow".

This potion was recorded in Lu Lin's recipe book.

It was one of the most deadly intermediate plague potions under the catalog of [Poison Formula] · [Epidemic Poison].

Chapter 123: Just mentioning benefits without mentioning obligations, you are just kidding!

Lu Lin really didn't expect that the first order he received after opening a store would be such a professional order.

Moreover, judging from the other party's appearance, it is very likely that he is a colleague.

But Lu Lin didn't say it out loud. He was very curious and wanted to see what the other party was going to do.

After inviting the other party into the house, Lu Lin asked Lan Jie to make a cup of tea for the other party, and then went upstairs to work.

Li Mi was still sticking to Lu Lin as usual throughout the whole process, and did not show any interest or vigilance towards this guest.

This also shows that at least the other party did not make Li Mi feel threatened.

Going up to the second floor, Lu Lin began to refine the potion.

This was his first time to refine an epidemic potion. This thing had basically no direct combat power, and it couldn't be sold. It was really useless to Lu Lin.

Moreover, if it came to treason, it was hard to find other types of formulas that could compare to it. After all, this thing was not good at other things, but it was definitely the best at killing civilians.

However, it was not a big problem for Lu Lin now that he had never refined it before.

He was no longer the novice who had just become an intermediate alchemist. According to the task count, he had completed more than 400 intermediate alchemies so far. As long as there was no special situation, Lu Lin would basically not fail to refine the intermediate formula. At most, he would be more cautious and spend more time.

About an hour later, Lu Lin went downstairs with a bottle of potion in a glass bottle.

Downstairs, Lan Jie was tidying up the house. After all, it was going to be operated as a store, and the sundries in the corridor on the first floor needed to be sorted out.

And the man wearing an owl mask was sitting at the dining table drinking tea.

He still had his mask on, but he put a straw in the tea and drank it through the air inlet of the mask.

"You are not afraid of getting burned when you drink hot tea with a straw," Lu Lin said, sitting opposite him.

"Haha, I have my own way," the man replied with a smile, "your store... is quite special, giving people a feeling of returning home."

This sounded like a compliment, but in fact it was reminding Lu Lin that the layout here really didn't look like a store.

"Sorry, when I was decorating it, I didn't think I would use it to open a store one day," Lu Lin shrugged, "I plan to go out for a walk tomorrow and buy some sofas and coffee tables to replace these cheap tables and chairs. It should be better by then."

"Well, you can also buy some carpets, paintings and potted plants, but don't buy too high-end ones. The decoration of the store is not the more luxurious the better. It should be considered comprehensively based on pricing, business scope and target customers," the man said, "Since your positioning is mainly to undertake mid-level commissions, it can't be too simple, otherwise people will think that the service here must be very cheap, and attract a lot of junior jobs with little profit, but it can't be too luxurious, otherwise people will feel uneasy about your pricing, which may scare your target customers and attract some high-level commissions that you can't handle."

"Well, I'll take note, thank you for the tip," Lu Lin said seriously.

"You're welcome," the man said, "Then, can you show me the potion I asked for?"

"Here," Lu Lin said, pushing out the potion that had been prepared long ago, "But if you plan to use this potion in this city, remember to tell me, I don't want to be affected by the potion I made."

"No, don't worry, I don't have that idea," the man said, took the potion, looked at it carefully in front of his eyes, then pulled out the cork and put it to his nose to smell it.

Lu Lin was a little surprised when he saw this, but he understood when he saw the breathing hole on the other party's mask.

His crow mask has the ability to block the volatile gas properties of various drugs, and the other party must have it too.

Hertis's Tears of Sorrow is also a potion with very low volatility. If you smell it in the case of obstruction, it will not be affected.

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