"I need some time," Silly said. "The opponent is the Nether Beach Walker. Although I am not sure whether the Kiss of the Moon will work, I think it is best to have one bottle for each person. I will refine it in batches. I’ll help you pay the cost, but it will take three days.”

"Very good, I also need about three days to arrange some things," Lu Lin nodded, "Then, the answer is obvious. After three days, in the city, during the day, if these three conditions are met, we can start a war with them. "

"Do you have a plan?" Silly asked.

"It's just a prototype now," Lu Lin said, "but in three days, I will give you a detailed arrangement. When the time comes, let us give them a big gift."

Chapter 132: Okay, okay, you’re here as soon as you smell it, right?

For the next three days, Nun, Ming and Ying would wander around the streets every day.

Kenmeirjian City may not look that big from the outside, but in fact, this city-state, which relies on the entire lake, supports thousands of people.

The houses in the city are next to each other, and the not-so-wide streets go around in circles.

It's obviously not easy to find a house-bound girl in such a city.

But according to Silly's reconnaissance in the past two days, the other party seems to be continuously narrowing the search scope through induction. It is estimated that in two days, they will start wandering back and forth on the street in front of Lulin Gate.

This situation is actually pretty good in Lu Lin's plan.

At least three days of preparation time are enough for them.

If the opponent moves faster than expected, Lu Lin has also prepared some other delaying methods. There is no need to use them now. It is the best choice not to alert the enemy.

Three days later, in the early morning, everyone gathered together again in Lu Lin's alchemy room.

Silly brought the promised potion - "Moon's Kiss".

It was a dark blue potion, contained in a special crystal bottle. When viewed under the light, the reflection of the potion looked like a crescent moon.

"According to legend, the Moon God's Kiss is a blessing potion," Silly introduced. "As long as you drink it, the Moon God's blessing will be with you forever, so you can drink it in advance."

"Of course, because it is a blessing potion, drinking multiple bottles will have no effect."

"Also, I have to remind you that after all, it was just a magic potion that assisted the night elf warriors in fighting against the Dark Beach Walkers. I don't know how useful it will be."

"Whatever, as long as it works," Lan Jie said, opened a bottle and drank it down. After finishing the drink, he smacked his lips and said, "It's a little bitter, but also a little warm?"

"For those who didn't know, I would have thought you were trying out a new product from the bar," Lu Lin said with a dark look on his face, "You didn't even ask me if I need to pay attention to anything before drinking it?"

"Ah! That's right," Lan Jie was stunned for a moment, then looked at Sili nervously and asked, "Well... if I drink it directly, will it, uh..."

Silly looked at Lan Jie, looked at him with a subtle expression, and said, "It's nothing...but, have you always been like this? Not everyone dares to pour potions directly into their mouths."

"Maybe you haven't learned about potions before," said Jack Zhengyi on the side. "If you drink this stuff randomly, you may explode and die."

"Huh?" Lan Jie trembled in fright.

"Nonsense!" Silly rolled her eyes at Jack Zhengyi, "You are purely biased by the Tianri Sect. You said that ordinary potions can cause death by explosion. Drinking a bottle of high-explosive potion will not kill you. Exploded into eight pieces?"

"No, it depends on the specific formula of the high-explosive potion. Some may be fine if you drink it, but some... your head may explode as soon as you enter it," Lu Lin then continued.

Lan Jie swallowed and secretly made a mental note not to drink randomly in the future no matter what.

Everyone teased him a few more words, and then they all drank the potion.

After Lu Lin drank it, he touched his stomach.

It was indeed like Lan Jie said, it was a bit bitter and a bit warm, but other than that, I felt nothing at all, and I don't know if it was of any use.

However, there won’t be anything unusual if you drink it anyway…

Lu Lin looked at Li Mi, who was sitting on the bed in a daze, and walked over to her with the last bottle of potion and sat down next to her.

"Come on, Li Mi, drink this bottle of medicine," Lu Lin handed the medicine to Li Mi.

Li Mi looked at the medicine, then at Lu Lin, then picked up the medicine bottle very naturally, pulled out the cork, and drank it without hesitation.

Lu Lin watched Numi nervously, observing her reaction.

Lan Jie knew about Li Mi's situation, and Silly also knew that Lu Lin's bottle of medicine was originally ordered for Li Mi, so they both became a little nervous and kept looking here.

Jack Zhengyi was a little confused about the situation, but seeing the atmosphere among everyone, he couldn't help but become nervous.

After taking the potion, Tanuki didn't look much changed at first, he was still in a daze as usual.

Until the empty bottle containing the potion slipped from her hand, everyone suddenly noticed that some tears seemed to overflow from the corners of her eyes.

She turned to look at Lu Lin, and just looking at each other, Lu Lin suddenly felt his heart tightening, and almost subconsciously hugged the girl in front of him.

Li Mi did not resist, but simply shrank into Lu Lin's arms.

Lu Lin could feel that her body was twitching slightly, and tears kept flowing down, wetting the clothes on Lu Lin's chest.

Lu Lin kept stroking her hair, but didn't know what to say.

He didn't dare to say words of comfort. He had stepped on a landmine since the first time they met, and he only found out the reason later.

Those words of comfort, Li Mi must have heard countless times in those countless resurrections.

In order not to touch these memories, Lu Lin could only say nothing, but kept touching her head and told her that he was here.




On the street, the nun stopped.

"Hmm? Lord Saint Melens, what's wrong?" Ming turned around and asked.

"I always feel like I heard the child crying," the nun murmured, looking in one direction.

In the direction she looked, there was the widest road in the entire city.

The road specially for earth dragons to pass.

"Over there?" Ming asked.

"It's just a vague feeling, maybe it's just my illusion," the nun said, "but do you want to go over and take a closer look?"

"Well... it's not a bad idea," Ming nodded, "It just so happens that I also smelled a familiar smell here."

"You mentioned it before, so what exactly is it?" the nun asked.

"It's the smell of the top-level corpse slave material," Ming's face showed a fanatical and greedy smile for the first time, "Hehe, it's been a long time, I thought I would never have the chance to smell it again in this life..."

"Night elves? Hehe, that's a coincidence," the nun said, "but we have to do my business first. As long as you get my child back, I will help you with whatever you want to do later."

"Of course, I always keep my promises," Ming said, turning around and walking in the direction the nun pointed.



At the same time, in the alchemy room.

Si Li frowned suddenly and said in a deep voice: "Here they are."

"What? They found us?" Jack Zhengyi on the side also frowned.

"Not necessarily, but they are indeed coming in this direction," Si Li said, looking at Lu Lin and asked, "Alchemist, what should we do? Fight or wait?"

"Fight," Lu Lin answered without hesitation, "We have made all the necessary preparations. Although it is not yet noon, it is already bright, so it won't be much different. When they get to the right place, we will just start."

Chapter 133 People and ghosts are all showing off, only Lan Jie is being beaten

The street specially designed to allow earth dragons to travel together is very spacious. Since earth dragons pass through from time to time, there are usually not many people in the middle of the street. People prefer to walk on the side of the street, which is safer and they can also visit the shops on the roadside.

Compared to those ordinary shops that open their own shops and never move, the shops here are almost different every month. Maybe one or two new shops will be added one day.

Just like Lu Lin's shop, it has actually attracted the attention of some local residents in the past few days. If he hadn't hung a sign saying "Shop under renovation and upgrading", he would have received some business.

But on such a street, there are three unique figures walking in the middle of the street as if they were walking in their own living room.

The girl walking in the front was laughing, jumping, and dancing. No one knew what she was happy about. It seemed that she was always so happy, and every move attracted the attention of passers-by.

Soft long hair, cute face, dancing skirt, and small leather shoes that kept tapping on the ground.


The sky fire fell from the sky.


Under the astonished eyes of the crowd, several blazing beams of light fell from the sky, and Ming disappeared instantly. The nun's body also condensed into a golden shield in the blink of an eye. The beams hit the shield, making a harsh explosion sound, but failed to break the shield's defense.

Only the "girl" failed to react to the sudden attack.

The blazing flames burned her hair, and the flesh on the upper part of her head was instantly carbonized, then slowly peeled off, revealing a white skull. A lot of flesh on the upper body was also burned by the flames, and the whole person looked horrible.

But even so, after a short pause, the "girl" continued to laugh, jump, and take brisk steps. The carbonized flesh continued to peel off as she jumped, revealing the white bones and the internal organs squirming under the bones.

If it was just a moment ago, the passers-by on both sides of the street would still be worried about the "girl", but now, there was only horror on their faces.

Even if this is a chaotic place, even if there are necromancers in this city, it is not strange, but such a weird and huge contrast still aroused the instinctive fear in almost all people's hearts.

"Who!" The nun raised her head violently, and the piercing sound that I didn't know whether to say it was a shout or a scream resounded throughout the street.

And the answer to her was the golden flame that fell from the sky.

The golden flames and the golden shield collided with each other, and the dazzling explosion almost blinded the passers-by on both sides of the street.

When the strong light faded, they finally saw the true body hidden in the magnificent golden flames.

It was a strong bald man with golden flames wrapped around his body, his fists were surrounded by flames, and his eyes were shining with golden light.

"Look! It's the people of the Tianri Sect!"

Someone in the crowd immediately exclaimed.

The characteristics of the warriors of the Tianri Sect are obvious, and this is an area controlled by the Tianri Sect behind the scenes. The passers-by here naturally recognize Jack Zhengyi's background.

After recognizing the moves of the Tianri Sect, people naturally wonder who is fighting against the Tianri Sect.

The golden shield was broken, and the nun in black flew backwards. As she spread her hands, a large number of golden threads scattered from her body, as if she was fixed in the void, stabilizing her figure in mid-air.

"Bald donkey, you are looking for death!" The voice of the witch was as piercing as crazy. The golden cross of light suddenly appeared behind her, and then the golden light exploded, turning into countless light spikes like a storm and shooting towards Jack Justice.

Seeing this move, the crowd was even more confused.

"Hey? Is that a move of the Holy Church?"

Someone asked.

"The golden cross, only the Holy Church, right? I've never heard of a similar move from the Glory Department?"

"And it's so powerful! Wait, that bald guy from the Tianri Church blocked it so easily? What's going on? What's the strength of these two? Could it be that the high-level members of the Holy Church are attacking us?"

"Something's wrong! Hey, stop looking, report back to the gang! This is a big deal!"

For a while, the crowd nearby began to make noise, and some people ran directly towards the city.

"Ah... This is not good. I told you not to use the moves of the Holy Church. Oh, forget it, you shouldn't expect this guy to be rational in a fight," Ming sighed, turned the long staff in his hand, and was about to point it at those who were running away from the scene.

But at this moment, his legs suddenly sank.

"Oh..." Ming turned his head and looked behind him.

On the ground behind him, the shadow beast that had poked its head out of the starry sky opened its mouth, and the next moment, dark energy blasted out, directly smashing half of Ming's body into pieces.

However, just a moment later, his body suddenly dissipated and reassembled again not far away.

When he looked at him again, he was clearly unscathed, and there was not even a trace left on his clothes.

"So that's it, it's coming for me?" Ming's face darkened.

"Yes," a ghostly phantom flashed by his side, "You Qqun: 5436593八9, a group of rats, are not so easy to encounter when they leave their nests..."

The next moment, the ground with a radius of nearly ten meters under Ming's feet instantly turned into the starry sky, and countless phantoms emerged from the starry sky and attacked Ming in various ways.

"The rat out of its nest, hehe..." Faced with such a scene, Ming was not panicked at all. He waved his hand and held the staff in front of him, saying indifferently, "Who is the rat? It's still uncertain. Oh, I was just thinking about when to find you, but I didn't expect you to come to my door yourself."

The long staff rotated, accompanied by obscure chanting, and the dark spring gushed out from under Ming's feet. Countless sea beasts with ferocious fangs and sharp claws gushed out from it, fighting with the shadow beast born in the starry sky.

Blocking the attack, Ming made a seal with both hands, the inscription on the eye mask lit up, and he opened his mouth to recite a new spell.

But at this moment, a figure fell from the sky, and the sharp knife light slashed down in the air.

Ming's mouth, which had just opened, closed immediately, and his feet moved slightly to avoid the slash in the air.

The man who came was Lan Jie. After missing the first attack, he immediately changed his stance and slashed towards Ming with a reverse cassock slash.

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