Isn’t your Tianri Sect just a group of righteous Yan Fist bald heads?

Lu Lin directly dressed him up in a gangster street style, and brought a big boy behind him, and then made his accessories more exaggerated to ensure that no one would think of Tianrijiao.

As for his new clothes, Tie Zhu was very satisfied anyway.

Although he might not understand what Lu Lin and Jack Zhengyi were saying, the smile on his face was always bright and he kept turning around in front of the mirror.

Lu Lin found it quite funny to see the three-meter-tall man being as excited as a little girl.

He couldn't help but turn his head and look at Li Mi, who was sleeping in bed. Speaking of which, Lu Lin seemed to have not bought her new clothes for a long time since he bought a bunch of clothes for this girl in one go.

After this matter is over, we can go back and make some new clothes for Tanuki.

As for Jack Justice…

After meeting his own eyes in the mirror for a long time, he let out a sigh of relief.

Lu Lin thought he had finally reconciled with his new image, but unexpectedly, he turned his head and bowed to Lu Lin, and then said solemnly: "Thank you, you taught me a lesson."

When Lu Lin looked confused, he raised his head and explained: "In the past, my master has always taught me that people should not be judged by their appearance, but I have never deeply understood this sentence Qqun: 543659389!."

"Later, after some things happened, I understood that some people may appear to be good people on the surface, but in private they may do some extremely evil things."

"I thought that was what it meant, but now I have a new understanding."

"If I can carry out justice with this attitude, I must be truly beyond appearances, right?"

"Wearing black clothes, with a bright heart..."

"I realized that justice can still be practiced in this way."

Lu Lin looked at him and was dumbfounded.

What does this mean?

How did you become enlightened?


Following this line of thinking, it seems that we can continue to cheat?

After thinking about it, Lu Lin said: "No, you may not really understand it yet."

Jack was stunned for a moment, then said seriously: "Please give me some advice."

"Your understanding of 'appearance' is too superficial," Lu Lin said. "You only think that you are carrying out justice in these clothes. Is that what you mean by 'wearing black, with a heart for the light'?"

"No, no, no, it's not enough."

"You have to really act like a bad person, so that others will think you are a bad person when they see you, and they will be afraid of you, avoid you, and avoid you."

"You have to endure this kind of gaze, consistently play the role of a bad guy, and then endure the humiliation and bear the burden to achieve what you think is a just act. Only in this way can you truly be 'wearing black, with a bright heart.'"

Hearing Lu Lin's words, Jack Zhengyi was obviously stunned, and then fell into deep thought.

Seeing him like this, Lu Lin secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

This guy was too upright. Although Lu Lin thought that the image he had remodeled was perfect, he couldn't stand the fact that this brother was so upright that Lu Lin was really afraid that he would reveal his secret.

Saying these words himself should make him think about the issue of acting skills to some extent, and reduce the probability of revealing his secret.

In the next few days, they were walking normally. Since they took the safe route given by the old master, the journey was uneventful.

Lu Lin just does some alchemy every day, and then spends time with Li Mi.

Recently, Li Mi's condition seems to be better than before. Although he still doesn't like to talk, he doesn't know if it was influenced by Silly. He even came to Lu Lin with a chess piece before.

This is a chess game in this world that is a bit like chess. Lu Lin only knew the rules. When he saw Li Mi coming to him with the chess piece, he tried to play a game with Li Mi.

Unexpectedly, Tanuki can really play chess now, although the way he plays is a bit unthinking, and sometimes he will violate the rules and move randomly.

But Lu Lin didn't care. This was a call for Li Mi's condition to improve. Lu Lin would naturally follow her no matter what she wanted.

This girl is also weird. It seems that except for Lu Lin, she doesn't want to play chess with anyone else, even Silly who told her the rules in the first place.

Sili was so depressed. She thought she would have a new partner to play chess with, but in the end she could only continue to bully Lan Jie.

As for the rest...

Tie Zhu's intelligence level is not up to standard, and Jack Zhengyi is a stubborn donkey that she can't get along with at all.

As for Lu Lin.

Lu Lin was already busy, so even if he had time, he would spend it with Li Mi.

For example, in the past few days after leaving the city, Lu Lin now has no commissions to be busy with. Apart from his daily alchemy research, he spends the rest of his time playing chess with Li Mi.

In this leisurely time like a vacation, before they knew it, they arrived at their destination.

"Kulan Jilin Middle City..."

On the balcony, Lu Lin narrowed his eyes slightly as he looked at the snow-white city wall in front of him, the city gate huge enough for an earth dragon to pass through, as well as the spacious road and more than ten magic puppets neatly arranged beside the city gate.

"Well, something is indeed wrong..."

Chapter 160 If you are so rich, there won’t be oil in the city, right?

After all, Lu Lin is not from this world.

He has his own set of logic for judging the situation of every city in the world.

At the beginning, he felt that there was a problem with Oga City. He felt that the world's productivity and Oga City's traffic conditions could not support an entertainment city of this size.

But now, as soon as he arrived at the city gate, he immediately felt something was wrong.

City in the Forest City in the Forest is naturally a city built in the forest.

Being surrounded by forest terrain is actually a very subtle thing.

The forest is naturally rich in products, and a large amount of wood can also provide a large amount of construction resources.

However, the forest terrain also has disadvantages. Firstly, it is inconvenient transportation. Secondly, compared with plains and large rivers and lakes, the food source provided by the forest terrain is not stable.

Of course, there is actually a primitive land reclamation method called slash-and-burn farming, which can reclaim large areas of forest into fields, thereby providing enough food production to supply large cities.


This is a place of chaos.

If you farm in this damn place, your crops will be wiped out by wandering gang members every year before the harvest.

It is also for this reason that even the strong city of Kenemer, which is backed by a large lake, has a population of less than 10,000.

The size of a city is naturally related to its population.

According to Lu Lin's current observation, although the size of this forest city is certainly far behind Oga City, it must be about twice the size of the Kenhemir Strong City.

"There are no signs of digging fields nearby, and the number of pedestrians is normal. The population of this city is definitely larger than that of Kenemir, but there are no caravans coming or going. It's strange, where do they get their food?" Lu Lin frowned slightly, "Finally, The important thing is that if there are so many magic puppets, the consumption of magic stones will be huge in the long run. Even if there are big forces behind the blood transfusion, what reason is there to waste money like this? "

Can't figure it out.

Lu Lin had a hunch that the situation here might be more complicated than the old grandmaster expected.

At the same time, their Earth Dragon also arrived at the checkpoint.

A soldier wearing exquisite armor walked up to their Earth Dragon and shouted loudly: "Everyone, come down, please cooperate with the city inspection."

"Okay! Come on now!" Lan Jie agreed, put away the guide rod and stood up. He stretched his right hand into his arms and was about to take out his wallet.

"Wait a moment..." Lu Lin held him back.

"Huh? Boss, what's wrong?" Lan Jie asked doubtfully.

"Don't give him money for a while, it probably won't work," Lu Lin said. "The soldiers here don't look like they are short of money. If he doesn't give a hint, don't do anything unnecessary."

"Eh? Ah, okay," Lan Jie nodded.

"Go and call Jack Justice and the others to come out. Tie Zhu also asked him to follow him down normally. Just bring the weapons as normal. Qqun: 543659389@. No need to hide them. I'll take Li Mi down first," Lu Lin said.

"Okay, I understand," Lan Jie nodded, and then went to greet the others.

Lu Lin turned to look at Li Mi, who had been following him, touched Li Mi's head and said, "Just follow me for a while and don't mind other things, okay?"

Li Mi looked at Lu Lin and did not answer, but Lu Lin knew that she must have heard everything.

Not long after, everyone got off the earth dragon, and Silly also got off the snail with the stew, and flew over slowly on a crystal staff.

The soldier came over and looked at everyone, his brows immediately knitted together.

"Hell, what a bunch of monsters and ghosts are these..."

Hearing the soldier's muttering, Lu Lin's mouth twitched under the crow mask.

"Only these two girls and this earth spirit look normal..."

Lu Lin was slightly startled. Was the emotion specifically referring to him, Jack Zhengyi and Tiezhu?


That's not surprising.

After all, he specially wore a robe and a mask, and those two people were also specially dressed by him, and they were indeed more demonic.

"Ahem, hello," the soldier cleared his throat and said, "Welcome to the central city of Kulanjilin, please identify yourself."

"Wizard of the Dark Magic School, Mary," Silly threw out a half-truth and half-false identity without hesitation.

Seeing this, Lu Lin also said in a similar manner: "The alchemist of the Black Demon School, Kakashi."

The pseudonym Ben Wei, Lu Lin, has been used too many times. In a sense, it has become his nickname in the land of chaos. Now, when he talks to Sili, his surname is Lu Lin and his prefix is ​​Ben Wei. Now he has to use a pseudonym. Naturally, a new one has to be thrown out.

As we all know, Ben Wei is equal to 50/50, Captain America is equal to Kakashi Hatake, so this pseudonym is not too much.

After introducing himself, Lu Lin pointed at Rumi and said, "This is my sister, Totori."

After Lu Lin, Lan Jie also revealed his prepared identity: "I am his bodyguard, and my name is Ajie."

Tie Zhu answered honestly: "Tie...Tie Zhu..."

Of course, it doesn't matter if his name is true or false.

As everyone answered their identities, the soldier's eyes finally fell on Jack Justice.

At this moment, everyone's hearts became tense.

If we want to say who is the most likely person here to lose the chain, then it can only be him...

Then, under the anxious gaze of everyone, Jack Zhengyi put his hands in his pockets, looked down at the soldiers in front of him, and said in a cold voice: "My name is Bob, and I am an accompanying thug. This big guy is just like me."

After hearing this, Lu Lin finally felt relieved.

Fortunately, as Silly said before, Jack Justice is just stubborn, not stupid.

As long as he is willing to act, he will have no problem handling a city inspection.

"It seems that I still listened to what I told him before," Lu Lin thought to himself.

The soldier looked at them, made a note in a notebook, and then said, "Well, that's it, but... if your vehicles need to enter the city, we still need to check them."

"Of course, like most city-states in the Land of Chaos, this city does not restrict the types of items you can bring with you, but we need to register dangerous goods, so please cooperate."

"Please," Lu Lin said casually.

The soldier nodded, and then called on several other soldiers to get on the earth dragon and snail to start the inspection.

Speaking of which, this is the first time Lu Lin has asked someone to check inside his earth dragon.

In fact, for carriage convoys, this kind of inspection is quite common. Many cities have to check the cargo on the carriages before entering the city.

However, there are very few cases of checking earth dragons. The reason is that most city earth dragons cannot enter at all, so there is naturally no need to check.

"Boss, do you want me to watch it?" Lan Jie came over and asked.

"No, I'm watching over there," Lu Lin said, and nodded in the direction of Si Li.

Lan Jie turned around and saw that Si Li's eyes were empty, as if she was in a trance. Suddenly, he realized something.

Soon, the inspection was successfully completed, and the soldiers also signaled that they could enter the city.

Si Li did not make any expression, and it seemed that these soldiers should not have any dirty hands and feet.

There was even no hint of wanting to collect tips from them.

This is really...

"It's so wrong," Lan Jie muttered.

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