Chapter 04: Something Darker Than a Hawk Stalking Its Prey



At a party hosted by the royal family.

A glittering chandelier illuminated the finest carpets. On top of that, there were tables made of ivory and the finest Lebanese cedar, silver tableware, gold cups, and the variety of delicacies prepared by the royal court’s top chefs. The visual was reminiscent of a full-fledged Chinese restaurant.

And the upper class was enjoying a party with the utmost luxury. Two people who were unique among them were sitting on chairs at a table for two.

“Look, there’s Lady Alice and Lady Carol! They’re so beautiful.”

“They’re the most beautiful young ladies here in the Kingdom of Laodecia.”

“Oh, my God! Not only their face, but even their body is perfect. They look so out of this world.”

“If a count’s eldest son doesn’t appeal to them, then I won’t even be taken seriously.”

“They turned down a royal marriage proposal without a second thought, so of course it’s true.”

“They’re so out of this world.”

“It’s like two roses in bloom…”

“I heard there was a mysterious group that attacked them the other day, but it looks like all of them are safe.”

”Yeah, rumor has it that that group of people had Magic Nullifying Handcuffs and they’re currently being tortured in a prison under the jurisdiction of the royal court.”

“It’s a dangerous world we live in.”

Men and women who appeared to be the sons and daughters of rich nobles were discussing while looking at the beautiful sisters in dresses who were quietly sipping tea.

Then one young man approached the young ladies.

“Hello, Miss Alice, Miss Carol, it’s been a long time.”

The blonde man bowed and smiled.

At that moment, the beautiful sisters gave each other a momentary cold stare and replied to the man in front of them with a fake smile.

“It’s been a long time.” [Carol]

“It’s been a while.” [Alice]

“I was quite surprised to hear that a mysterious group of people had attacked the mansion. If I had been there… I would have been able to keep you safe… how frustrating (apologetically).”

As this young blonde man made a clenched fist in frustration, little Carol said,

“It’s fine! We’re safe! Right? Dear Sister?”

“Yeah, we’re all fine. Thank you for your concern.”

“If you need anything at all, just call me. I, Alan, second son of the Earl of Manchester, am always at your service.”

The man named Alan then lowered one knee to the carpet and bowed his head.

When Alice saw him, her face twitched and she spoke.

“Yeah, I’ll call you when I feel like it.”

“I am prepared to lay down my life for Miss Alice at any time.”



“Well, will you step back, please? I’d like to have a cup of tea with Carol.”


The man named Alan’s face contorted as he bowed his head.

“I understand. If you ever feel like dancing, you can always call me.”

The man named Alan stepped back.

And the nobles who were watching the scene from afar were saying,

“He’s gonna get his a*s kicked, too.”

“If the second son of the Earl of Manchester were to marry… Lady Alice, he can call himself the Duke of Leinster, I can see he has an ulterior motive. He’s got the looks, but he’s no match for them.”


After the party, the older sister Alice and younger sister Carol were on their way home in a luxurious carriage.

But they both had grim expressions on their faces.


Alice whispered, and Carol grabbed her sister’s hand and said worriedly.

“Dear Sister… I knew we shouldn’t have attended the party after all.”

“… We can’t afford to lose respect for Dear Mother and the royal family.”

“That’s true, but…”

Alice was well aware of the situation that this party had been decided to attend for a long time, and even if there was an accident, she couldn’t go against the request from the royal family side.

But even though Alice understood what was going on, she couldn’t control her burning anger. The same went for her sister, Carol.

That look that the man named Alan showed at the party. These sisters knew the secret motive behind Alan’s expression.

It was the same look the men who had tried to violate them had shown them.

The Medici sisters had been in danger of losing their virginity three times now.

The first time was when they were young, it was also at a party. A duke who fell in love with the beauty of the two sisters took them to a deserted place and tried to violate them.

But Alice, a top level wizard of class 5, used ice magic and mortally wounded the man. This scene was discovered by a member of the royal family who happened to be passing by, and the whole kingdom was in an uproar.

And the second time was three years ago. A mysterious group of men have teamed up with the male servants working at the mansion and attacked the house to assault Alice, Carol and their mother Agnes.

At that time, their father fought against the mysterious group and succeeded in protecting the three of them. But their father was stabbed by the male servant who was working with the mysterious group and lost his precious life.

And for the third time, which didn’t need to be explained.

“I am prepared to lay down my life for Miss Alice at any time.”

Throwing away his life? Don’t be silly. He’s just like that beast of a man. You can pretend to be a good man, but you can’t hide your ugly nature.

In short, these two girls detested men. So much so that when they felt the disgusting stares that men sent them, they felt nauseous.

The only man these two recognized was their father.


That thought had recently crumbled..

After meeting that man.

He was an enigma whose name they didn’t even know.

He was dressed in clothes they’d never seen before, with green, brown and black paint on his face and a strange helmet on his head.

But the kindness from his eyes and words he said while covering them with blankets were still vivid in their mind.

“I’m glad you’re alright!”

They had been angry until now, but before long, the anger was converted into a mysterious sensation, and they were both in agony. Squirming their legs and breathing hard.



Then little sister, Carol, spoke to big sister, Alice.

“Dear Sister… who is the man who saved us…?”

“I don’t know… All I know is that he saved us and suddenly disappeared without asking anything in return…”

A few days had passed since that incident, but the presence of him, Haruto Takatori, was gradually growing in these two sisters’ hearts.

Every time they thought of the smile that that man showed, their heart fluttered, and every time they imagined his words, their body heated up.

The two of them were exposed to a mysterious sensation as if they were running on electricity, and their bewitching faces were exposed. The fear of these unknown feelings, and the relief that this feeling brought by them was surely not a bad one. With the two conflicting emotions, Alice and Carol clutched the hem of their dresses and wished earnestly.

They wished to see that man again.


When Alice and Carol returned from the party, they were greeted by their mother, Agnes.

“Welcome home.”

“Dear Mother.”


Alice and Carol ran over to where their mother was, the woman who gave birth to them. Carol jumped into Agnes with an innocent smile. Agnes then gently held her beloved daughter in her arms. As Agnes’s explosive body clashed with Carol’s huge b*****s, it truly became a spectacular sight. The servants watched this scene with smiles on their faces.

“My sweet Carol… were you safe?”

“I’m fine, thanks to Dear Sister Alice.”

“Good… Alice has become a fine lady.”

“No. Not yet.”

Agnes was holding Carol in her arms and Alice was looking at her. But the expressions on these three people’s faces were different from usual.

Why was it different… Needless to say.

“Umm… Mother…”

Alice, growing impatient, opened her mouth.

“What is it?”

“… Have you heard anything new about that man?”

Once again, Alice, with her hands fidgeting, turned her gaze to her mother. Her eyes, deeper than the ocean, were like a black hole, sucking in everything.

“Unfortunately, it’s still…”

“Is that… so?”

Alice turned over and gave a small sigh. Carol then backed away from Agnes and said,

“I’d love to meet that gentleman…”

Carol turned her bewitching expression to Agnes. Agnes giggled and then gently stroked Carol’s head. Then, after looking at her two daughters in turn, she reassured them saying,

“Don’t worry. We’ll definitely find him.”

Seeing their mother’s resolution, they both felt a twinge of fear in their bodies. But they would be able to see him again…


“I understand… I’ll go back to my room.”

“M-me too…”

The two of them, with their cheeks flushed red, hurriedly went to their rooms. Seeing their backs, Agnes sighed.

“Oh my goodness… What in the world are they going to do in their rooms? Alice and Carol have changed since that gentleman showed up.”

Two emotions swirled around Agnes’s face. Maternal love as a mother, and something heavier and darker than a hawk aiming for its prey.



Agnes called Siesta, the head maid.

Then, filled with such emotions, she said,

“Don’t worry about the money. Make sure you find that person.”

“Yes, Lady! I’ll be sure to find and bring him to you.”

“But you mustn’t be forceful. You must be gentle with him, just as he was with you. Gently.”

Something began to stimulate in Agnes’ mind as she showed off her gorgeous figure. The stimulus started in her head and gradually moved to her heart and then to her stomach.

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