The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 536: The law of virtual reality

"First of all, when my law of virtual reality was just an introduction, it split out directly.

Secondly, the situation back then was a bit special, and inexplicably it was invincible in the world. It was simply too much excavation for the power of these laws. "

"..., do you know? If your words were known by those saints back then, they would have crawled out of the underworld and beat you to death alive."

"So they want them to be able to climb out?"

"That said, I heard that the current underworld is all messed up. They really don't seem to have time to care about you."

"It's messy, what's the matter?"

Upon hearing this, Wang Musheng couldn't help but become interested.

After all, the current Netherworld is not a dungeon built by himself, but an old existence.

"For what else?

The original sacred artifacts of the Netherworld were first exposed and seriously injured by the human sacred artifacts, and then you stole a lot of the original sacred artifacts for casting the original holy sword.

Lead to incomplete reincarnation.

There is a deficiency in the six ways.

Even the basic cycle of life and death function has become incomplete.

As a result, various ghosts can only enter and cannot leave.

All kinds of ghosts are crowded.

It's almost the same, exceeding the upper limit of the Netherworld's accommodation, making the powerful existences in the Netherworld now afraid to take action easily.

For fear of exploding the Netherworld.

One by one is incredibly well-behaved.

I heard that as long as the strength reaches the level of Da Luo Jinxian, he is no longer allowed to shoot.

Over there, maybe now, it's more peaceful than here, much more peaceful? "

"is not it!"

"That's still false. If it weren't for this, you can see why there are so many ghosts and ghosts stuck in the world.

Even this kind of situation also appears in the demon world, the demon world, the **** world, and the immortal world is deeply pursued.

You know, in ancient times, such a situation would never happen. "

"In ancient times, there really wasn't such a situation. Could it be that the underworld really has a problem."

This involuntarily made Wang Musheng think of the Netherworld, the battlefield of the Darkbone World.

Originally, Wang Musheng thought that it was the other Nether Powers, and he did not notice the situation here.

Therefore, I can let myself wreak havoc on the nether battlefield.

Now it seems that more fear is because these ghostly powerhouses can't make a move at all!


It may even make them deliberately condone.

Deliberately use this method to eliminate those ghosts, thereby reducing the pressure on the world.


Otherwise, in the situation of the Netherworld, even the strong cannot make a move.

As long as the number of various ghost soldiers and ghost soldiers is increased to a terrifying number, then no matter how powerful the Jade Emperor Realm is, it will only have the fate of retreat.

You know, the development of the Jade Emperor Realm has barely been able to compete with a very small world.

And the Dark Bone Realm, on the Nether Battlefield.

As far as Wang Musheng and the others knew, the enemies they faced, apart from the Dark Bone Realm, there were five Nether Worlds.

Five worlds!

Even if you directly use various ghosts to directly fill the entire Dark Bone Realm, there is no problem!

But what about the facts?

It seems that the enemies in the Darkbone Realm are just right every time, making them the limit of their strength.

It's as if this is not a fight at all.

It's an elder who consciously accompanies him in training.

Thinking of this, Wang Musheng couldn't help but smile wryly in his heart.

Sure enough, there is no simple one for those old monsters who don't know how many years they have lived.

Who should treat them as fools, I am afraid they are the real fools!

"Well, let's stop the topic of the underworld first and talk about the law of virtual reality."

Wang Musheng rubbed his head and said.

"The essence of the law of virtual reality is false and true.

And at this time, what is there, is it purely true or purely false? "

"Mirroring the world."

"Yes, it's not just the world, it's like a life, the difference from shadows.

There is also the body of life, and the body of mind and consciousness.

and many more.

In general, his existence is like a line between illusion and reality, a mirror. If no one pays attention to him, he is a mirror, a line, without any effect or harm.

But once someone tried to observe them.

He will reflect your false side.

Even because of your observations, give him strange attributes.

If it is a guy with an innocent mind, his power will also be innocent.

However, if it is a heinous and ambitious generation, his power will also become evil.

It's weird. "

"So this is the power of the law of virtual reality?"


In the end, Wang Musheng was also very familiar with the place they went to.



Even this true spirit was extremely familiar to Wang Musheng, because this true spirit was Yue Ling's senior, a disciple of Feng Wuchen, Yu Qingyang, who had a relationship with Wang Musheng.

After seeing all this, Wang Musheng was shocked again, although he had a clear understanding of the wonder of the world.

However, he didn't know until then that there is no strangest in this world, but only more strange ones in UU Reading

However, at this time, this true spirit, that is Yu Qingyang, did not have the consciousness of being a true spirit, and was completely immersed in the identity of Yu Qingyang, and did not awaken himself.

"It doesn't seem like we are here at the right time!"

The little fat man touched the back of his head, looked down at Yu Qingyang who was still practicing swordsmanship stupidly, and couldn't help but said silently.

"Then what to do?"

"Or, I'll go up and give this guy a fat beating, thinking about it, when he encounters a fatal crisis, he will definitely wake up."

The little fat man suddenly brightened his eyes.

"I still suggest that you better not do this.

The body finally calmed down. If it were awakened, no one knew what the consequences would be.

Moreover, you don't need this at all.

In my opinion, I believe that it will not take long for the body to wake up on its own. "

It was not Wang Musheng who spoke.

But it was someone Wang Musheng was very familiar with.

"Liu Qingyun."

That, among the senior brothers and sisters of Yueling, the most mysterious, always holding a big wine jar, most resembling the existence of a dashing fairy.

"Who are you, protector of that guy."

The little fat man asked.

"Yes or not.

I was born because of this guy's vision of immortality, so, in fact, I don't exist.

However, if I want to exist forever, I must protect him.

Because once he has any problems, I will disappear completely.

This world is beautiful.

At least this time, I don't want to disappear. "

Liu Qingyun didn't conceal anything, and said openly.


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