The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 539: Sect assessment

At this time, it had been six months since Wang Musheng and the others left the Southern Territory.

In the past six months, Wang Musheng and Yu Qingyang, with the help of the little fat man, they directly crossed the endless sea and came to this sacred land.

There is no excessive delay.

They came directly, where the Thunder God Sect was.

Things that I thought were simple.

However, when they arrived, the Thunder God Sect was holding a disciple recruitment once every ten years.

The recruitment of disciples is actually nothing.

The point is, the two guys sitting above.

Two immortal-level guys.

Needless to say, Wang Musheng's situation at this time, even a guy in the foundation period, needs to be handled carefully.

As for Yu Qingyang's words, unless it is the real awakening of the true self and the complete control of the law of virtual reality.

Otherwise, he now has only passive observation characteristics.

The defense is fine.

The attack is seriously inadequate.

Counting it all out, the only one with a bit of power is Little Fatty, but the characteristics of the law of order, although the power of order can be used to distort the order, thereby achieving the power of the pseudo-law of fate to control fate.

But, unfortunately, this is not the real law of fate.

What's more, the characteristic of order is itself order. Don't look at the arrogant look of the little fat man. In fact, his influence on the law of order is extremely limited.

He didn't dare to interfere too much in the order, because if one didn't pay attention, the order would collapse, which would lead to a chain reaction of terror, and the entire Six Realms could completely collapse.

Of course, the little fat guy now has no such power.

If he dares to toss like this, it is more likely that he will be directly beaten to death by the law.

Therefore, what he usually plays with is some insignificant little people, some born out of order guys.

Therefore, although this guy is tossing and happy, but it will not affect anything.

This also interprets the power characteristics of the little fat man, invincible in front of the weak, and immediately persuaded in front of the strong.

Because of its own characteristics, although these people can't kill him, after all, only the law can kill the law.

However, more than self-preservation.

However, it is impossible to protect others.

As a result, it created an embarrassing situation.

The three of them seem to be awesome.

However, they all have this fatal weakness. Wang Musheng lost his strength, Yu Qingyang is good at defense, and the little fat man can only wander on his own.

Together, it is simply a disability.

No one can fight.

A lot of other methods have been thought of, but in the end it is always impossible to implement them because of this and other reasons.

After all, the inside story of the Thunder God Sect, on the bright side, there are two terrifying existences of the Earth Immortal level.

Don't say yes, there is a higher level.

The things that are shown now are not something they can resist.

So, in the end, a relatively perfect plan was born.

Join Thor Sect.

Even if it is a strong fortress, breaking through from the inside is always easier than breaking through from the outside.


After seeing that person, the ceremony of recruiting disciples by the Thunder God Sect, Wang Musheng knew what the big sect was.

In contrast, when he opened his Jade Emperor Realm and Xiaoyao Palace to recruit disciples, it even affected the entire Southern Realm of Immortal Cultivation.

The number of participants, except for those immortal disciples who fight soy sauce.

There are also tens of millions of monks.

It directly occupies 30% of the immortal cultivation world in the Southern Territory and 50% of the land in the Northern Territory.

Facing this data, Wang Musheng was quite satisfied and contented.

But now it's a comparison.

People used more than a dozen super-large secret realm spaces just for testing and disciple selection.

Outgoing data.

It is even more dazzling.

Two hundred million registered disciples.

Outer disciples 20,000.

Two hundred inner disciples.

Twenty true disciples.

Other things like protector, worship, and walk outside the door all add up.

The total number of monks recruited this time turned out to exceed 300 million.

What is even more speechless is.

The murmur of people around.

"What's the matter? How can the number of disciples recruited this time be reduced so much."

"Who knows, anyway, in recent years, the number of disciples recruited by the Thunder God Sect has been declining every year, so maybe something has gone wrong!"

"You can ask questions. What is the existence of Thunder God Sect and what questions can be asked. It is estimated that you can ask questions, and others cannot ask questions.

In my estimation!

It is estimated that this matter has something to do with the Sanctuary Big Bi in three years.

People no longer recruit so many disciples now. It is estimated that it is to concentrate resources to train the disciples of the dream now, and hope to achieve a good result in the Sanctuary Competition in three years. "

"Brother, what is the Sanctuary Grand Competition?"

"Brother, came out of the village."

"Eh, how did you know, brother, I came out of the village?"

"Of course it's because of the sincere temperament in you, my brother."


More, Wang Musheng didn't pay too much attention.

" This is the least recruited time, right?"

In such a comparison, let alone other things, in terms of this size alone, he couldn't keep up even with a horse.

At the same time, this also made Wang Musheng truly realize what kind of situation and existence a truly powerful immortal door is like on this land.

"Fortunately, I didn't listen to Little Fatty's words and fumbled."


However, after the final appraisal of the disciples, Wang Musheng finally recovered a little confidence.

At least the disciples here choose the most primitive competition and fight.

The fight is fierce.

There are about 300 million people recruited this time.

However, in this disciple fight, it is more than 500 million.

The number of 500 million!

That is a pretty terrifying number.

Even in some large empires, there are no such people!

However, so many lives fell here without the slightest value.

One will succeed.

People here, for a slim chance.

More than ten thousand bones withered.

It is simply a sea of ​​blood.

Death is not terrible. What really shocked Wang Musheng was that these people's deaths were so worthless and worthless.

Wang Musheng's side, although Wang Musheng had no power.

However, with the little fat man and Yu Qingyang sheltered, they didn't kill anyone and passed the first competition easily.

The second level is the qualification test.

Speaking seriously, this is the first time that Wang Musheng has tested his aptitude seriously?

It's just the result, but it's not so wonderful.


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