The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 548: influences

I have even seen a kind of life, they are not solid life, but a kind of nature and blood, and its similar existence.

It is also able to control the blood, swallow the blood and become stronger.

It is the nemesis of flesh and blood. "

"Unexpectedly, there are such strange creatures in this world.

That fellow Daoist, why would you want to touch such a taboo area? "

"The taboo area is for you, but not for me.

You are here because of the treasure medicine animal!

Baoyao Beast is one of my works, but you have ever seen any artificial traces on its body. "

"Indeed, this also makes me feel strange.

If it weren't for the words of fellow daoists, it would be impossible for people to believe that such a miraculous life was actually created by man.

There is no sense of contradiction, disharmony and weirdness that is artificially created in him.

On the contrary, it was completely natural, as if he should have been so general. "

"Here is the mystery of life. In fact, in the rules of heaven and earth, the rules of life are already doomed. The reason why he feels contradictory is because his life rules do not conform to the rules of life in the world.

This kind of existence, no matter how powerful it is, there is no need to worry, if it is not recognized by the world, it will eventually become the dust of the years.

On the contrary, since he was born, there is a reason for his existence.

This is just going in the sky.

Why is it a taboo area? "

"Existence is truth, so what is the reason for seniors to come here?

The younger generation does not think that the Thunder God Sect can attract an existence like you to come. "

"Although the Thunder God Sect does not have it, the Sky Thunder Secret Realm does exist. I have studied some of the existing life forms in the Thunder God Sect and found that their life forms are very interesting, and they contain a trace of power that interests me very much.

And after my research, this special power.

It is the Heavenly Thunder Secret Realm from Guizong.

So here I am.

If there is a chance to go in and take a look and do some research, that would be wonderful. "


Chi Ruyan is gone.

As suddenly as it came.

They left quietly and didn't disturb anyone.

Although it seems that during the whole process, the two people only talked a little about the way of life, and some did not gossip.

However, both parties who should know in words already know.

Chi Ruyan showed your recognition of Wang Musheng's ethics.

More importantly, Chi Ruyan's own performance showed one thing, that is, their Thunder God Sect chose peace.

Finally, Wang Musheng also expressed his desire.

Want to enter the thunder maze.

The next step is to open, how did the truly powerful existences of the Thunder God Sect choose.

However, judging from today's situation, this result shouldn't let one die.

"Hongfei, you and that person should be together, right?"

On the way back, Chi Ruyan suddenly said.

"Ah, oh, it should be considered! Although I really don't want to admit this, I was born because of him. Xiaoming is in the hands of the old guy. I don't want to admit it.

But, master, don't worry!

We have no malice towards you and the Thunder God Sect, and we don't even want to interfere with the operation of the Thunder God Sect.

Otherwise, there are still many ways for that guy to enter the Sky Thunder Sect.

Just these methods.

Either it is too much trouble.

Either it's too bloody. "

The little fat man was quite sincere, nodded and admitted.

"Wow! Okay, little fat guy didn't notice. You are quite honest, but turned out to be a traitor."

"Hey, Senior Sister, you're bloody, why am I a traitor? I'm just preparing, do you want to play in the secret realm of Heavenly Thunder?"

The little fat man said with a pitiful expression on the expression of receiving the great wish.

"You worship me as a teacher, is it also arranged?"

"That's not it.

In fact, the old guy didn't have any restrictions on us, just like joining the Thunder God Sect this time, except for entering the Sky Thunder Secret Realm, there were no other requirements.

The reason why I joined Chiyan Peak is of course because of the master and the senior sister.

This is sincere and does not contain any magazines. "

"Master, don't believe what he said, this little fat man doesn't have a word of truth."

"Then your power?"

Chi Ruyan ignored Bai Yuchan's words, and said again.

"This is also true. My strength and the nature of your strength are not the same at all. Therefore, if you divide it according to your cultivation method, I really don't have much strength.

However, if it is only relatively powerful, it is hard to say.

Also, if possible, I suggest that you should get closer to the old guy, even though the strength of the old guy is a little problematic now.

But it still has an extremely terrifying influence. "

"What influence is it stronger than our Thunder God Sect?"

"Little sister, your vision is too narrow.

What is the Thunder God Sect, it is just one of the many sects above the sacred land, and the entire sacred land is just one of the six regions of the Supreme Profound Realm.

And the entire Supreme Profound Realm is just a trivial world in this vast human world.

And in this heavenly world.

Not only the human world, but also the gods, immortals, demons, demon worlds, underworlds, and even more vast voids and stars.

And even this place of heaven and earth is nothing more than a small, inconspicuous world of heaven above the boundless sea of ​​chaos and dusty heaven.

The world is big.

Human beings are very small.

You can try to take a long view. "

Obviously, he was speaking very serious words, but the little fat man's face still had that expression of inaction.

"This is a lie!"

"No, Hongfei didn't lie. The world is really big, and we can't even imagine it being big."

Compared with Bai Yuchan's ignorance, Chi Ruyan was a monk who had already been in a conjugation stage, and was even a rare emperor-level alchemist. Naturally, he knew a lot more.

He knows that there is a sky outside the sky.

Know the six realms.

Know more about the extraterritorial world.

So he knew that his cheap apprentice did not lie.

"Could it be that the person you said can affect the entire world, even the extraterritorial world."

Bai Yuchan originally wanted to call Wang Musheng like a little fat man, but after all he had a good education, and at the same time he was afraid, he didn't say it.

"I don't know if it can affect the outside world.

But there is no question to affect this world. "

The little fat man shrugged and said.


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