The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 551: Robbery


Another fish is hooked.

The fish was big and fat, but Wang Musheng couldn't help but turn black instantly after seeing the fish.

"I said, little guy, you have been hooked six times in a row. You can't be so greedy as a fish. You should give your brothers and sisters of the same race a chance.

Also, there is no hook on my fishing line. When I play next time, don't act so exaggerated.

It’s too much to know if you don’t. "

Sure enough, after hearing Wang Musheng's words, this beautiful fish that was struggling ceaselessly stopped struggling in an instant.

In a pair of fish eyes, a hint of spiritual favoring color emerged.

"Don't play around there, don't hurry down."


Following Wang Musheng's words, this beautiful big fish fell directly into the creek with a mouth open.

Baba swam to the side of the river, looking expectantly at Wang Musheng.

Seeing this scene, Wang Musheng threw a handful of pills.

Shaking his head and sighed.

"Hey, the world is getting worse! Now in society, even fish have learned to slap their beards and horses? It's the world that is getting worse!"

In a flash, another half a year passed.

In the past six months, all spirit beasts and spirit objects that can be tossed in this No. 63 beast stall have been tossed by Wang Musheng again.

However, Wang Musheng is not a true Frankenstein, creating life, nor playing with life.

More importantly, Wang Musheng mastered the nine curses of the emperor gods in the legend that could create life, so these spirit beasts were not the last thing Wang Musheng wanted.

However, these spirit beasts that passed Wang Musheng's hands more or less gained certain benefits.

And each of these spirit beasts is born with a certain spiritual existence.

Naturally, these perceptions are clearer.

Therefore, all kinds of spirit beasts were thinking of the Fa to please Wang Musheng.

Like this, rushing to voluntarily take the bait or something is simply normal.

It’s like what Wang Musheng is doing now is a pompom-like spirit beast, leaning on a large white fox, on his shoulders, there are two palm-sized, squirrel-like little spirit beasts, constantly He pressed his shoulders to Wang Musheng.

Next to them are two large yellow peels, each carrying a fruit plate and juice.

Don't just enjoy it too much.

It was also here that Wang Musheng experienced the feeling of a real fairy for the first time.


Although all this is very good, the only thing that is not good is that those guys of the Thunder God Sect have already expressed their wishes.

How did those guys think about it, and there is no reaction even now.

"Is it because my own force is not enough."

Wang Musheng said silently.

"No, Lord, I actually feel that all this is because we are too scared, which makes Tanmen dare not contact us easily.

As for the response, it also requires careful investigation.

However, no matter what the situation is, such a long time should be almost the same. "


In fact, it was true. For Wang Musheng's situation, those senior members of the Thunder God Sect still attached great importance to it. For this matter, the most detailed arrangements have been made.

However, just when they were preparing to act, Wang Musheng's cultivating spirits that were interestingly released once again brought their assessment of Wang Musheng to a higher level.

All the previous plans were directly pushed forward, and everything started again.


"Report, the seal of the holy mountain collapsed, and the Jie Shen clan escaped. Within one day, the guarded twelve holy cities fell, Guandao Pavilion, God of War Mountain, and Baisheng Palace were completely destroyed.

All the tens of thousands of miles around the holy mountain turned into a land of immeasurable calamity.

The air of great calamity is permeated, and it has been completely reduced to a taboo.

At this time, the power of Jie Shen was spreading outward at an extremely terrifying speed.

The edict of the temple, all monks above the Primordial Spirit stage, except for the necessary stay, all need to go to the front line to resist the invasion of the God of Jie, and must not refuse for any reason. "




Who knows that the world is fickle, and it is not waiting for Wang Musheng to wait for the information he wants.

Instead, it was the chaos of the Thunder God Sect first.

In other words, the chaos of the entire Sanctuary!

"Jie Shen, what is that thing, why didn't I know that when I created this world, I had this thing."

The first time he heard about this, Wang Musheng was completely lost.

"Jie Shen."

It sounds awesome, but what is this?

"Is that guy Jie Shen? This is a bit troublesome.

You don't know this guy is normal, but you have to be responsible for the birth of this guy. "

"Why, it's my pot again."

"Yes, to be serious, should this guy be your disciple and grandson?

Don't be too busy to refuse.

Do you still remember the old guy who taught the Nine Curses of the Emperor God. "

"Naturally I remember, that guy's talent in the way of life, even I was shocked.

In a certain way, this guy really perfected the existence of Nine Curses of Emperor God.

Don't tell me, that guy has lived from a long time ago to the present and has become the **** of misfortune.

This is impossible. I originally handed it to that guy, the Emperor God’s Nine Curses. In addition to marveling at his talent, another important reason is that I have seen that guy’s merits, karma, and deduced that guy’s Destiny track, absolutely, there is no such possibility. "

Wang Musheng shook his head and said.

"This is naturally impossible. In fact, the guy lived for a short time than you think, and he didn't live to the end of his life at all.

He died directly.

And the ones who killed this guy were the disciples and grandchildren of this guy who were more than a dozen generations away, and their accumulation was divided up by a few unfilial disciples and grandchildren.

Even the Emperor God Nine Curses that he relied on to become famous has never been squared.

I have to say that although this guy did not die the worst, it was definitely the worst. "

"You mean, Jie Shen is these disciples and grandchildren of the old guy."

"This is a bit incorrect. How can this matter develop?

Because of mutual jealousy, although these guys got the Nine Emperor God Curses, everyone only got one or two of them.

So, even though these guys had certain names in that era, they weren't top-notch at all.

Not to mention, he became a God of Tribulation who was jealous of everyone.

The real Jie Shen is one of the descendants of those guys back then.

Very bad start.

Because he was an illegitimate child, he was not paid attention to, and was even bullied by others.

That little guy is also a ruthless character.

First disguised himself, and then directly poisoned his own father.

Obtained the Guiyuan Curse of the Nine Emperor God Curses, and secretly rose.


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