The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 553: Taoism

The only advantage is that this big bug has thick skin and thick skin, and the defense is quite good.

At the same time, he has four spirit seas that can store enough power.

In this way, although it can't be said that the combat effectiveness is completely restored, at least Wang Musheng is no longer abolished as before, and has some means.

The remaining ones are treated as parting gifts for the Thunder God Sect.

Don't underestimate this parting gift.

Not to mention the other strange spirit beasts.

Just the numerous treasured medicine animals.

And those elves I practice.

As long as the Thunder God Sect is fully absorbed, it is enough to raise the power of the Thunder God Sect to several levels.

Wang Musheng and the others are gone.

The walk was sudden.

very quiet.

Did not alarm anyone.

However, unexpectedly, when they finally left this Thunder God Sect.

Still came two acquaintances to see off.

One of them is Chi Ruyan, and the other is Bai Yuchan.

Faced with all this Chi Ruyan was very calm, just said a word of respect to seniors.

Bai Yuchan, on the contrary, seemed very reluctant to his cheap junior, little fat man, and the kind grandfather Wang Musheng.

Yes, because of the loss of power, the white-haired Wang Musheng can indeed be the grandfather of the little girl.

However, these are not problems.

After the little fat man forcibly added a communication attribute to the little girl's cultivation elves, and a few parting gifts.

Bai Yuchan's whole person recovered instantly.

Before leaving, he waved his hand and agreed that the next time I met, I would definitely invite a few people to eat delicious food.


"How is it, has the matter been resolved? Did you find the guy who did not return to the mountain?"

The little fat man couldn't help asking first.

"The matter is almost resolved, but if you don't return to the mountain! Only one body is left, and the true spirit is no longer there."

While talking, Wang Musheng took out a small hill the size of a palm.

That is no return.

In other words, it is the body of not returning to the mountain.

"The guy who doesn't return to the mountain is dead."

The little fat man couldn't help but said in surprise.

"Although the true spirit has disappeared, his true spirit is immortal. It should have entered the cycle of reincarnation now."

"No! It's not like a dead face anymore."

"Indeed, it can be considered a chance! At the beginning, you all had a human form, and only did not return to the mountain, but it turned into the world's most powerful defense treasure."

"Could this be the masterpiece of those two guys back then, I regret it, I knew this a long time ago, I should have gone with them back then."

The little fat man said with regret.

"So, are we going to look for this reincarnation of no return?"

Yu Qingyang asked next to him.

"No, what I want has already been found. Compared with this, let's go and see that Jie Shen!

After all, this can be regarded as the disaster I left behind. "


He did find what Wang Musheng needed.

At the moment when Wang Musheng got his body without returning to the mountain, he understood a lot.

Obviously, Buguishan didn’t know that he was coming back, and even knew his general situation. Before going to the Six Paths of Reincarnation, he left behind, leaving everything Wang Musheng needed in this shell. .

First of all, it is not because of the other two laws of life that the little fat man said that he won the final detachment.

Rather, during the long years, he has penetrated the great opportunity, found the last detachment, and left this body.

In the final message, he said.

"Dao is one, Tao is thousands, Tao is dust, Tao is sand...!

Tao is self-defining.

Tao was there.

Tao is destruction.

Tao is born.

Tao is one two three.

Tao is the perfect method.


I am incomplete and complicated. I am going to find my whole, my way is gone. "

This is not a magic secret book, but what it contains is Wuguishan's insight and understanding of Tao, but it is a more advanced existence than any magic secret book.

Only refers to the core of the avenue.

Of course he is also profound. Looking at the information, Wang Musheng really wanted to understand a lot, but after careful thinking, it seemed that he didn't understand anything.

And this Dao, although it is the most precious gift left by the Mountain of No Return.

But it is not the most practical.

The most practical thing is the mark of Tao left by countless practitioners.

The Mountain of No Return was taken away because of its strong defensive ability and was used by those two laws of life to resist the disaster of heaven and earth.

And after the two laws of life.

More people who have succeeded in cultivating the path choose to take the mountain of No Return as their final place to cross the calamity, and some people survive the calamity and go further.

However, more of them fell directly on this mountain of no return, completely turning into ashes.

Day by day, year after year, there are people who are constantly on the mountain of no return.

The sky thunder kept bombarding here.

Therefore, the name of No Return Mountain was slowly forgotten, but there was one more, the name of Thunder Cliff.

As for the so-called Thunder God Sect, it was not created without returning to the mountain, but he was born because a guy with a deep chance broke in accidentally and did not return to the mountain to return to the final land. It is now the Secret Realm of Sky Thunder.

Having obtained part of the legacy of the mountain of no return, and thus rise, only now has the Thunder God Sect.

As for the Secret Realm of Sky Thunder.

It's just that the mountain of no return had absorbed the power of the sky thunder for hundreds of millions of years, and after losing the restraint of the true spirit of the mountain of no return, it unconsciously scattered into the entire space of the sky thunder secret.

As countless years passed, there were even more thunder elements in the heavenly thunder secret realm, affecting the rules of heaven and earth.

Completely turned into a side Reze.

Therefore, even if there is no return to the mountain, there will not be the slightest change there.

Of course, without the suppression of the mountain of no return, the power of thunder there will become more and more irritable until in the end, no one can enter it again.

However, at that time, as long as the Thunder God Sect made good use of the spirit beasts that Wang Musheng remained in the 63rd spirit beast pen.

Not only will the Thunder God Sect not weaken, but it will even become stronger.

And it is precisely that these monks, generation after generation, have been constantly on this mountain of no return, either detached or fallen, leaving countless marks.

Only then, but Shan completed the final detachment.

But this time without returning to the mountain, he left all these Taoist seals to Wang Musheng.

In the hundreds of millions of years, countless Tianjiao, the Taoist seal left behind, what a terrifying wealth!

At the beginning, Wang Musheng didn't care.

Because these Dao seals were all left in a gradual manner, at the very beginning, they were even just for the Golden Core period.


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