The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 556: Power limitation

So, let us, if it is not a last resort, we better think clearly before going over.

As for the others, see for yourself! "

After that, Bai Yuchan was about to leave here directly. In addition to the performance of these people, which really disgusted her, it was also because his junior brother had said that she had opened some power limits for her, and she wanted to hurry up. To study it?



"Ahem, puff!"

Bai Yuchan, who had just walked out of the gate of the discussion hall, hadn't waited to go far, unexpectedly retreated at a more terrifying speed.

The figure landed.

Opening his mouth is just a spurt of blood.



Faced with the sudden change, the other monks in the discussion hall were shocked in an instant, and quickly made a defensive posture.

"Yu Chan, how is it?"

Chi Ruyan was talking.

Today, three hundred years later, with the help of cultivating elves, Chi Ruyan is already a monk who has crossed the Tribulation Period.

It is also an important member of this alliance against Jie Shen.

"Fortunately, fortunately, the little fat man opened the power limit for me, which gave me a terrible increase in strength, otherwise it would be really bad this time."

Bai Yuchan stared at the door of the still empty hall, and said with a lingering fear on his face.

"Haha, I didn't expect that you would welcome me so much, so I am really flattered!

However, you don't need to do this at all. I am also very interested in the senior in your mouth.

Want to see this senior below.

Not sure if this is possible. "

With a hearty voice, a handsome black-haired man in a black robe slowly walked in from the outside of the hall.

On the man's body, there was no coercion that belonged to the strong, and the smile on his face was like an ordinary harmless sunshine boy next door.

But everyone present, seeing this man, their expressions changed drastically.

Including Chi Ruyan and Bai Yuchan.

At this moment, a group of absolutely top existences on these remaining land, seeing you as a man, is like seeing a natural enemy.

Everyone looked serious.

Stand up.

"Jie Shen, you came here alone, did you underestimate me."

"Haha, look down, no, no, how could it be?

You are totally thinking too much.

I have never put you in my eyes.

I originally wanted those kids to play with you, but I didn’t expect that you even brought me a special surprise! "


"Damn it, go to hell!"

Finally, the terrifying pressure made some monks finally unable to hold them. They waved their gods and launched their strongest attacks on the Jie Shen who was close at hand.

Face this attack.

This guy, who was called Jie Shen, who looked like the boy next door, did not dodge in the slightest.

It was as if he had completely ignored this attack.


"Hit it."

"not at all."

Only this attacker knew that the attack he just made did not attack any existence.

"But why is this?"

"Hey, as ants, why don't you have any self-knowledge that belongs to ants?

You know, no matter how powerful the ant is.

And the eagle in the sky, after all, are two different species.

The eagle does not care about the ants.

Ants can never harm the eagle.

That is basically two different levels of beings!

dont you agree. "

The last sentence of Jie Shen asked Bai Yuchan. I don’t know when, that Jie Shen passed through all the strong men in the room, appeared at the end of the crowd, and appeared beside Bai Yuchan.

Ran Ran is that indifferent look.

As he said, everything around him has never been put in his eyes.


"He's there, do it."


"Star picker!"

"Dou Zhuan Xing Yi!"

"Common Seal!"

"Phoenix is ​​not dead!"





The war broke out.

However, I don't know why, from Bai Yuchan's perspective, there is an inexplicable and ridiculous feeling of watching this so-called battle.

Faced with such a terrifying attack.

The Jie Shen just gently pulled out a piece of hair from his head, and the moment that hair left Jie Shen, it turned into another Jie Shen.

Then I saw this Jie Shen, fighting with those monks in an understatement.

And the real Jie Shen, with Bai Yuchan, shuttled in this terrifying battlefield as if entering the realm of no one, and the surrounding monks seemed to completely ignore them.

Soon, crossing the battlefield, came to the edge of the battlefield, chose a place with a good line of sight, and then stopped.

The battle in front of him was as if he were an interesting farce to this Jie Shen.

While watching the drama next to me, I made my own comments from time to time.

Even, occasionally ask Bai Yuchan's meaning.

"It's a pity, this trick is still a pretty good spell in itself, but it's a pity that the user's level is limited, so this trick is dusty.

Hey, what a pity. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

By the way, do you want to learn, if you want, I can teach you. "


I don't know why, Bai Yuchan suddenly remembered the time three hundred years ago, when he refused to accept the little fat man bragging and wanted to challenge him.

The words the little fat man said.

Our strength levels are fundamentally different, and the result is doomed at the beginning, and fighting is meaningless.

At that time, Bai Yuchan was still not very clear about this sentence, and even thought it was just an excuse for the little fat man.

But after seeing the scene in front of you.

Bai Yuchan finally understood what that meaningless battle meant.

It really doesn't make much sense.




With Bai Yuchan's desperate cry.

A burst of terrifying energy directly centered on Bai Yuchan and swept all around instantly.

Instantly broke the barrier around them, Jie Shen's cloth.

It was also shattered, the substitute for the Jie Shen.

At the same time, many surrounding buildings, roads, and even the city walls were all shattered.

Just for a moment, there was only one left of the towering Twin Cities.

However, the magic is that no matter it is the high-level monks or the ordinary monks living in the Twin Cities, there is no damage.

This is what Little Fatty calls the power limitation.

That is a restriction on the legal level.

A person cannot absorb all the power he needs from the heaven and the earth at once, and that will cause the turbulence of the heaven and earth elements.

A person cannot explode his own power instantly. The result of doing that is to directly explode one's own meridians, completely abolished, and even die.


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