The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 559: not me


You have been sad enough for you, how such a secret, let people know. "

"I said it myself!"


"Doesn't there be a lot of people rushing to become my test subject?

This saves me time to find someone by myself. "

"Sure enough, you didn't take the name of the God of Tribulation wrong, you are really despicable!"

"I think so too, I like this name very much."

"You won't get this name by yourself!"

"Women are too smart, but not very attractive."


How boring you are! "

"No way, who will let me have an almost endless life? And my strength is growing all the time, and there is no need to practice, it is really a bit boring!"

Jie Shen said with a helpless expression on his face.


Seeing Jie Shen like this, Bai Yuchan was speechless in an instant.

"Then, why do you want to find that senior?"

Bai Yuchan asked again.

"Nothing? Just from what I learned, I found out that the senior in your mouth, in all likelihood, I always wanted to find someone, so I went to see it."

"The person you have been looking for, you have survived from the ancient times. The person you are looking for, how long should it be? Can someone really live so long?"

"Why not?

I have lived till now, not to mention the existence that is stronger than me.

The world is huge. "

"Who is that senior? Why did Little Fatty keep warning me, if it is not necessary, don't offend that senior.

Don't even touch too much.

You are always looking for him. "

"Little fat guy, is that the one who opened your power limit?"


"In this case, I can further affirm the existence of that person, which is probably the one I am looking for.

And if it really exists.

You really shouldn't be in contact, at least that existence is not what you should be in contact with at this stage.

As for offending words.

That's not fun. "

Speaking of this, Jie Shen's face turned out to be a bit serious.

"But if I were you, now shouldn't be the time to care about these, but to quickly understand the power in my body, what about something incredible?"

Jie Shen put on a smiling face again in a blink of an eye, and said teasingly.

"Something extraordinary?"

"The cultivation of each of us can be roughly divided into three levels. The first level is the understanding of the various laws between the heavens and the earth, and the control of the energy of the heavens and the earth.

And the second stage is the understanding of heaven and earth, reaching a certain point, and beginning to grasp further power, the power of law. "

"The power of the law?"

"Yes, that is a powerful force that has built the entire world.

The temperature of the flame, the weight of the sea water.

Even your appearance, the trajectory of your destiny.

All of these are laws.

It is also the energy of heaven and earth, the further power of Xianshu Taoism.

And your little fat friend, if there is no accident, should have mastered the power of the law of order. "

"The power of the law of order is very powerful?"

"It's very powerful. After all, there is a difference between laws, and the law of order is also the most powerful among many laws. It can be juxtaposed with time, space, and life. The most powerful fundamental laws. one.

Powerful this can directly control all existing orders.

For example, your power limit.

What's more, he can reverse the order and keep himself out of the order, so that the forces within the order cannot attack him.

Be truly invincible.

As long as he wants, he can even do it and let a man have children.

Let this world be all women.

This is the only law force that can interfere with other laws.

You say he is not good. "

Jie Shen said with a smile.


"So, take a good look at the power in your body, which has a huge effect on your future growth."

It is very interesting.

Before, they were obviously two enemies of life and death, and getting along for a period of time has magically become a rare year-end friendship.

This has to be said, how wonderful the development of the world is!

Bai Yuchan discovered that this Jie Shen was essentially indifferent to other beings, but it was not a heinous existence.

It's just that the place where he is standing is too high.

Ordinary people, monks, for him, these are no different from ordinary ants.

Perhaps it cannot be said to be indifference.

In a way, this is true love!

All beings are truly equal.

Although the distance from them to the coordinates of the location that the little fat man gave Bai Yuchan was very long, this distance was not a problem at all for Fang's Jie Shen and now Bai Yuchan's body.

Not even used for a day.

This is because they have been delayed in the middle.

So, the little fat guy on the other side.

He just closed his eyes and opened his eyes again before entering the enlightenment.

Because he had already felt it, Bai Yuchan was rushing towards him at a very fast After all, regardless of the power of the little fat man in Bai Yuchan's body.

Still that, a cultivation spirit born because of the power of the little fat man.

More importantly, as an order, the little fat man has the ability to monitor everything that happens under the order.

Regardless of the method, Bai Yuchan's location information, for the little fat man, there is no secret at all.

However, after understanding all this, Little Fatty's whole person was bad in an instant.

"What is this little girl doing!

Didn’t you say that you don’t have to come here as a last resort?

And with the power to surpass the limit, as long as you don't provoke the deity of Jie Shen, there should be no problem!

Hey! The woman is really unreliable. "

However, what Little Fatty didn't know was that it was precisely because of him, and because of his power, that Bai Yuchan attracted Jie Shen's interest so quickly.

However, even if the little fat guy knows this, he won't care much!

What made him even more distressed was how he told Wang Musheng about this matter now.

After all, when you are enlightened, you will be upset when you are disturbed by others!

"Little fat guy, go ahead! Did you get into trouble again?"

Unexpectedly, before the little fat man thought about a good reason, Wang Musheng opened his eyes first, looked at the little fat man and said.

"How is it possible, I didn't, don't talk nonsense."

Facing Wang Musheng's question, the little fat man subconsciously was a triple denial.

"Haha, did you forget, Little Fatty, that cultivating spirit was not created by you alone, but also has the power to govern the law of life, my law of virtual reality, and finally your law of order.


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