The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 561: unlimited


That was what those guys called themselves when they returned to the ancient times to gather the human race and build the Supreme Profound City.

Jie Shen calls Wang Musheng a god, which means that Jie Shen has recognized Wang Musheng's identity.

However, Wang Musheng didn't say much.

"I want you to be satisfied with this answer!"

"Satisfied, but what I want to know more next is why I have not been able to enter the Tao."

"Why do you say that you have never entered the Tao."

"Because the way of life I control is always incompatible with it, and I can't pry into the ultimate mystery of life."

"Since the control is unsatisfactory, why don't you let it go?"


"What is life?"

Before Jie Shen finished speaking, Wang Musheng asked again.

"Life is good fortune, all beings, life, and infinity."

"The avenue is fifty, the heavens play forty-nine, the Tao is infinite, the heavens and the earth only evolve its forty-nine, why do you insist on completely controlling it?"


Wang Musheng's words are no less than a blow to the Jie Shen at this time.

The whole thought became clear in an instant.

"Yes! Life is infinite, but oneself is finite. Why do you have to use your finiteness to control the infinity of life?

The Tao was there.

In fact, he is also a part of Tao.

Then why do you have to control him?

I am too persistent. "

Jie Shen let go.

But the power of explanation not only hasn't weakened, it has become even stronger inexplicably, which is unfathomable.

If it is said that the previous Jie Shen lunatic, sharp and cynical.

Then the Jie Shen at this time had more peace, calmness, and nature.

"Dare to ask God, when will I be enlightened."

"Haha, haven't you already done it?"

Feel the power in the body, yes! Isn't that the power of Tao?

I have already become it!

"Dare to ask God, what is the end of the Tao?"

"The avenue is fifty, and the sky is 49.

Escape one.

It is also said that Dao begets one, two lives, two begets three, and three begets everything in the world.

Do you really understand what Tao is? "

"The Tao is all beings, and the Tao is everything."

"So what are all beings?"

"All beings are you, me, him, everything."

"Then do you know what the end is?"

"The end of the Tao is me, the real me."

At this moment, Jie Shen's eyes burst out with a rare light.

"What is the real me?"

"You are you, how do I know."

"Please enlighten me?"

"You are greedy. You are you after all. The only one who knows you best is you. Think about where you came from, where you want to go, and why you came here.

When you want to understand, you will understand what you have always wanted to understand. "

"Where am I from?

Where are you going again?

Why are you here? "

"I am the God of Tribulation and come from all living beings. The reason why I came here is to pursue the ultimate in the way of life."

Sure enough, it is indeed a God of Tribulation?

After only a moment of confusion, Jie Shen's eyes became firm again.

This shows the firmness of his mind.

"So dare to ask the gods, the way of life underneath, how can you grow, and you have been struggling to pursue the way of life for thousands of years, but you can't completely get started.

Why is this?

I implore the gods to inform. "

"Hehe, the way of life?

This is the way of life. You can take it if you want, but do you really think about it? "

Looking at the Jie Shen at this time, Wang Musheng couldn't help but shook his head and said.

At the same time, with a wave of his hand, a fist-sized dark green color, as if it was alive, was still changing its form, and a light ball beating like a heart appeared on Wang Musheng's palm.

"Is this the way of life?"

"Yes, he is the way of life, in which there are all the mysteries of life."

Wang Musheng did not deceive the God of Jie, all this is indeed the way of life, although it does not contain the law of life, but it contains, can nurture the law of life, supernatural power level, complete nine curses of the Emperor God.

"I don't know what the price will be paid?"

Instinctively told Jie Shen that this thing shouldn't be required, but facing the extreme of the way of life he had been pursuing, he now appeared in front of him like this.

Jie Shen was unwilling to give up anyway.

"No, this is your price in itself, have you really thought about it?"

Wang Musheng said unclearly.

"Please respect the ultimate mystery of life bestowed by God?"

"Since you have already thought about it, then you can take it!"

Speaking of Wang Mu's business thoughts, the light ball that represents life flew slowly towards Jie Shen directly out of thin air, only knowing that after touching Jie Shen, it was completely integrated into Jie Shen's body.

Just this moment.

Jie Shen directly closed his eyes tightly and fell into the deep mystery of the law of life.

"So this life is like this?"


To be short.

However, regardless of whether it is Wang Musheng or Jie Shen, every sentence is learned with vastness, UU reading's own understanding of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth.

It is clearly a sentence.

But often by the time this sentence ends, it has been several days or even years.

Time, space, seem to lose their usefulness here.

Here, all of this revolves around Wang Musheng, and the Tao that Jie Shen understands is running there.

It seems that it hasn't been too long.

However, when all of this is over, time has indeed passed a hundred years in a hurry.

As for the monks around, they didn't seem to notice anything.

Including Bai Yuchan, Chi Ruyan, and other powerful existences.

They all have a particularly enjoyable expression, and can't help themselves out of intoxication!

When they recovered again, it was a few years in a hurry.

And the result of this is.

When they recovered, their worst strength cultivation level also increased by several, even more than a dozen levels. It can be said that this benefit is not too big for these cultivators.

But beyond everyone's expectations.

The first to wake up from this boundless Tao Yun turned out to be Bai Yuchan. This strength is not the top, nor is it the weakest existence.

But this is also normal. After all, Bai Yuchan’s body still has the power of the law left by the little fat man. In comparison, the comprehension of these Taoist rhymes is stronger than those of other monks, isn’t it? There are stars.

At the same time, it was the lucky one who got the most benefits in this opportunity.

The strength was directly pushed from the previous Yuanshen level to the current Tribulation Period, directly leaping several great realms.


"Little guy, what do you want?"


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