The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 563: Against the sky

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Therefore, this one can only choose to sleep and refine this holy sword through continuous reincarnation.

It's just a pity, before the thorough refining, he was found by the little fat man.

Under the operation of the little fat guy.

Directly divide this hapless guy into three directly.

Only then did these things come later.

So, really speaking!

This Origin Sacred Sword is really on Wang Musheng's body, but the original Origin Sacred Sword is already divided into three.

It is necessary to say yes.

The reason why the underworld fell so quickly is because of the recklessness of these two guys.

Return to the subject.

In this way, the original sacred artifact was barely in the hands of Wang Musheng, but now the original sacred artifact was divided into three, and no one knew how much of the power of the past.

However, no one knows all of this!

Even if someone knows it, how many people can believe it is hard to say.

After all, the power of the original source is such a treasure, no one believes that someone will abandon it like a shoe. You must know that it is one of the key elements to be able to blend in the right way!

Therefore, Wang Musheng apart from this identity.

In the eyes of many people who are stuck outside the gate of Hunyuan, there is still an opportunity to break through Hunyuan.

Therefore, once Wang Musheng's identity is exposed, it will definitely be a turmoil that will affect the entire six realms.

This is also the reason why Little Fatty has always prevented Bai Yuchan from contacting Wang Musheng too much, because this is a level that Bai Yuchan is not qualified to contact at all.

A certain point of error can also make Bai Yuchan and others pay a more serious price than his life.

"Is it serious?"

"Very serious, this is a terrible price you can't bear."

Wang Musheng said affirmatively.

"Forget it! I still don't know."

I don't know why, after saying this, Bai Yuchan felt a sense of ease inexplicably, as if, if he really asked before, something would really happen, and he could not bear the same terrible price.

"How can I make me stronger!"

Bai Yuchan said again.

"Do you really want power?"

"Well, as long as I have enough power, I can change many things, so that many tragedies won't happen."

Bai Yuchan thought of Jie Shen and the monsters before.

Even Wang Musheng in front of him.

He didn't even have the qualification to know the identity of the other party.

And all this is undoubtedly because of strength, as long as one is strong enough, all of this will no longer be a problem.

"Then I will fulfill your wish!"

As he said, Wang Musheng waved his hand, always looking cute, full of white jade, staring at a pair of watery eyes, a worm nearly a kilometer in size appeared in front of Bai Yuchan.


Wang Musheng kept moving.

Under the change of the handprint, a complicated and mysterious Talisman Diploma appeared above the void, and under Wang Musheng's control, it split into two directly.

He was directly beaten into Bai Yuchan and on the forehead of that huge worm.

"This is Xiaoyu, a strange existence that has been born from the way of life. It has strong defenses and a long life span. It can almost swallow all the power. As for the upper limit of power, it depends on the power level of Xiaoyu.

At the same time, these powers will be stored in Xiaoyu's body and be called by herself and the host at any time.

Moreover, Xiaoyu's soul is born with five sons, which means that he has five lives.

And the most important thing is that Xiaoyu is only in the first state now, still a juvenile body, what his mature body looks like, even I can't predict.

And I just entered the symbiosis contract in both of you.

From now on, you will be thoroughly connected to each other, whether it is cultivation level, realm, or life span.

With her help, whether it is your cultivation base growth rate or your combat effectiveness, you will get the maximum bonus.

You are satisfied with this. "

"Satisfied, satisfied, very satisfied."

And Bai Yuchan also showed a particularly happy expression for all these changes.

"By the way, Senior, didn't you say before, wouldn't it be bad to take a shortcut to increase strength? So now?"

"Hehe, because you didn't need this kind of power before, but now it's different, you need this kind of power.

The most important thing is that Xiaoyu's potential is enough to make up for the flaw caused by your rapid growth. "

Wang Musheng said, seemingly pointed.

"Is that so?"


And the cultivators around, seeing this scene, they all became calmer than fighting.

I won't talk about the previous discussion, just because they listened in, their strength has been unexpectedly improved.

I didn't expect this powerful existence to be so easy to talk.

Bai Yuchan only said a few words and got such a great benefit.

The improvement of strength is secondary.

The key is those five lives!

These are five lives!

This is a great opportunity.

"Senior, have pity, pity me and wait!

Because of the ravages of those alien monsters, our sect was completely destroyed, and now there are only three of our brothers left.

The land is barren.

The common people wailed.

I hope seniors are merciful! "

These are three old men with highly similar faces, who are already Tong Yan Hefa. At this moment, they kneel directly in front of Wang Musheng, tearing his nose and tears, and said with tears.

This scene, let alone Wang Musheng.

Even the monks next to them twitched their mouths, their eyes jumped wildly, they looked at the three guys with ashamed and embarrassed expressions.

Anyway, everyone is a great power to cross the catastrophe period.

"Then what do you three ask for?"

"Senior, my three brothers don't ask for much, just to revitalize the sect and help the people."

These remarks are quite level.

But in general, has one meaning, I want strength.

Because as long as there is power, all this is naturally no longer a problem.

"As you wish, you just need to know that all gains in this world need to be paid, and I hope you can do it for yourself."

When the voice fell, Wang Musheng waved his big hand, and the three groups and the bizarre energy ball of black and white went directly into the bodies of the three brothers below.

What followed was the cultivation of the three brothers, which began to grow strangely.

"At the beginning, middle, late, peak, and consummation of the robbery."

"In the early, mid, late, peak, and complete ascension."


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