The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 568: Bai Yuchan

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However, this time was different, because it was the one who had gained the powerful power from Wang Musheng this time who had seized the position of the lord of the Falling God Stream.

first day.

the next day.

The third day.


Until the tenth day, the forerunner brother still had no problems.

Now they knew, that adult didn't care about them at all.

Therefore, on the eleventh day, the sect masters of two consecutive sects have all changed people today.

On the twelfth day, there are five sects today.

The thirteenth day.

Fourteenth day.

The fifteenth day.


In the past few days, the sects on the sanctuary land seemed to have been arranged, and the sect masters were constantly replaced.

On the sixteenth day, the first sect that was directly destroyed by people appeared.

It was like turning on a mysterious switch.

The whole shape is on the ground, and once again enters the chaos.


Kill the door.


Or fighting desperately between two sects.


When everyone came back to their senses, they suddenly discovered that, I don't know when, the entire Shenyu Great Emperor has fallen into a war.

At this time, even if he wanted to withdraw, it was too late.

The entire sanctuary land has been completely out of control.


Apart from war or war.

In just the first month, there were five powerful existences of Earth Wonderland, and they completely lost their lives. As for the low-level monks, it was impossible to count them.

And this chaos continued after three months.

This chaotic situation began to spread beyond the sanctuary. The first one was the Western Region, the most prosperous land in addition to the sanctuary.

Although the inheritance here is not comparable to the sanctuary, because the persecution suffered during the war that year was relatively petite, it has the oldest and longest inheritance here.

For this, a strong background is preserved.

In contrast, it was only a half and a half worse than Sanctuary Land.

It is not comparable to other domains.

Finally, after three months of chaos, these people finally discovered that a mere sanctuary could not hold them.

Therefore, they directly turned their attention to the second fertile land above the Supreme Profound Realm, above the land of the Western Regions.

In this way, on a very ordinary day, hundreds of statues descended directly on this land out of thin air.

They originally thought that in the face of their power like this, wanting to dominate the Western Regions was not a simple matter.

However, in fact, it was just the opposite. They encountered resistance beyond their expectations.

Although in terms of top power, the Western Regions are much weaker.

But because of the long inheritance, although this place has not achieved the level of cultivating immortals by the whole people, it is not far away. In terms of the number of cultivators, it is not too much, and even a few more levels than the holy land.

Therefore, this war is tied to the earth with almost all people participating.

Although the price of terror was also paid.

But it also directly dragged off this war for a full five years.

Just in the sixth year.

Just when all of them thought they were about to win the final victory.

Unexpectedly, the war has not stopped continuously, but has risen again.

The Northern Territory Land officially joined the war.

The land of the Northern Territory is different from other extremely fast land because it was split in the later period of the war. For this reason, the land of the Eastern Territory was not independent.

It's just that the area of ​​the Eastern Region at that time was several times larger than it is now.

It's just that it was unfortunately one of the main battlefields of that ancient battle and was hit hard.

At the same time, what is different from the other domains here is that the human races of the other domains occupy an absolute dominant position.

However, this Eastern Region is a situation where the humans and monsters divide and rule. In the long time, the people here have formed a special fighting method and power system.

Interdependence and mutual hostility.

It is also for this reason that the other domains look down upon the Eastern Regions who are willing to associate with the Yaozu.

But in terms of combat, because of their unique power system, the combat effectiveness is more than that of the Sanctuary.

It is precisely because of this kind of capital that it has the confidence to stand alone.

But at this time the Western Regions had reached the most critical time.

Nothing else can be taken care of.

In fact, they originally wanted an alliance, the nearest southern land.

It's just a pity that during this period of time, it was a coincidence that the young Wang Musheng fell into the Liangjie Mountain, time domain.

Those in the Southern Territory, as long as they have a face, have entered the Jade Emperor Realm, the law of time in the Realm Lord Jade Emperor Realm, and the power of time, they are practicing in retreat.

So, by coincidence, the few dark children they left before couldn't get in touch.

It could not be opened at all, the door to the southern realm.

Therefore, this plan has not yet started to be implemented, so it is dead.

And just in time, the people of Eastern Region contacted them.

The rest of the matter was logical. After paying a certain amount to get home, the East Territory Earth directly sent additional personnel to participate in this war.

It used to be a civil strife between the two realms, but now it has directly evolved into a war between regions.

The people wailed and the earth collapsed.

At this moment, life has become so worthless.

At every moment, there are countless creatures transformed into the dead souls under the sword.

The world is dim.

The earth is sad.

In the end, even the monks who participated in the battle didn't know why they were fighting.

Today they hit this.

Tomorrow they surrendered to this and went to fight that again. After several rounds, they were even killing for the sake of killing.

Under the joint efforts of the Western Regions and the Eastern Regions, the power advantage of the Sanctuary was finally suppressed to an extremely weak category.

The war has once again reached a stalemate.

In a blink of an eye, another five years passed in a hurry.

Finally there is a dazzling figure, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com has appeared on this battlefield, and some variables have come for this war.

That is a charming fairy.

Her name is Bai Yuchan.

With the power of the Thunder God Sect and many like-minded people, she quickly rose on this battlefield.

They do not belong to any party. It can also be said that they are in hostile relations with the other three parties. Their banner is to end the war and restore peace.

Because of their banner.

There have been terror wars over the years, and the responders do not know where they are. Most of the low- and middle-level forces have chosen to invest in them.

Although it is incomparable in terms of high-level power, Bai Yuchan, a middle-to-low-level power, directly ruled over fifty or six of the entire Sanctuary land.

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