The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 577: Calculate

   "Don't worry, boss, since these guys are here to take our class, I will definitely take good care of them. I don't want to stay in this horrible place for a long time."


   In this way, the Corpse Shenghua is the final definition of this war.

   At the same time, this is no longer a war, but a trial battle to evaluate the successor.


   "Damn, old fellow, I didn't expect you to look so casual and casual, and your mind is so gloomy. You have laid out everything today in four hundred years.

   Tell me quickly, what are your conspiracies? "

  Because Wang Musheng had some plans for those, the three-region coalition forces, naturally followed the three-region coalition forces and came to this northern land together.

   Even, because of the power, Wang Musheng and the others came to the northern land faster than the three tribe coalition forces.

   It's just that they still choose to hide themselves, and no one notices it.

   And at this moment they happened to be in their discussion hall where the corpse was born, and they heard their discussion clearly.

   As soon as he left, the little fat man couldn't help but ask.

   "This is not a plan, it is destined by the rules of heaven and earth, I am just one of the small promoters, which happened to promote the whole incident."

   Wang Musheng said with a smile.

   In fact, Wang Musheng himself is stunned. Is he so good?

   Maybe there is now, but back then, there was no such power.

   As for the corpses without any other explanation, they have been left here.

   That was completely because there were too many things behind, and Wang Musheng directly forgot about the things here.

  Of course, this does not mean that there is a problem with the Zie Shenghua's speculation, but all this is not Wang Musheng's layout, but the handwriting of the heaven and earth avenue.

fair enough.

  Wang Musheng originally thought about how to arrange these guys?

   But it looks like, but now Wang Musheng doesn't need to worry about it.

  The avenue is like a chess board, and all beings are like chess pieces.

   is nothing more than a bigger **** on this chessboard now.

   Now Wang Musheng is even more curious about what the world will be like after being completely detached.

   Is it the real great freedom, or...!

   The three-domain coalition forces are here.

   also fell into a strange atmosphere at this time.

   is just the beginning, they will be eliminated directly if they have any power in the ascension period.

   The only ones who can truly enter the battlefield are the existence of some earthly immortals.

   But the material was originally their earth fairy-level existence, so six fell directly.

   You need to know that when the three domains add up, the total existence of the Earth Immortal level is only close to three thousand.

   Even so, among them, there are more than a thousand, which were born because of Wang Musheng.

   At this moment, many people have already retired.

   However, at this moment, just right, another piece of information was exposed. In this northern land, there is a heritage of ancient guardians.

   It is also the most powerful of many guardians, the inheritance of space guardians.

   This news was naturally released by those demonic scums of the Jiexianmen hidden in it.

   These people have already retired, so there must be greater temptation to keep them.

   As for the matter of space inheritance, this is still not sure to be available. Compared with this, they care more about opening the demon world.

   Respectfully welcoming their masters of the demon world, returning to this world is the most important thing.

   Sure enough, because of this news, the three-domain coalition forces no longer wanted to retreat.

   Everyone is extremely confident, thinking that he is the protagonist, standing in the end, the last strength inherited must be himself.

   Even, because of this news, the atmosphere of the entire three-domain coalition has changed.

   became solemn, depressed a bit.

   However, before these people had completely digested this information, another message came out.

   This news is about those guys in Jiexianmen doing this, and their true identities.

   There is also news about the existence of the mysterious force they are about to attack.

   Compared to the previous news, under the control of the caring person, this news is directly from the bottom up. When the existence that really dominates knows all this, the people below already know it.

   Immediately, the entire three-domain coalition was in an uproar.

   "All this turned out to be a conspiracy of the demons."

   "The existence they want to attack turned out to be the real human hero, who has been silently guarding this land for more than four hundred years."


   was originally shocked by the mysterious power, but now he knows the truth of this war, and it is naturally panic for a while.

   Seeing that there is no way.

  Some guys directly announced, guarding the truth of this heritage, and at this moment they stabilized part of the situation, in the face of such a big temptation.

   Many monks have chosen to succumb to their greed.

   However, there was still a group of monks who chose to oppose it.

   It is no surprise that these people are the people with a relatively low cultivation level.

   They knew that even if they stayed, it would be a cannon Even if they finally found the inheritance of the Guardian, they would not care about their merits.

   So naturally I don't want to stay.

   For a while, he hadn't waited until the beginning of the battle.

   The entire three-domain coalition was directly split into two parts that were the main attackers, and the main retreat.

   The atmosphere is tense for a while, and a big battle may break out at any time.

   However, at this moment, the change appeared again.

   Chi Ruyan appeared again.

   Chi Ruyan was seriously injured and escaped into the endless sea. He did not die, but was saved by the sea clan.

  Before, the truth about this northern expedition was the news from the Chiruyan faction.

   This time Chi Ruyan returned, not alone, but also brought a large number of Sea Clan monks.

   Compared with the three-region coalition forces, the sea people who live in the waters surrounding the northern region, although they are also not very clear about what happened in the northern region.

   However, in terms of several wars, they really knew nothing better.

   After listening to Chi Ruyan's words, he didn't hesitate to directly count into Chi Ruyan's team to stop this northern expedition.

   Because, if all this is true.

   Once there is a problem in the Northern Territory, they will be the first to bear the brunt. The Sea Clan who are closest to the Northern Territory land.

   This is absolutely not allowed to happen.

   As for the inheritance of the legendary guardian, they felt that after expelling all the human monks of the three-domain coalition army.

   It would be better for them to find a way to get it slowly.



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