The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 584: What is magic

   It can be said that there is no concealment.

   However, more of them are the various advantages and disadvantages of the seal being damaged once these large formations, and the terrifying consequences that will result.

   Therefore, although they know that the seal of inheritance has always been there, it is always a problem to get in.

   At the same time, although these people are arrogant enough.

   is more about the life and death of all living beings, just like ants.

   However, they value their lives!

   Before they have the exact information, they won't act rashly, otherwise the power of the inheritor will not be obtained at that time, but the demons will be released first, which is not what they want.

   In this way, everything fell into a bottleneck again.

the other side.

   From the day when the corpse flower left, Bai Yuchan left here, with the corpse flower left behind, enough for the entire northern land, the huge resources that had been supplied for hundreds of years left.

   She knows that even if these resources are given to these guys, there will be no change in the slightest. On the contrary, they are scary resources that will make these guys even more crazy.

   Therefore, these resources, they did not let these people know about it.

   Instead, he took it directly away and returned to the land of the sanctuary.

  Preparing to use these resources to re-train a group of monks. Even these powers cannot reverse your upcoming disaster, but I believe that this power can also preserve a little blood for this world.

On the other side, Chi Ruyan contacted Fang Tianxing directly, and the two parties formally reached a cooperation. Chi Ruyan would pass on various information about the entire Northern Territory to Fang Tianxing at any time, and even mobilized people to help Fang Tianxing find more. , A person hidden in the Jiexianmen among the monks.

   The only thing Fang Tianxing had to do was to activate his last resort at a critical time.

   Time goes by.

   And all this, in this weird atmosphere, is moving forward frantically.

   In a blink of an eye, another 50 years.

   After these fifty years of continuous research and preparation, they finally began to work on the final inheritance power.


   There was a roar.

   Thirty-six formation nodes were destroyed artificially at the same time.

   The guardian seal that had guarded this northern land for no idea how many years was finally broken.

   The darkness in the sky is no longer.

  The dark clouds subsided.

   Even the rich devilish energy was diluted by the aura that continuously poured into the world.

   At this moment, everyone can feel that there is a space above this northern land.


   "Chong! That is the last space for inheritance."

   "The legacy of the Guardian is mine."





   At this moment, everyone on this land is crazy, one by one, like a vicious dog, rushing into the space where the guardian inheritance is located.

   is just a moment.

   The originally prosperous and lively Northern Territory was deserted again.

   Those who remain are determined or self-aware, even if they enter it, there is a high probability that they will directly become cannon fodder.

   So at a critical moment, they stopped.

   However, more people know all this, but still do this moth to the fire.

   Of course, apart from these people, there are some who are ambitious.

   Just like those, the wicked running dogs of Jiexianmen.

   Although some of them have entered the final guardian heritage, more people have stayed, and they are ready to take this opportunity to welcome their return.

   "Tian Sage Gate, Liu Xiangyuan, Liu Sect Master, are you too? What benefits did those demons give you? They can make you willing to betray your clan and pull this world into the boundless demon realm."

   Looking at Liu Xiangyuan who walked in, Chi Ruyan said calmly.

   "Endless life, great power."

"that's it?"

   "Aren't these enough?

   When I was born that year, it happened to coincide with the two great sect wars at that time, and then my home, my family, and even the village were gone.

   But I was lucky, I survived compared to them.

   Do you know why I survived? It was because of a white ape, a monster that was turned into a foot monster by those monster catchers, and kept in a cage for people to watch, sell, and torture.

   The reason why he would save me was simply because, at that time, when he was young, he gave the white ape half a piece of chaff cake. For people like you, I don’t know what chaff cake is!

   is the kind of leftover leftovers after drying out all the white noodles and handing them over to the big masters of the landlords.

   Then add some wild vegetables and leaves, pinch it, and make a chaff cake.

   is very rough.

   But in my memory, that is the best food in the family.

Because of the care of the white ape, I successfully lived to be 5 years old. Then, the old white ape, who was dying, wanted to send me back to the human world before he died, hoping to find someone to be able to When taking in.

   Before we left the forest, the old white ape was directly beheaded by the monks.

   The name is to kill demons and kill demons.

   In order to show off their achievements, they cut off the head of the old white ape and dug out his demon pill.

do you know?

   Bai Yuan straightly swallowed completely, and never compared his eyes. There was no hatred in his eyes, and some were just worried about me.

   As for me, this useless little guy.

  Who cares? Perhaps in their opinion, not killing me by the way is already a great gift to me!

   But fortunately, I have good luck.

   was discovered by an hunter who went up the mountain to hunt, and was taken home.

   I have a home I have a father, a mother, and a gentle sister.

   Those three years can be said to be the best three years in my life, how I want to be able to continue like this! But unfortunately, it was only 3 years after all.

   My sister's beauty was discovered by a rich man who went up the mountain to hunt, and then she was looted directly. My father stepped forward to stop him and was beaten to death by a stick.

   I went to report to the official with my mother.

   was sent directly to the rich family's home that night. His mother was humiliated to death, and her sister directly bit her wrist and committed suicide.

   And I, survived again.

  Because he looks good, he became one.

  Do you know what it is? It is the kind of boy who is specially used to serve men.

   When I was fourteen years old, I was finally broken by someone, and also contracted ills. I was half dead, and I was thrown directly to the mass grave.

   At this moment, the Demon Lord appeared in front of me, and he gave me strength, the power to live.

   Demon Race, Demon World.

  Where is the demon world, where is the demon?

   For me, the human world is the region, the darkest demon world, where I have lost everything and suffered all the misery and evil.


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