The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 587: Horrible curse


   In the void, here is the outside of the world.

   This was originally a place of nothingness with nothing, but at the same time that the attack on the Northern Territory broke out, there were two very slight clicks.


   A huge image of the world appeared here out of thin air.

   Watch the scenes in the world carefully, isn’t that the Taixuan Realm?

   It's just weird that the entire Supreme Profound Realm is wrapped in a transparent barrier, but at this time, there are many fine cracks on the surface of this barrier.

  Because, this strange enchantment hides the entire Supreme Profound Realm.

   However, the previous terrorist attack on the land of the Northern Territory had caused indelible damage to this enchantment, and this made the Supreme Profound Realm exposed again.


   However, this time was not long. Soon, the Supreme Profound Realm disappeared into this void again.

   It's just that, obviously because of the damage of the barrier, some images of the Supreme Profound Realm will flash in this void from time to time.

   The screen once again returned to the Northern Territory.

  Listen to the thunderclouds in the sky no longer.

   The terrifying white light also disappeared.

   But, all the monks on the Northern Territory, as well as the corpses of the demons and monsters above, who also disappeared.

   The only thing left is the wreckage of the Northern Territory, which has been directly divided into five.

   And even these surviving earth fragments are bare at this time, with terrifying magma all over them.

   This is the last resort left by the dead flower.

   The jade talisman of the magical power level heavenly catastrophe.

   However, the difference is that this Heavenly Tribulation Curse Jade Talisman, which is superimposed using a special method, is a super jade amulet composed of ninefold supernatural power level Heavenly Tribulation Curse.

   To know this thing, it is not as simple as one plus one equals two. His power is the existence of one plus one equals one hundred.

   It's just this thing, it's extremely difficult to make, and the only truly successful work is this one.

   And this nine-fold Heaven Tribulation Curse Jade Talisman has been cultivated for so many years by Bei Tebi Wen, and the prestige in it can be imagined.

   And obviously, the strength of this jade talisman did not disappoint the corpses.

   The complete annihilation of the entire Northern Territory directly witnessed his birth.

   "Ahem, you are crazy, do you know how many of your human monks are below? More than nine out of ten, 40 million people, you just killed them like this."

   Liu Xiangyun, who was dying, spit out blood and roared angrily.


   In fact, more than 40 million people died this time. In fact, this attack did not do much harm to the monks of the human race.

   The most harmful ones are the sea people in the endless seas around the northern land.

   If someone is standing in the sky, they can see it.

   is based on the former northern land.

   The surrounding sea area is more than hundreds of millions of miles.

   was completely occupied by various corpses at this time.

  The sea beasts, the sea clan, the monster clan in the water, large and small, are innumerable, hundreds of millions.

   Even under the scouring of the ocean currents, the corpses of these marine races slowly formed huge islands after another on the endless sea.

  Perhaps, after countless years, this place will really become a piece of new land.

   "Isn't this what you always wanted?

   Now all the guys below, the seal, that prevented your demons from seeing the sky again, have all been cleaned up, and your masters can now be unimpeded. "

"What do you want to do?"

   Listening to Chi Ruyan's words, he saw the same space channel that was rapidly forming below, Liu Xiangyun not only did not show the slightest joy.

   Instead, his face was solemn.

   Is Chi Ruyan rebelling? This is absolutely impossible.

If it was someone else, Liu Xiangyun would still believe it, but this person is Chiruyan, then it’s another matter. A guardian who can give up and has a high chance of getting the inheritance, and chooses to stay and guard the world. How could it betray so easily.

   Then, there is only one possibility, there is a conspiracy.

   However, compared to Liu Xiangyun's fear.

Fortunately, those who survived the horrible blow, the guys who robbed the immortal gate, saw this scene, but they were all surrounded by excitement, ready to meet their master. Up.

at the same time.

   guard the inheritance space.

   This is a circular, infinite, chaotic space.

   Maybe it is because of the strong spatial laws contained here!

   In this colorful world, the last moment, you were still here, step out, you may appear in another brand new space.

   Here, the sea may flow in the sky.

   People may be head-facing.

   Even your advancement is not advancement.

   Your backing is not backing, on the contrary, you are moving forward in a strange posture.

   It is not that there is a problem with order.

   But the space is chaotic here.

   If the space is normal, all this might not be so strange.

   The situation here is very weird at this time, a bit like a place of two worlds chaotic time.

   It's just that the chaos in the two worlds is because of time.

   The chaos here is because of space.

   The same horror.

   But, in the same way, he unselfishly revealed the greatest mystery between the world and the earth, the power of the law, in front of everyone.

   However, just like those in the land of the two worlds, the binocular monks have been obscured by obsession, they chose to ignore all this.

   What they are looking for in their last years is the inheritance of the guardian in their mouth.

   They were excited.


They are constantly shuttled in one space after another It seems like what they are after last, in these spaces, not far from them, at least in their cognition, it is indeed the case of.

   However, in fact, the core of inheritance space is not as magical or even as precious as they thought.

  Because the power of these laws of space originally came from Wang Musheng, these chaotic spaces will not lose Wang Musheng's eyes.

   Of course, with Wang Musheng's current strength, even without such conveniences, this utterly chaotic space cannot confuse their eyes.

   Therefore, although several people finally entered this inheritance space, they came to the core of this inheritance space for the first time.

   This is a small world.

   A lush and beautiful real world.

  Even here, there is a special ecosystem and unique creatures.

   That is a strange race with a green skin and a height of about six meters.

   In fact, these people are still humans in nature. It is only because the life force of this world is really too strong that these humans have grown up twice, or even three times.

   has such an appearance.


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