"Master, is this book very interesting? It actually says that people are made of clay."

  "You have a portrait. This is a unified thought. All living beings are created by Nuwa, and the materials used are also soil and water.

   So everyone is equal.

   is also part of nature.

   We are the most precious, just the drop of blood from Nuwa. "

   "But, how can there be such a person as Nuwa in this world?"

  "He is not a human being, but courage, human spirit, and wisdom. Only the most wise and benevolent will choose to create human life.

   Only the most courageous person can incarnate and replenish the world. "


   "Although I don't know what kind of existence the Three Saints Temple is, one thing is certain is that the existence of this divine canon is definitely a real master.

   He used the simplest words to interpret the world.

   wrote his own Tao.

   Tao can be Tao, very Tao; name can be famous, very famous.......

   Dao begets one, two begets one, two beget three, three begets everything.

   That Tao is Nuwa, and the other is Yin and Yang. The intersection of Yin and Yang gave birth to this boundlessly prosperous civilization, the world.

   Actually, the way we are pursuing is by our side.

   Even we are Tao.

   What a great wisdom this is!

   It's just a pity. If you have the opportunity, you can actually meet such a great existence!

   don't know if there is a chance. "

   "Haha! Master, you don't need to be a pity, this is Siyuanlu, 33 volumes have been published, I have all of them...!"


   On the other side, the core place of the inheritance space, after a short period of brewing, countless terrifying demons and various beasts appeared directly in this space.

   They roared and cheered, they finally came into this world.

   It's just a pity that what awaits them is not the beautiful, endless food, a world that can allow them to wreak havoc.

   is a group of powerful monks who have red eyes, just like crazy.

   Liu Xiangyun died, and the survivors of the Tribulation Immortal Gate basically all died here.

   died in the hands of the monks who were going crazy.

   All this is because when they finally came to the core of this inheritance space, what they saw was not the imaginary guardian inheritance.

   is the remnants of Liu Xiangyun and the demons, and the huge passage to the demon world behind them.

   is just a moment, under the brain of these people.

   The guardian inheritance has been obtained by the doglegs of these demons, or destroyed.

   That is the existence they have always dreamed of! How can this be allowed.

   As for, there is no inheritance that they want here.

   In their hearts, instinctively they would not think so.

   Without any hesitation, a battle broke out completely.






A few, faced with a few groups of completely crazy guys, there will be no accidents in the war. Liu Xiangyun was directly bombarded by a few terrifying existences of the earth immortal level into pieces, even his soul. There is no escape kind.

   The total duration of a battle is only a few minutes.

   However, these few minutes are enough.

   Countless demons, monsters, roaring, screaming excitedly, rushed out of the space crack and came into this world.

  A demons.

   a human race.

   There is no gyration.









   This is a civilized battlefield where there is no mercy, only killing.

  Some are just living, or completely perishing.




   The roar of various horrible spells is the sound of the main theme here. As for the wailing and screaming of the weak, here, it is so unworthy and humble.

   Once you fall here, then you will never have a chance to stand up.

   The demons are still surging out constantly.

   On the side of the cultivator of the human race, there were also cultivators constantly, and finally appeared in this space after passing through the many spaces.

   This is a war without timeout and no intermission.

   This is a game. From the beginning, there is only a single choice left to kill the opponent and win the final game.

   This war, from the moment it started, has continued to expand and deteriorate.

   Many people were killing, but suddenly they realized that the companions around him were no longer there, and he was left alone.



   There are also many people who killed them, but they suddenly came to their senses. This is not a battlefield at all, but a terrifying meat grinder. If you continue, you will definitely not survive, and you may die in the end.

   They want to leave.

   However, they didn't realize until then that they couldn't leave this space anymore.

   "Those demons, I just want to keep them all here!"

   This is their only idea.

   After all, on the Human Race side, no matter what the reason, no one would do such a thankless thing!

   On the other hand, if it is the handwriting of the Demon Race, it is easy to understand. People like them, it can be said, are already the most powerful group of people in the entire Supreme Profound Realm.

   As long as they are left behind completely, then the entire Supreme Profound Realm will have no power to stop them.

   "Damn, those demons have completely sealed this place, we can't do without here, they want to keep us all!

   Follow me and kill him if he doesn't want to die. "



   "If you want your grandfather's life, first see if your funeral is heavy enough."






   In the face of life and death~www.ltnovel.com~ What kind of leisurely state of mind, getting the demeanor of an expert, these are all farts.

   In fact, in the face of life and death like this, these so-called masters are not much better than street traffickers and pawns.

   Wang Musheng has always believed that in this world, only death and rebirth are the fairest.

  Because whether you are an emperor or a commoner, when you came to this world, you were naked.

   When you die, no matter who you are, you will end up just throwing loess.

  Of course, the despicableness of human nature will often be exposed at this time.

   "I surrender, I...!"

   No matter what race they are, there are more of them, especially when faced with such a situation.


   Before his new master would accept them, they were hacked to death by their companions.


   "Damn, I want to be a traitor."

   "There are usually five people and six people, but it turns out to be a counselor."

   "hack him to death!"



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