The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 598: 6000 years

At the same time, he fully understands that the ability to increase a person's power at will. The previous Bai Yuchan didn't understand it very well, but now Bai Yuchan realized that after his power reached Da Luo Jinxian, he realized that all this was not It's as simple as I see.

   Although I can do it myself.

   Unfortunately, it is definitely not that simple, and it is impossible to completely avoid the horrible aftereffects.

   However, Wang Musheng has no problems at all.

   In this world, who possesses such great power, isn't it the **** of creation?

   In the end, Bai Yuchan was also most puzzled. Wang Musheng clearly had such power, why he chose to ignore everything that happened in the Supreme Profound Realm.

Now I understand.

   That is the God of Creation!

  In his eyes, there is no difference between humans and demons. They are just their own children fighting, and they don't bother to pay attention.

   For this, it can only be said to be a wonderful misunderstanding.

  Wang Musheng didn't have such great power. Even if he created the world, he was just relying on the power of heaven to create a few worlds.

   The true creation of the world is to reopen a world and forge a great road in the middle of the boundless world.

   Obviously, Wang Musheng does not have such great power.

   is the same even now.

   Not to mention that it was the time.

  Since there is no great power of the God of Creation, naturally there is also no real vision and mentality of the God of Creation that sees all things as equal.

  The reason why Wang Musheng is like this is entirely because the breakthrough of the Great Karma Sutra allowed him to see some causal veins. At this time, it happened to borrow these causal veins to seek the final detachment.

  'S reluctance to make a move is only because he is worried about unnecessary cause and effect.

   can only say that this is a wonderful misunderstanding.

   Then, Bai Yuchan learned about the situation in the Demon Realm at this time.

  The new demon world, the dispute of the old demon world.

  "In the old days, the Demon Realm absorbed all the dirty power of the Six Realms to reproduce and grow.

   What they are pursuing is to continuously pollute other territories, induce wars and disputes, make the people unhappy, and complain, so that they can gain more filthy power and become stronger.

   Therefore, the disputes between the demons in the old Demon World and other races are irreconcilable.

   And the new demon world, created by Wang Musheng, with the power of the demon fetus, their purpose of existence is to continuously extract, a filthy power in the world.

   This is a cemetery of all evil thoughts, evil thoughts, and five turbid airs in the world, or a garbage dump.

   Through this method, the effect of purifying the six realms is achieved.

   It’s just a pity that the world is so confused, greedy, and ignorant.

   During the Battle of the Holy Sword, they used the power of the Holy Sword to shake the origin of the Six Realms and directly promote the return of the old Demon Realm.

  Because of the greed in the hearts of the world, he was controlled by the old demons.

   Thus, with the help of these demon clan running dogs, the old demon world became stronger and stronger until it completely suppressed the new demon world, swallowed the new demon world, and sealed it. "

   "So this is the truth of the Demon Realm? The old Demon Realm, the New Demon Realm, the original role of the Demon Realm is to purify all the dirt in the Six Realms.

   However, I did not expect that the current Demon World would become like this. "

  "He is purification and disaster. When the various, filthy, and filthy powers of this demon world reach their limit, that is also the time when evil suppresses righteousness.

   will also be the beginning of a great catastrophe.

   Here is the cycle of cause and effect of heaven and earth, no matter what we do, there is a price.

   Today’s catastrophe is the cause of the past. "

   "But it's okay, because of the plan of the predecessors, the devastation of the Supreme Profound Realm has passed away."

   Bai Yuchan thought of his previous experience in the Northern Territory. Although many people died, he was completely tied to the poisonous cauldron and lost his freedom.

   However, such a terrifying and heavy damage can at least guarantee the peace of the Supreme Profound Realm for hundreds of years!

  The current Bai Yuchan still doesn't know that her master, who is more simple than her, directly fills the world with his body, and wants to completely end this threat from the devil world.

  " Thoroughly understand, no, no, you think too much, the world of the human world is boundless, and there are worlds that are more than two or three minutes old in it. At this time, you are being oppressed by this old demon world.

   Among them, more than 60% of the world has been completely enslaved by the old demon world.

   This time, at best, you only cut off the old Demon Realm, one of the many roots is just a tiny root.

   In the old days, if the Demon Realm was not there for a day, the Supreme Profound Realm would never be safe.

   Things will never really be understood. "


   Demon Tire said with a smile.

   "Is there no way?"

  "There was no such thing before, but now there is. The five poisonous holy spirit cauldrons are now all returned to their positions, directly swallowing all the filth and filthy power in the heavens and the earth, and the new demon world also has the opportunity to rise again.

   As long as you can lead the new demon world, completely defeat the old demon world, and even swallow the old demon world, then the so-called demon disaster will naturally cease to exist. "


   "Yes, it is an honor, you are now the lord of this new demon world."

   "Me, Lord of the Demon World?"

   "That's right! Don't you want to save the Supreme Profound Realm, you want to completely solve the evil disaster?"

   "But, what do I do, like those demons, develop my own power in other realms and find a bunch of lackeys for the new demons?"

   "Why would you want to do this.

   The foundation of the New Devil Realm is purification. Our hope is that in the six realms, these evil, filthy, and filthy powers will be purified. The less the better.

   is not like the old devil world. I hope that in this world, there will be more and more evils and demon thoughts, shepherds sentient beings, and feed on their sins, resentments, and evil thoughts.

   What we want is purification, not interference. "

   "Then, UU reading, what should I do?"

   "Hehe, it depends on you. Here you have the greatest right. Here, you are the creator."


   In this way, the new demon world that has not known how many years has existed, ushered in their first Lord, a human sister with great kindness.

   Regarding this, no matter who knows it, or many feel a little unacceptable!

   In the legend, the most evil existence in the world, his ruler, is not a heinous demon, but a human sister with a great good heart.

   words are divided into two ends.

  Since the force of time prompted Wang Musheng to return to the Fourth War of Order.

   Follow the normal time.

   Eight hundred years have passed since real time.

   In the land of the two worlds, under that terrifying time acceleration, six thousand years have indeed passed in the Jade Emperor Realm.

   What is the concept of six thousand years? If calculated based on the situation of one generation of human beings in 100 years, then 60 generations of human beings in the entire Jade Emperor realm have passed.

   If the power of monks is divided into five hundred years, then the power of monks in the Jade Emperor Realm has increased by 12 levels.


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