The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 608: Trouble is coming

   What I have to say is that Murong Xiaoqing's most talked-about identity is not Wang Musheng, the wife of the Jade Emperor Realm Master.

   but belongs to her, the identity of the richest man in the Jade Emperor world.

Although Murong Xiaoqing used the power of a powerful time law to make people laugh or cry like this, it is precisely because of Murong Xiaoqing’s mentality that Wang Musheng can call this the most powerful time in the world. Li, gave it to her.

   After all, the power of time is still too important. If one is not good, it will get out of control and cause some bad changes.

   At the same time, the horror of the power of time makes it easier for people to indulge in it, and unable to extricate themselves, until finally assimilated by time and become a puppet of time.

   On the contrary, it is Murong Xiaoqing's disposition, but it is incomparably suitable for time.


   It wasn't until a year and two months later that Dieyin finally made a breakthrough, although she still hadn't fully absorbed the power of her original true spirit.

   But she has refined the former true spirit into her body, and what she needs to do is to slowly absorb the power of the true spirit over time.

   However, although it has not been completely absorbed, it is only part of the absorbed power, which directly raises the power of Butterfly Sound to the peak of Da Luo Jinxian.

   You need to know that the power of Dieyin used to be absolutely beyond the saint, that is, the existence of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian level.

   how high, even Wang Musheng has no idea at all.

   Don't talk about other things, just in terms of mind, whether it is butterfly sound or not returning to the mountain, they have reached a kind of, and can directly give up everything without hesitation, thus seeking detachment.

   At least Wang Musheng still can't understand this point, there are too many things to let go.

  From this aspect alone, the current Wang Musheng is not as good as the Dieyin he used to be, and there is no return to the mountain.

   At this point, the matter of the four girls has finally come to an end.

   However, this is not the end of trouble, but the beginning of all trouble.

   The first person to find Wang Musheng was Xu Ling.

  Wang Musheng seriously doubted whether this guy was staring at him all the time, or how could he just stop what he was doing, this guy came to the door immediately.

   "Unless it's really something big, if it's just a trivial matter, then it proves that you still have something to do with it. You can only play with Lan Ling and the Jade Emperor Elves."

   This side is not waiting for the virtual spirit to speak.

   Wang Musheng was one step ahead, and said with an unkind expression on his face.

   Hearing this, Xu Ling's face suddenly became uncontrollable, and his mind moved, almost half of the hundreds of jade slips that had been taken out were taken back by Xu Ling again.

   "I said before that the general framework of the Jade Emperor World has been structured. What you need to do is to continuously improve this framework to make it more perfect.

   As long as things are in this framework, you can handle it yourself.

   Even, put the spirit of the earth under your hand and let him assist you. "

   Wang Musheng said leisurely again.

   Hearing this, the jade slip in Xu Ling's hand was silently taken back again, and only Liu Mei was left.

   Until then, Wang Musheng's complexion finally looked better, and he said lightly.

   "Let's talk about it! What else is there, even Master Void Spirit can't decide."

"Back to the realm master, this first thing is about the monks who used to be in the Northern Territory. The Corpse Shenghua originally guarded the Northern Territory according to your order from the realm master, but returned to the Northern Territory two thousand or three hundred years ago. Jade Emperor Realm.

   They have returned to me.

   I investigated, there was nothing wrong with their actions in this matter, and everything was the choice of those monks in the Supreme Profound Realm.

   They are willing to take on this cause and effect, just to make our Jade Emperor Realm break free from the hidden whirlpool.

   So, I agreed to them.

right now……! "

   Xu Ling wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Wang Musheng's wave.

   "I know this matter. There is nothing wrong with your arrangement. You can discuss things like this with the Mastiff and the Lord of the Seven Palaces.

next. "

  "The second thing is that in recent years, we have attacked a lot of worlds for various reasons, except for some useless ones, which were sold to various small forces in the Jade Emperor Realm and small families for development.

   There are still many powerful and valuable ones, all controlled by our Xiaoyao Palace, managed and preached by the Mastiff's Three Holy Temple.

   These worlds are developing very well now.

   However, these worlds are many after all, so confusion is inevitable.

   Therefore, we are discussing whether these worlds will be completely included in our Jade Emperor Realm system, so as to carry out formal management.

   In this way, these worlds can develop better, and at the same time, there are many benefits for our Jade Emperor Realm. "

  " Very good idea.

  What are you going to do? "

   "Now these worlds, heavens, and the earth are basically under the control of me and the spirit of the earth. We are going to follow the pattern of the jade disc.

   Build a heavenly network that can cover all the world.

   and classify these worlds.

   Formulate green hair, and then dispatch special personnel to manage and develop these worlds. "

   "Official system?"

  "It's not, but the supervision system, or the task system.

   Supervision system, we dispatch supervisors, and other notifications are managed by the indigenous people of their own world. As long as they abide by our laws, we will not interfere.

   At that time, we can cooperate with the power of the Three Holy Temple ~ While they are in charge of preaching, they can just play a monitoring role.

   The second task system, we can promulgate various tasks for the development of the world, develop new worlds, and give certain points of merit, so that the younger generation can develop these worlds and at the same time experience. "

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   "This is fine, you can go down and discuss this aspect carefully.

   But it’s a bit,, it’s better to adopt a hierarchical system. As you know, there are many things in the Jade Emperor Realm. "

   "Well, on this, we will pay attention."

   "What about the third thing?"

   "The third thing is actually somewhat related to the second thing.

   In our battles over the years, some worlds fear us, and there are also many worlds who know our strength or our policies.

   and hope to join us.

  For this situation, we would only choose a few worlds with great potential to receive, and we dare not want to accept the surrender of these worlds.


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