The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 610: Mu Shengzhi

   But now?

   said that the metaworld does not exist, but the Jade Emperor World does exist, and he does have a system completely independent of the six worlds.

  Because this Jade Emperor Realm is equivalent to a special incarnation of him, the power system in it is his cultivation system, not the law of heaven and earth.

   Saying that, those people’s guesses are not a problem!

   "Do you know a place named Jade Palace, or Jade Emperor Peak, or Jade Emperor Pearl?"

   After thinking about it, Wang Musheng couldn't help asking.

  There is certainly his reason for the birth of the Jade Emperor Realm, but the most important thing is the existence of the Jade Emperor Pearl.

   "Jade Palace! Very familiar!"

   After listening to what Little Fatty said, Wang Musheng understood everything. He originally thought he had already jumped out of the big net of cause and effect.

   Until this time, Wang Musheng didn't know that he had just entered a big city from a small village, and he was far from jumping out of the big net of cause and effect.

   Jade Palace is also a powerful force.

   It was one of the most brilliant powers in this world after Wang Musheng reinvented the Six Paths. It can be said that when the Jade Palace existed, it directly suppressed the world and its will was even more so that no one would dare to violate it.

   That is a terrifying force that eclipses the entire world.

   It's just a pity.

  Because the sacred artifacts of the human origin are broken.

   The remaining fragments also flee, seeking self-transcendence.

   The origin of the demon world, while supporting the demon world and filling the origin of the human world.

   The source of the underworld was hit hard.

   It was in such a situation that Wang Musheng made another move and searched all the origins of the six worlds together once, and used it to forge the holy sword of origin, in order to break the world of heaven.

   However, the origin of heaven and earth is limited.

   The direct result of this is.

   There is a limit to the number of saints between heaven and earth.

   The monk wants to break through again, but it has become extremely difficult.

   It's no surprise that even this jade palace is among them.

   Therefore, they are also in the long river of history, looking for the most crazy guy in the legendary Metaverse, after they discovered that they could not find it after exhausting their power.

   thought that this metaworld is so special, maybe he doesn't exist in this known world, or even not the conceptual existence they know.

  Perhaps their existence is a form of a certain law and rule.

   So these guys exhausted the power and resources of the entire sect and created the legendary Yuanzhu. The existence of the Yuanzhu was originally an extreme.

   It's just that, he is not the ultimate law, but the ultimate power.

They want to use the power of the Yuanzhu to impact the laws of heaven and earth, thereby causing the turbulence of the laws. In this way, no matter whether the existence of the Yuanjie is a law or a rule, under the turbulence of the laws of the whole world, a vision will inevitably occur. .

   And their idea is really good, they really did it.

   At the end, they really used the power of Yuanzhu to attack the law of heaven and earth.

  The laws of heaven and earth are turbulent.

   It's just that the vision that I was thinking about did not appear. Instead, it was a backlash against the terrifying laws of heaven and earth, and indeed, in one fell swoop, this once behemoth was completely wiped out of this world.

   is the kind whose existence form has been completely erased from people's cognition.

   Until now, I still remember the existence of the Jade Palace, only those who survived that catastrophe were lingering and still believed in the ideals of the Jade Palace.

   The rest is the existence of some real old monsters.

  At this point, Wang Musheng almost understood that, if there were no accidents, the Jade Emperor Orb he had arrived at the beginning was actually the original pearl representing the ultimate strength.

   Perhaps only this kind of existence can carry the current Jade Emperor Realm!

   The Metaworld, or the Jade Emperor World, does exist, but the price of his birth is at the cost of the end of a glorious era.

   This is the causal cycle!

   When you think that you are detached and all of this is the result of your efforts, you find that all of this is already doomed.

   Such a thing is really hopeless!

   Perhaps it is precisely because of this that all talents want to seek the last detachment!

   "Then you have been by my side, is it also for this metaworld?"

  "It’s a little bit related, but you are not very old. At the very beginning, when I noticed your breath, I was very excited.

   I didn't expect so many people to search for so many years, but in the end I found you first.

   But in the end, it was discovered that that kid just had some of your aura, but you were not you.

   This is unpleasant, so I just gave that kid a spice and made up a wonderful and exciting life.

   Then I didn’t expect that you actually appeared in front of me.

   In the end, I discovered that the kid is really you. He used to live in the same time and space with the future. This situation is still very interesting, so I plan to stay and take a look.

   Anyway, you are the Father God who created me anyway.

   Your situation at the time was really worrying, so I stayed.

   Especially, you don't know how many people are thinking of you. I was worried that I could not handle it alone, and then I found the dead face again.

   As a result, I did not expect that the situation I was worried about did not appear. "

   Little Fatty didn't conceal it, he told the whole story directly.

   Sure enough, this is floating after I can see cause and effect, even insight into cause and effect, use cause and effect or even manipulate the operation of part of the cause and effect of heaven and earth.

   Wang Musheng will inevitably have a deep, invincible, master lonely feeling.

   However, compared to other existences, after all, I am nothing more than a slightly bigger bug under the Tao of Heaven.

   I can only use some means by insight into the causal relationship.

   is not really omniscient and omnipotent.

   But this incident, of course, shocked Wang Musheng greatly.

   However, this was not enough. Because of this, Wang Musheng changed his original plan. The reason why Wang Musheng went back to the Nether World, the battlefield of the Dark Bone Realm, came here personally because of another matter.

   That is an island named Mu Sheng Island.

   was the master of Zhi Zen at the time, who wanted to take refuge in Wang Musheng, the island Wang Musheng gave him.

   But I don’t know what this master thinks, maybe it is to get closer to Wang Musheng, the realm master! Even the name of this island was named Mu Sheng Island.

   even built a Musheng Temple on the island.

  Wang Musheng still sighed for a long time about this?


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