The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 612: "Buddha"

   heard this.

   Wang Musheng is surprised! This guy turned out to be his registered disciple.

   is a sigh, years are really a pig-killing knife!

   What a sincere child originally became like this.

   Speaking of conscience, Zhi Chan did not really do this thing very authentically.

"You can't blame me! In fact, everything went smoothly. Who knew that you had done tricks secretly, and you left a secret door when sealing your true spirit, otherwise you might succeed. Is it?"

   Zhizen said with a sigh.

   "Maybe your uncle!

If not fortunately, the little master left a heart and a secret door at the time, and he didn’t really let you sell it, and even let me return it to you as a son. If I don’t wake up again, do you still want me to give it to you? Be a grandson! "

   The little fat man who had always been hippie smiling, his eyes stared, let alone, it really smelled like an angry King Kong.

   "I haven't thought about this, actually...!"


   As he talked, seeing that the two were about to fight again, he shook his head and sighed. Wang Musheng had to stop aloud.

   "Well, for this matter, what you did, Zhi Chan, is really a bit innocent. You should follow Hong Fei's saddle until you understand the cause and effect."

   "Yes, Master."

   Zhi Chan responded very simply. He also knew that what he had done was a bit unorthodox. More importantly, the cause and effect this time had lasted for a few minutes.

   He also wants to understand him thoroughly.

   As for the little fat man, let alone, he knew that since Wang Musheng had exported it, this matter would not be able to develop anymore.

   But although I can't kill this guy.

   But it would be nice to let this guy saddle himself.

   As for the understanding of cause and effect, the little fat man can guarantee that this cause and effect will never be understood. Zhichan will wait, and eternal life will give him a saddle!

   In this way, it seems that it is much more interesting than killing Zhi Chan directly!

   Therefore, the little fat man naturally has no reason to refuse.

   Then a few people talked about some things, and the matter was completely over.

   The most important thing is that Wang Musheng is asking, while Zhi Chan and Little Fatty are answering.

  For example, is Jiang Hongfei's Jiang surname, is it the same as Jiang Fuhai's surname? After all, when Jiang Hongfei was named, there was only a first name, not a surname.

   However, the little fat man refused this point. He was not Jiang Fuhai's Jiang surname, but the surname of his mother, Jiang Su'e.

   In his mouth, although he hates Zhi Chan and can't wait to cut him a thousand times, Jiang Su'e gave birth to him once after all.

  He recognizes this mother.

   There are many such problems.

   In this way, Wang Musheng also has a certain understanding of the grievances between the two.

how to say?

   This is basically a couple who fell in love and killed each other.

   The birth of the little fat man is a fragmented form of the sacred artifacts of the human world. As Wang Musheng who created these guys at the beginning, he was deeply immersed in his demons.

   So, the care for these little guys is seriously insufficient.

   is lack of unwanted care.

   It can be said that although Zhi Chan deceived the little fat man that time, he also let the little fat man experience the warmth of the family.

   It can be said that this experience left a deep mark in the heart of Little Fatty. If this were not the case, Little Fatty would not retain the surname "Jiang" until now.

Even the pursuit of Zhi Chan depends on the power of the little fat man, the spirit of the law of order, the power of the law of order, and to a certain extent, it can even interfere with the existence of fate. If he really wants to kill One person, that person has no chance to escape at all.

   Generally speaking, it is the depth of love and the depth of hate.

   For this kind of emotion, the little fat man didn't know how to accept it, so he took such a method!

   As for Zhi Chan's words.

   Perhaps in his heart, he really regards the little fat man as his son! Going to play, going to chaos, and even being chased and killed, but there was no complaint.

   Even in Wang Musheng's opinion, he is more indulgent.

   The feeling of playing games with my child.

   Although this game uses life as a price, it is the same.

   An unintelligible expression.

   An unintelligible acceptance.

   Basically speaking, this is a farce.

   A farce between a tsundere father and a tsundere child.

   But even though they knew this, Wang Musheng didn't pick it through. It's better for them to discover this kind of thing slowly.

  , of course, except for some of these.

   Wang Musheng also asked some questions that he cares most about, such as why Zhi Chan came back here, because he recognized himself long ago?

   or something else.

   And Zhi Chan's answer is that he didn't know before, Wang Musheng's true identity, he also had no other ideas when he came here.

   What he cultivates is the way of reincarnation, again and again, in reincarnation, and in reincarnation again and again, to realize himself.

   So what he is best at is not fighting, but deduction and divination.

   During his deduction, he knew that he should be here. As for why, even he himself didn't know, that's all.

   But the interesting point is that from Zhi Chan's mouth, it can be known that the existence of this Buddhism was actually created by Zhi Chan.

   And all of this is completely because of the Bodhi Cross Nausea Sutra left by Wang Musheng.

   But this Buddhism, it is completely incorrect to say that it was founded by Zhi Chan.

In general, this Buddhism is the seeds left by wisdom Zen in the rebirth again and again, and then under the promotion of some caring people, it germinates, takes root, and becomes the current six realms, UU read www.uukanshu. Com is an important orthodoxy.

   "I didn't see it! Old bald donkey, you are still the ancestor of Buddhism. Doesn't it mean that you only need to stand up and shout with your arms, and you can order the entire Buddhism in minutes."

   At this point, even the little fat man didn't know it, and after hearing it, he couldn't help but said in surprise.

"what are you thinking?

   The Buddha Tathagata they need is just a business phenomenon, not a real thoughtful and flesh-and-blood Buddha.

   Believe it or not, as long as I dare to stand up and say that I am a Buddha, a Tathagata, those three-life Buddhas, twelfth Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, etc., can destroy me in minutes. "

   Zhizen curled his lips and said.

   "Uh, then you are really miserable."

   Hearing this, the little fat man quickly reacted, and he couldn't help but said with a gleeful expression.

   "That's not going to happen, depending on my current situation, I can become a Dharma master anytime I want, and my life is pretty good.

   Just like before I came here, I was the top Buddhist power in the Supreme Profound Realm, the living Buddha in Lingshan Temple. "

   For the little fat man, Zhi Chan shook his head and said indifferently.



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