The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 624: 0 Flower Fairy

"Where is Shige? As long as I find Shige, I can be emperor, haha, emperor, be emperor...!"

Not long after that, another group of people with black robes and bones came here.

The person who discovered the Enlightenment Sect had disappeared.

Zhang Mingli was also crazy and couldn't communicate at all.

Directly through the soul search method, after knowing the whole story, he sent Zhang Mingli directly to the west with a palm of his hand, which ended Zhang Mingli's life.

"Jade Emperor Realm, Jade Emperor Realm again!

It seems that the Jade Emperor Realm has completely blocked our way forward. "

"grown ups?"

"Go back! I really want to meet this Jade Emperor Realm well."

"In this regard, we are already making arrangements. During this time, we have arrested many monks who came out of the Jade Emperor Realm, and are now further confirming the various situations in the Jade Emperor Realm."

"Don't say this, I just want the result."

"The result is not good. After our torture, the monks from the Jade Emperor Realm who are now arrested by us are not the core figures. They are not even the people of the Jade Emperor Realm, so they know very little.

So far, what we have understood clearly is that one of the Jade Emperor Realms, the continent called Jiyin, was originally just a trading window for the Jade Emperor Realm to the outside world.

The people we arrested were just casual cultivators doing business on that continent. "

"Is there no useful information?"

"Yes, first of all, it is the power level. Through the power of these people and their oral statements, it can be seen that the power level of the Jade Emperor Realm is extremely powerful.

The ground line is at the Jindan level, but the upper limit exceeds the Jinxian level at least.

However, there is a very contradiction in this. There is no possibility of such a level of power in the human world. Because of the rules of heaven and earth, as long as the power of a monk exceeds the earth immortal level, then they will directly and passively fly to the fairy world, the demon world, etc. The higher world simply cannot stay in the human world for a long time. "

"The world is so big that there are no surprises, and there are ways to block the rules of the Six Realms."

"Yes, the second one is that 800 years ago in the Supreme Profound Realm, and six thousand years ago in the Jade Emperor Realm, a great change occurred in this Jade Emperor Realm.

It was this great change that caused a tremendous change in the time and power of the entire Jade Emperor Realm. It was also because of this that these talents were passively closed for six thousand years.

The Ministry of Intelligence is still studying the specific situation, and there is no final conclusion. "

"Just these two."


"Where are our people?"

"We have investigated carefully, and now we are basically sure that they are all annihilated, but their life lights have never been extinguished, so at least it is certain that they are not dead yet."

"Are all missing? Interesting."

"If necessary, not only the casual cultivators, but also the large sects can also take action. Now it seems that the Jade Emperor Realm is very mysterious!"


"What an eventful season!"


At this point, a storm that swept across the entire Southern Territory has officially begun, and the storm is getting more and more terrifying. In the end, not only the Southern Territory, but even the entire Supreme Profound Realm, were almost caught in this storm. Completely fall.

But this is all for later.

Let's talk about the other side.

Spirit world.

Prisoner of God's Domain.

Here were originally the gods, specially used to imprison the heretics and the existence of hostile saints.

However, due to the loss of God Realm's courtyard, it collapsed step by step.

The influence of gods on the world is getting smaller and smaller.

Seeing the God Realm decline, the remaining gods directly unite together to form the Gods Council and make a covenant to regulate everything in the God Realm.

From that time, the role of this prisoner's domain has become to imprison the gods who violate the covenant, and the existence of the gods who are jealous.

The Prison God Domain is divided into eight layers.

The area of ​​each floor is comparable to the size of several worlds.

In the first few floors, basically those who were imprisoned were believers of gods, saints, and the like, but in the last few floors, some gods were imprisoned.

And the deeper the detention, the greater the harm and terror of these gods.

At the same time, the lower the number of layers, the fewer people will be held.

For example, on the eighth floor of this Prisoner God's Domain, only one existence was imprisoned, a forbidden existence.

No one knows his name, but anyone who knows it is called "God Lord".

"I said big man, why don't you go out? With your strength, it should be easy for you to want to go out!"

It was a little girl who was only one meter tall and had a huge flower on her head, like a jade. At this time, the little girl was curious while eating a fruit that was much bigger than her head. Asked.

"Why are you going out? It's very quiet here, it's great! There won't be annoying things, let alone no one will bother you, isn't it good to be quiet?"

And the one who responded was an existence that had exactly the same appearance as Wang Musheng, but this existence, compared with Wang Musheng's freedom, carefree, and natural aura, had more. Holy, inviolable temperament.

"No, it's bare everywhere here, and you can't even grow flowers."

The little guy shook his head and said.

"Do you want to go out? I can help you out."


"Really, you know my strength. If I want to leave here, absolutely no one can resist."

"Forget it! I can't beat them, so what can I do if I go out, not be caught by them again and locked up."

Hearing this news, no little guy showed a big surprise, but soon a lost expression appeared on his little face again, shook his head and said.

"But you are a big man, are you going to be here forever and not going out?"

"No, I'm waiting for an opportunity, I will leave here when the time is up."

"What time is that?"

"You'll know this when the time is up."

"Okay! Big guy, can I ask you a question?"

"what is the problem?"

"Why are you locked up here?"

"This may be because I am too strong, all of them are afraid of me!"

"No way! Just because you are too strong, but if you are really strong, how can they keep you here?"

"I volunteered! But in their opinion, they might think it was their strategy! That's it, how about you?"

"I! I don't know. Originally, I was a **** native to the God Realm, the Fairy Baihua, in charge of all the flowers and flowers in this world.


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