The Cause and Effect of Liao Zhai

Vol 2 Chapter 626: You are heaven

  "We had a plan for this long ago, and it is not necessarily human beings who are in charge of this list of gods, and we have never thought of completely controlling the existence of the gods.

   At best, we are just acting as an impetus, and by the way, we plan a little benefit for ourselves.

   Therefore, we don’t force it, hold the pen of the divine way and write the divine way.

  We use the Holy Spirit as the pen, and everything is written by the heavenly way. Those who have perfect chances are listed on the list, and control the heavens on one side. Those who are not lucky fall into reincarnation. All these are controlled by the heavenly way. "

   In general, we launched the war of conferring the gods, and by the way, we took a little advantage for ourselves, and the other things were handed over to Heaven.

   To put it simply, it means killing, regardless of burying.

   Everyone’s interests are volitional, the way of heaven is big, and they must be small, so heaven will never target them.

   "Good plan."

   "All this still needs the help of the gods to perform, otherwise all this is just empty talk."

   "Let's start then!"


  The **** master did not leave this prisoner's realm, and was in no way different from an existence that almost controlled the entire God's realm, whether it was the prisoner's realm or those outside the realm, as long as it was in this God's realm.

   spread out with the power of the god.

   The barren land in the Prison God's Domain was originally barren, but in a very short period of time, it was covered with green plants and giant trees.

   "Wow, that's amazing!"

   Seeing this scene, the Baihua Fairy at this time didn't care about the peach in his hand, but his mouth grew out of shock and exclaimed unconsciously.

   At the same time, there is also a terrifying change in the outside God Realm.

   How many dead trees have sprouted.

   How many flowers, plants and trees, in a short period of time, they were full of flowers, and all kinds of flowers permeated the entire God Realm for a time.

"How is this going?"

   I don’t know how many gods, because of such a vision, they have awakened from their deep sleep and walked out of their own kingdom.

   "One thought is born, a hundred flowers bloom, and ten thousand sounds are rare. This is the prestige that the real master of a realm has!"

   "Could it be the God Lord."

   "Damn, I have lost control of the gods."

"me too."

"And I."


"The inaction of the ancient gods and the world of cholera caused the decline of the gods. I, the lord of the gods, want to revive the gods to know and reshape the gods’ past glory. Gods of heaven and earth.

  All those who have deep chances can be on the list, control the power of heaven, enjoy the immortal body of all laws, and be immortal with the world.

   Those with shallow chances shall re-enter the cycle.

   Looking at the heavens to reflect on it. "


   The world is roaring.


   Thick dark clouds are gathering, covering the entire God Realm in the blink of an eye.



   The endless thunder dragon roared and galloped continuously in this thick thundercloud.



   Full of destruction, the horror of destruction, Zixiao Thunder directly shot down into the sky.

   But he didn't cut it off.

   This boundless thunder, directly centered on a certain point in the void, constantly slashing and hacking, and the thunder, the power of terror and destruction contained in it, even the gods will tremble and fear for it.



  The gathering of countless thunderbolts seems to want to penetrate the world thoroughly, and it seems to be forging some terrifying weapon.


   The boundless illusory white dragon directly soared into the sky from all over the God Realm, just like fighting a fire, and rushed into the terrifying thunder bombardment without hesitation.

   That is the origin of the God Realm.

  With the constant loss of these original forces.

   The entire God Realm has become intensified, its strength is declining madly at a speed that can be clearly felt.

   Accompanied by that, the power of the gods of the gods is also declining.

   Your power to enter the gods comes from the divine way, and the root of the divine way is the divine realm. Now the origin of the divine realm is madly lost, and the power of these gods is naturally declining.

   "How dare he, how dare he do this."

   "This is breaking the foundation of the entire Shinto. I want to completely destroy me."

   "Since we are not allowed to live, he will not live anymore."

   "Rather than waiting to die like this, it's better to fight."





   Numerous gods rose into the sky among the words, and their goal was the light ball that was slowly born under the strike of thunder and the power of the gods.

   They knew that if there were no accidents, they would be the title of the gods.

   And once this thing is completely born, then all that awaits them is the way of destruction, they are not reconciled.


   "Fengshen is listed, this is the general trend of heaven, do you want to go against the sky?"

   This list of gods is related to a huge plan, and it is naturally impossible for Wang Musheng to let them destroy the list of gods like this.

   Therefore, under the change of mind, Wang Musheng directly stood in front of these gods.

   "Since the way of heaven doesn't let us live anymore, what's the matter if we reverse it, kill!"

   "The blue sea is overwhelming."

   "Extremely cold ice flame."

   "Nine killings, one yellow beam and one dream."


  The attack of the gods, although their strength cannot be compared with the real saints, but they have the authority of the heavens, they can use the power of the heavens, and each controls the power of powerful laws.

   Their attacks, it seems, maybe they did not have those monks in the ordinary world, they fought brilliantly and had terrifying prestige.

   However, the power of the law of horror is surging in the hands of the gods.

   Every blow has the terrifying power of destroying the world. UU reading www.

   It is precisely because the power of the gods is so terrible that the gods will be destroyed by their own war.

   It is precisely for this reason that the council of sentient beings will appear. If God

   If the power of the spirit is not restricted, it is undoubtedly extremely terrifying.

   It's just a pity that the existence they are facing is a true saint, even a horrible existence that has already understood the true meaning of Hunyuan Wudi Luo Jinxian, as long as they are willing, they can break through at any time.

   You must know that Hunyuan Wuji Luo Jinxian, that is the ultimate law, involving the existence of fundamental rules of heaven and earth.

   "I don't know the destiny, no matter how powerful it is, it is nothing more than a bunch of reckless men and beasts."

   "Step on!"

  Wang Musheng just took a gentle step, the power of the boundless law of terror, even before it even broke out, he suddenly calmed down.

   "This, how could this be."

   "You are the way of heaven, you are invisible to heaven, who are you?"

   Such a scene, let alone these gods, I am afraid that even the saints will be shocked!

   Such a scene, for these gods, is simply ravaging their worldview, it is magical, it is part of the law of heaven and earth.


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